Source code for fermipy.lightcurve

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import copy
import shutil
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

import fermipy.config as config
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.gtutils as gtutils
import fermipy.roi_model as roi_model
import fermipy.gtanalysis
from fermipy import defaults
from fermipy import fits_utils
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema

import pyLikelihood as pyLike
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import Table, Column

import pyLikelihood as pyLike

[docs]class LightCurve(object):
[docs] def lightcurve(self, name, **kwargs): """Generate a lightcurve for the named source. The function will complete the basic analysis steps for each bin and perform a likelihood fit for each bin. Extracted values (along with errors) are Integral Flux, spectral model, Spectral index, TS value, pred. # of photons. Parameters --------- name: str source name binsz : float Set the lightcurve bin size in seconds, default is 1 day. nbins : int Set the number of lightcurve bins. The total time range will be evenly split into this number of time bins. time_bins : list Set the lightcurve bin edge sequence in MET. When defined this option takes precedence over binsz and nbins. free_radius : float Free normalizations of background sources within this angular distance in degrees from the source of interest. free_sources : list List of sources to be freed. These sources will be added to the list of sources satisfying the free_radius selection Returns --------- LightCurve : dict Dictionary containing output of the LC analysis """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name # Create schema for method configuration schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['lightcurve'], optimizer=self.defaults['optimizer']) schema.add_option('prefix', '') schema.add_option('write_fits', True) schema.add_option('write_npy', True) config = utils.create_dict(self.config['lightcurve'], optimizer=self.config['optimizer']) config = schema.create_config(config, **kwargs)'Computing Lightcurve for %s' % name) o = self._make_lc(name, **config) filename = utils.format_filename(self.workdir, 'lightcurve', prefix=[config['prefix'], name.lower().replace(' ', '_')]) o['file'] = None if config['write_fits']: o['file'] = os.path.basename(filename) + '.fits' self._make_lc_fits(o, filename + '.fits', **config) if config['write_npy']: + '.npy', o)'Finished Lightcurve') return o
def _make_lc_fits(self, lc, filename, **kwargs): # produce columns in fits file cols = OrderedDict() cols['tmin'] = Column(name='tmin', dtype='f8', data=lc['tmin'], unit='s') cols['tmax'] = Column(name='tmax', dtype='f8', data=lc['tmax'], unit='s') cols['tmin_mjd'] = Column(name='tmin_mjd', dtype='f8', data=lc['tmin_mjd'], unit='day') cols['tmax_mjd'] = Column(name='tmax_mjd', dtype='f8', data=lc['tmax_mjd'], unit='day') # add in columns for model parameters for k, v in lc.items(): if k in cols: continue if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): cols[k] = Column(name=k, data=v, dtype='f8') # for fields in lc: # if (str(fields[:3]) == 'par'): # cols.append(Column(name=fields, dtype='f8', data=lc[str(fields)], unit='')) tab = Table(cols.values()) tab.write(filename, format='fits', overwrite=True) hdulist = hdulist[1].name = 'LIGHTCURVE' hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdulist[0], hdulist[1]]) fits_utils.write_fits(hdulist, filename, {'SRCNAME': lc['name']}) def _make_lc(self, name, **kwargs): # make array of time values in MET if kwargs['time_bins']: times = kwargs['time_bins'] elif kwargs['nbins']: times = np.linspace(self.config['selection']['tmin'], self.config['selection']['tmax'], kwargs['nbins'] + 1) else: times = np.arange(self.config['selection']['tmin'], self.config['selection']['tmax'], kwargs['binsz']) # Output Dictionary o = {} o['name'] = name o['tmin'] = times[:-1] o['tmax'] = times[1:] o['tmin_mjd'] = utils.met_to_mjd(o['tmin']) o['tmax_mjd'] = utils.met_to_mjd(o['tmax']) o['config'] = kwargs for k, v in defaults.source_flux_output.items(): if not k in self.roi[name]: continue v = self.roi[name][k] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): o[k] = np.zeros(times[:-1].shape + v.shape) elif isinstance(v, np.float): o[k] = np.zeros(times[:-1].shape) diff_sources = [ for s in self.roi.sources if s.diffuse] skydir = self.roi[name].skydir kwargs['free_sources'] += [ for s in self.roi.get_sources(skydir=skydir, distance=kwargs['free_radius'], exclude=diff_sources)] for i, time in enumerate(zip(times[:-1], times[1:])):'Fitting time range %i %i', time[0], time[1]) config = copy.deepcopy(self.config) config['selection']['tmin'] = time[0] config['selection']['tmax'] = time[1] config['model']['diffuse_dir'] = [self.workdir] for j, c in enumerate(self.components): if len(config['components']) <= j: config['components'] += [{}] config['components'][j] = \ utils.merge_dict(config['components'][j], {'data' : {'evfile': c.data_files['evfile'], 'scfile': c.data_files['scfile'], 'ltcube': None } }, add_new_keys=True) # create out directories labeled in MJD vals outdir = 'lightcurve_%s_%.3f_%.3f' % (name.lower().replace(' ', '_'), utils.met_to_mjd(time[0]), utils.met_to_mjd(time[1])) config['fileio']['outdir'] = os.path.join(self.workdir, outdir) utils.mkdir(config['fileio']['outdir']) yaml.dump(utils.tolist(config), open(os.path.join(config['fileio']['outdir'], 'config.yaml'), 'w')) xmlfile = os.path.join(config['fileio']['outdir'], 'base.xml') # Make a copy of the source maps. TODO: Implement a # correction to account for the difference in exposure for # each time bin. # for c in self.components: # shutil.copy(c._files['srcmap'],config['fileio']['outdir']) gta = fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis(config) gta.setup() # Write the current model gta.write_xml(xmlfile) # Optimize the model (skip diffuse?) gta.optimize(skip=diff_sources) fit_results = self._fit_lc(gta, name, **kwargs) gta.write_xml('fit_model_final.xml') output = gta.get_src_model(name) for k in defaults.source_flux_output.keys(): if not k in output: continue if (fit_results['fit_success'] == 1): o[k][i] = output[k] src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data({'lightcurve': copy.deepcopy(o)}) return o def _fit_lc(self, gta, name, **kwargs): # lightcurve fitting routine- # 1.) start by freeing target and provided list of # sources, fix all else- if fit fails, fix all pars # except norm and try again # 2.) if that fails to converge then try fixing low TS # (<4) sources and then refit # 3.) if that fails to converge then try fixing low-moderate TS (<9) sources and then refit # 4.) if that fails then fix sources out to 1dg away from center of ROI # 5.) if that fails set values to 0 in output and print warning message free_sources = kwargs.get('free_sources',[]) gta.free_sources(free=False) gta.free_source(name) for niter in range(5): if niter == 0: gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources) elif niter == 1:'Fit Failed.') gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, False) gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, pars='norm') elif niter == 2:'Fit Failed with User Supplied List of ' 'Free/Fixed Sources.....Lets try ' 'fixing TS<4 sources') gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, False) gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, pars='norm') gta.free_sources(minmax_ts=[0, 4], free=False, exclude=[name]) elif niter == 3:'Fit Failed with User Supplied List of ' 'Free/Fixed Sources.....Lets try ' 'fixing TS<9 sources') gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, False) gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, pars='norm') gta.free_sources(minmax_ts=[0, 9], free=False, exclude=[name]) elif niter == 4:'Fit still did not converge, lets try fixing the ' 'sources up to 1dg out from ROI') gta.free_sources_by_name(free_sources, False) for s in free_sources: src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(s) if src['offset'] < 1.0: gta.free_source(s, pars='norm') gta.free_sources(minmax_ts=[0, 9], free=False, exclude=[name]) else: self.logger.error('Fit still didnt converge.....please examine this data ' 'point, setting output to 0') break fit_results = if fit_results['fit_success'] is True: break return fit_results