Source code for fermipy.sourcefind

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import copy
import pprint
import logging
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table, Column
import fermipy.config
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.wcs_utils as wcs_utils
from fermipy import fits_utils
from fermipy.sourcefind_utils import fit_error_ellipse
from fermipy.sourcefind_utils import find_peaks
from fermipy.skymap import Map
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema
from fermipy.gtutils import FreeParameterState, SourceMapState
from LikelihoodState import LikelihoodState
import pyLikelihood as pyLike

[docs]class SourceFind(object): """Mixin class which provides source-finding functionality to `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis`."""
[docs] def find_sources(self, prefix='', **kwargs): """An iterative source-finding algorithm. Parameters ---------- model : dict Dictionary defining the properties of the test source. This is the model that will be used for generating TS maps. sqrt_ts_threshold : float Source threshold in sqrt(TS). Only peaks with sqrt(TS) exceeding this threshold will be used as seeds for new sources. min_separation : float Minimum separation in degrees of sources detected in each iteration. The source finder will look for the maximum peak in the TS map within a circular region of this radius. max_iter : int Maximum number of source finding iterations. The source finder will continue adding sources until no additional peaks are found or the number of iterations exceeds this number. sources_per_iter : int Maximum number of sources that will be added in each iteration. If the number of detected peaks in a given iteration is larger than this number, only the N peaks with the largest TS will be used as seeds for the current iteration. tsmap_fitter : str Set the method used internally for generating TS maps. Valid options: * tsmap * tscube tsmap : dict Keyword arguments dictionary for tsmap method. tscube : dict Keyword arguments dictionary for tscube method. Returns ------- peaks : list List of peak objects. sources : list List of source objects. """'Starting.') schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['sourcefind'], tsmap=self.defaults['tsmap'], tscube=self.defaults['tscube']) schema.add_option('search_skydir', None, '', SkyCoord) schema.add_option('search_minmax_radius', [None, 1.0], '', list) config = utils.create_dict(self.config['sourcefind'], tsmap=self.config['tsmap'], tscube=self.config['tscube']) config = schema.create_config(config, **kwargs) # Defining default properties of test source model config['model'].setdefault('Index', 2.0) config['model'].setdefault('SpectrumType', 'PowerLaw') config['model'].setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') config['model'].setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) o = {'sources': [], 'peaks': []} for i in range(config['max_iter']): srcs, peaks = self._find_sources_iterate(prefix, i, **config)'Found %i sources in iteration %i.' % (len(srcs), i)) o['sources'] += srcs o['peaks'] += peaks if len(srcs) == 0: break'Done.') return o
def _build_src_dicts_from_peaks(self, peaks, maps, src_dict_template): tsmap = maps['ts'] amp = maps['amplitude'] src_dicts = [] names = [] for p in peaks: o, skydir = fit_error_ellipse(tsmap, (p['ix'], p['iy']), dpix=2) p['fit_loc'] = o p['fit_skydir'] = skydir p.update(o) if o['fit_success']: skydir = p['fit_skydir'] else: skydir = p['skydir'] name = utils.create_source_name(skydir) src_dict = copy.deepcopy(src_dict_template) src_dict.update({'Prefactor': amp.counts[p['iy'], p['ix']], 'ra': skydir.icrs.ra.deg, 'dec': skydir.icrs.dec.deg}) src_dict['pos_sigma'] = o['sigma'] src_dict['pos_sigma_semimajor'] = o['sigma_semimajor'] src_dict['pos_sigma_semiminor'] = o['sigma_semiminor'] src_dict['pos_r68'] = o['r68'] src_dict['pos_r95'] = o['r95'] src_dict['pos_r99'] = o['r99'] src_dict['pos_angle'] = np.degrees(o['theta'])'Found source\n' + 'name: %s\n' % name + 'ts: %f' % p['amp'] ** 2) names.append(name) src_dicts.append(src_dict) return names, src_dicts def _find_sources_iterate(self, prefix, iiter, **kwargs): src_dict_template = kwargs.pop('model') threshold = kwargs.get('sqrt_ts_threshold') min_separation = kwargs.get('min_separation') sources_per_iter = kwargs.get('sources_per_iter') search_skydir = kwargs.get('search_skydir', None) search_minmax_radius = kwargs.get('search_minmax_radius', [None, 1.0]) tsmap_fitter = kwargs.get('tsmap_fitter', 'tsmap') if tsmap_fitter == 'tsmap': kw = kwargs.get('tsmap', {}) kw['model'] = src_dict_template m = self.tsmap('%s_sourcefind_%02i' % (prefix, iiter), **kw) elif tsmap_fitter == 'tscube': kw = kwargs.get('tscube', {}) kw['model'] = src_dict_template m = self.tscube('%s_sourcefind_%02i' % (prefix, iiter), **kw) else: raise Exception( 'Unrecognized option for fitter: %s.' % tsmap_fitter) if tsmap_fitter == 'tsmap': peaks = find_peaks(m['sqrt_ts'], threshold, min_separation) (names, src_dicts) = \ self._build_src_dicts_from_peaks(peaks, m, src_dict_template) elif tsmap_fitter == 'tscube': sd = m['tscube'].find_sources(threshold ** 2, min_separation, use_cumul=False, output_src_dicts=True, output_peaks=True) peaks = sd['Peaks'] names = sd['Names'] src_dicts = sd['SrcDicts'] # Loop over the seeds and add them to the model new_src_names = [] for name, src_dict in zip(names, src_dicts): # Protect against finding the same source twice if self.roi.has_source(name):'Source %s found again. Ignoring it.' % name) continue # Skip the source if it's outside the search region if search_skydir is not None: skydir = SkyCoord(src_dict['ra'], src_dict['dec'], unit='deg') separation = search_skydir.separation(skydir).deg if not utils.apply_minmax_selection(separation, search_minmax_radius):'Source %s outside of ' 'search region. Ignoring it.', name) continue self.add_source(name, src_dict, free=True) self.free_source(name, False) new_src_names.append(name) if len(new_src_names) >= sources_per_iter: break # Re-fit spectral parameters of each source individually for name in new_src_names:'Performing spectral fit for %s.', name) self.logger.debug(pprint.pformat(self.roi[name].params)) self.free_source(name, True)[name].params)) self.free_source(name, False) srcs = [] for name in new_src_names: srcs.append(self.roi[name]) return srcs, peaks
[docs] def localize(self, name, **kwargs): """Find the best-fit position of a source. Localization is performed in two steps. First a TS map is computed centered on the source with half-width set by ``dtheta_max``. A fit is then performed to the maximum TS peak in this map. The source position is then further refined by scanning the likelihood in the vicinity of the peak found in the first step. The size of the scan region is set to encompass the 99% positional uncertainty contour as determined from the peak fit. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. {options} optimizer : dict Dictionary that overrides the default optimizer settings. Returns ------- localize : dict Dictionary containing results of the localization analysis. """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['localize'], optimizer=self.defaults['optimizer']) schema.add_option('use_cache', True) schema.add_option('prefix', '') config = utils.create_dict(self.config['localize'], optimizer=self.config['optimizer']) config = schema.create_config(config, **kwargs)'Running localization for %s' % name) free_state = FreeParameterState(self) loc = self._localize(name, **config) free_state.restore()'Finished localization.') if config['make_plots']: self._plotter.make_localization_plots(loc, self.roi, prefix=config['prefix']) outfile = \ utils.format_filename(self.workdir, 'loc', prefix=[config['prefix'], name.lower().replace(' ', '_')]) if config['write_fits']: loc['file'] = os.path.basename(outfile) + '.fits' self._make_localize_fits(loc, outfile + '.fits', **config) if config['write_npy']: + '.npy', loc) return loc
def _make_localize_fits(self, loc, filename, **kwargs): tab = fits_utils.dict_to_table(loc) hdu_data = fits.table_to_hdu(tab) = 'LOC_DATA' hdus = [loc['tsmap_peak'].create_primary_hdu(), loc['tsmap'].create_image_hdu('TSMAP'), hdu_data] fits_utils.write_hdus(hdus, filename) def _localize(self, name, **kwargs): nstep = kwargs.get('nstep') dtheta_max = kwargs.get('dtheta_max') update = kwargs.get('update', True) prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '') use_cache = kwargs.get('use_cache', False) free_background = kwargs.get('free_background', False) free_radius = kwargs.get('free_radius', None) saved_state = LikelihoodState( if not free_background: self.free_sources(free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) if free_radius is not None: diff_sources = [ for s in self.roi.sources if s.diffuse] skydir = self.roi[name].skydir free_srcs = [ for s in self.roi.get_sources(skydir=skydir, distance=free_radius, exclude=diff_sources)] self.free_sources_by_name(free_srcs, pars='norm', loglevel=logging.DEBUG) src = self.roi.copy_source(name) skydir = src.skydir skywcs = self._skywcs src_pix = skydir.to_pixel(skywcs) fit0 = self._fit_position_tsmap(name, prefix=prefix, dtheta_max=dtheta_max) self.logger.debug('Completed localization with TS Map.\n' '(ra,dec) = (%10.4f,%10.4f)\n' '(glon,glat) = (%10.4f,%10.4f)', fit0['ra'], fit0['dec'], fit0['glon'], fit0['glat']) # Fit baseline (point-source) model self.free_norm(name) fit_output = self._fit(loglevel=logging.DEBUG, ** kwargs.get('optimizer', {})) # Save likelihood value for baseline fit loglike0 = fit_output['loglike'] self.logger.debug('Baseline Model Likelihood: %f', loglike0) o = {'name': name, 'config': kwargs, 'fit_success': True, 'loglike_base': loglike0, 'loglike_loc': np.nan, 'dloglike_loc': np.nan} self.logger.debug('Refining localization search to ' 'region of width: %.4f deg', fit0['r95']) scan_cdelt = 2.0 * fit0['r95'] / (nstep - 1.0) fit1 = self._fit_position_scan(name, skydir=fit0['skydir'], scan_cdelt=scan_cdelt, **kwargs) o['loglike_loc'] = 0.5 * (np.max(fit1['tsmap'].data) + fit1['zoffset']) o['dloglike_loc'] = o['loglike_loc'] - o['loglike_base'] o['tsmap'] = fit0.pop('tsmap') o['tsmap_peak'] = fit1.pop('tsmap') o.update(fit1) # Best fit position and uncertainty from fit to TS map o['fit_init'] = fit0 # Best fit position and uncertainty from pylike scan o['fit_scan'] = fit1 cdelt0 = np.abs(skywcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) cdelt1 = np.abs(skywcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) pix = fit1['skydir'].to_pixel(skywcs) o['xpix'] = float(pix[0]) o['ypix'] = float(pix[1]) o['deltax'] = (o['xpix'] - src_pix[0]) * cdelt0 o['deltay'] = (o['ypix'] - src_pix[1]) * cdelt1 o['offset'] = skydir.separation(fit1['skydir']).deg if o['offset'] > dtheta_max: o['fit_success'] = False'Localization completed with coordinates:\n' '(ra,dec) = (%10.4f,%10.4f)\n' '(glon,glat) = (%10.4f,%10.4f)\n' 'offset = %8.4f r68 = %8.4f', o['ra'], o['dec'], o['glon'], o['glat'], o['offset'], o['r68']) if not o['fit_success']: self.logger.error('Localization failed.') else:'Localization succeeded.') if update and o['fit_success']:'Updating source %s ' 'to localized position.', name) src = self.delete_source(name) src.set_position(fit1['skydir']) self.add_source(name, src, free=True) fit_output = o['loglike_loc'] = fit_output['loglike'] o['dloglike_loc'] = o['loglike_loc'] - o['loglike_base'] src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name)'LogLike: %12.3f DeltaLogLike: %12.3f', o['loglike_loc'], o['dloglike_loc']) src['pos_sigma'] = o['sigma'] src['pos_sigma_semimajor'] = o['sigma_semimajor'] src['pos_sigma_semiminor'] = o['sigma_semiminor'] src['pos_r68'] = o['r68'] src['pos_r95'] = o['r95'] src['pos_r99'] = o['r99'] src['pos_angle'] = np.degrees(o['theta']) else: saved_state.restore() self._sync_params(name) self._update_roi() return o def _fit_position(self, name, **kwargs): dtheta_max = kwargs.setdefault('dtheta_max', 0.5) nstep = kwargs.setdefault('nstep', 3) fit0 = self._fit_position_tsmap(name, **kwargs) scan_cdelt = 2.0 * fit0['r95'] / (nstep - 1.0) fit1 = self._fit_position_scan(name, skydir=fit0['skydir'], scan_cdelt=scan_cdelt, **kwargs) return fit1 def _fit_position_tsmap(self, name, **kwargs): """Localize a source from its TS map.""" prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '') dtheta_max = kwargs.get('dtheta_max', 0.5) write_fits = kwargs.get('write_fits', False) write_npy = kwargs.get('write_npy', False) src = self.roi.copy_source(name) skydir = kwargs.get('skydir', src.skydir) tsmap = self.tsmap(utils.join_strings([prefix, name.lower(). replace(' ', '_')]),, map_skydir=skydir, map_size=2.0 * dtheta_max, exclude=[name], write_fits=write_fits, write_npy=write_npy, make_plots=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) posfit, skydir = fit_error_ellipse(tsmap['ts'], dpix=3, zmin=-9.0) pix = skydir.to_pixel(self._skywcs) o = {} o.update(posfit) o['xpix'] = float(pix[0]) o['ypix'] = float(pix[1]) o['skydir'] = skydir.transform_to('icrs') o['offset'] = skydir.separation(self.roi[name].skydir).deg o['loglike'] = 0.5 * posfit['zoffset'] o['tsmap'] = tsmap['ts'] return o def _fit_position_scan(self, name, **kwargs): tsmap = self._scan_position(name, **kwargs) posfit, skydir = fit_error_ellipse(tsmap, dpix=3, zmin=-9.0) pix = skydir.to_pixel(self._skywcs) o = {} o.update(posfit) o['xpix'] = float(pix[0]) o['ypix'] = float(pix[1]) o['skydir'] = skydir.transform_to('icrs') o['offset'] = skydir.separation(self.roi[name].skydir).deg o['loglike'] = 0.5 * posfit['zoffset'] o['tsmap'] = tsmap return o def _scan_position(self, name, **kwargs): saved_state = LikelihoodState( skydir = kwargs.pop('skydir', self.roi[name].skydir) scan_cdelt = kwargs.pop('scan_cdelt', 0.02) nstep = kwargs.pop('nstep', 5) use_cache = kwargs.get('use_cache', True) use_pylike = kwargs.get('use_pylike', False) optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', {}) self.free_norm(name) lnlmap = Map.create(skydir, scan_cdelt, (nstep, nstep), coordsys=wcs_utils.get_coordsys(self._skywcs)) src = self.roi.copy_source(name) if use_cache and not use_pylike: self._create_srcmap_cache(, src) scan_skydir = lnlmap.get_pixel_skydirs().transform_to('icrs') loglike = [] for ra, dec in zip(scan_skydir.ra.deg, scan_skydir.dec.deg): spatial_pars = {'ra': ra, 'dec': dec} self.set_source_morphology(name, spatial_pars=spatial_pars, use_pylike=use_pylike) fit_output = self._fit(loglevel=logging.DEBUG, **optimizer) print(fit_output['loglike']) loglike += [fit_output['loglike']] self.set_source_morphology(name, spatial_pars=src.spatial_pars, use_pylike=use_pylike) saved_state.restore() = np.array(loglike).reshape((nstep, nstep)).T tsmap = Map(2.0 *, lnlmap.wcs) self._clear_srcmap_cache() return tsmap def _fit_position_opt(self, name, use_cache=True): state = SourceMapState(, [name]) src = self.roi.copy_source(name) if use_cache: self._create_srcmap_cache(, src) loglike = [] skydir = src.skydir skywcs = self._skywcs src_pix = skydir.to_pixel(skywcs) c = skydir.transform_to('icrs') src.set_radec(c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg) self._update_srcmap(, src) print(src_pix, import time def fit_fn(params): t0 = time.time() c = SkyCoord.from_pixel(params[0], params[1], self._skywcs) c = c.transform_to('icrs') src.set_radec(c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg) t1 = time.time() self._update_srcmap(, src) t2 = time.time() val = t3 = time.time() print(params, val) # print(t1-t0,t2-t1,t3-t2) return val #lnl0 = fit_fn(src_pix[0],src_pix[1]) #lnl1 = fit_fn(src_pix[0]+0.1,src_pix[1]) # print(lnl0,lnl1) import scipy #src_pix[1] += 3.0 p0 = [src_pix[0], src_pix[1]] #p0 = np.array([14.665692574327048, 16.004594098101926]) #delta = np.array([0.3,-0.4]) #p0 = [14.665692574327048, 16.004594098101926] o = scipy.optimize.minimize(fit_fn, p0, bounds=[(0.0, 39.0), (0.0, 39.0)], # method='L-BFGS-B', method='SLSQP', tol=1e-6) print ('fit 2') o = scipy.optimize.minimize(fit_fn, o.x, bounds=[(0.0, 39.0), (0.0, 39.0)], # method='L-BFGS-B', method='SLSQP', tol=1e-6) print(o) print(fit_fn(p0)) print(fit_fn(o.x)) print(fit_fn(o.x + np.array([0.02, 0.02]))) print(fit_fn(o.x + np.array([0.02, -0.02]))) print(fit_fn(o.x + np.array([-0.02, 0.02]))) print(fit_fn(o.x + np.array([-0.02, -0.02]))) state.restore() return o