Source code for fermipy.gtanalysis

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import copy
import shutil
import collections
import logging
import tempfile
import filecmp
import time
import json
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack
import fermipy
import fermipy.defaults as defaults
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.wcs_utils as wcs_utils
import fermipy.fits_utils as fits_utils
import fermipy.gtutils as gtutils
import fermipy.srcmap_utils as srcmap_utils
import fermipy.skymap as skymap
import fermipy.plotting as plotting
import fermipy.irfs as irfs
import fermipy.sed as sed
import fermipy.lightcurve as lightcurve
from fermipy.residmap import ResidMapGenerator
from fermipy.tsmap import TSMapGenerator, TSCubeGenerator
from fermipy.sourcefind import SourceFind
from fermipy.extension import ExtensionFit
from fermipy.utils import merge_dict
from fermipy.utils import create_hpx_disk_region_string
from fermipy.utils import resolve_file_path
from fermipy.skymap import Map, HpxMap
from fermipy.hpx_utils import HPX
from fermipy.roi_model import ROIModel
from fermipy.ltcube import LTCube
from fermipy.plotting import AnalysisPlotter
from fermipy.logger import Logger, log_level
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema
from fermipy.docstring_utils import DocstringMeta
from fermipy.fitcache import FitCache
# pylikelihood
import GtApp
import FluxDensity
from LikelihoodState import LikelihoodState
from fermipy.gtutils import BinnedAnalysis, SummedLikelihood
import BinnedAnalysis as ba
import pyLikelihood as pyLike

norm_parameters = {
    'ConstantValue': ['Value'],
    'PowerLaw': ['Prefactor'],
    'PowerLaw2': ['Integral'],
    'BrokenPowerLaw': ['Prefactor'],
    'SmoothBrokenPowerLaw': ['Prefactor'],
    'LogParabola': ['norm'],
    'PLSuperExpCutoff': ['Prefactor'],
    'ExpCutoff': ['Prefactor'],
    'FileFunction': ['Normalization'],
    'DMFitFunction': ['sigmav'],
    'Gaussian': ['Prefactor'],

shape_parameters = {
    'ConstantValue': [],
    'PowerLaw': ['Index'],
    'PowerLaw2': ['Index'],
    'BrokenPowerLaw': ['Index1', 'Index2'],
    'SmoothBrokenPowerLaw': ['Index1', 'Index2'],
    'LogParabola': ['alpha', 'beta'],
    'PLSuperExpCutoff': ['Index1', 'Cutoff'],
    'ExpCutoff': ['Index1', 'Cutoff'],
    'FileFunction': [],
    'DMFitFunction': ['mass'],
    'Gaussian': ['Mean', 'Sigma'],

index_parameters = {
    'ConstantValue': [],
    'PowerLaw': ['Index'],
    'PowerLaw2': ['Index'],
    'BrokenPowerLaw': ['Index1', 'Index2'],
    'SmoothBrokenPowerLaw': ['Index1', 'Index2'],
    'LogParabola': ['alpha', 'beta'],
    'PLSuperExpCutoff': ['Index1', 'Index2'],
    'ExpCutoff': ['Index1'],
    'FileFunction': [],
    'DMFitFunction': [],
    'Gaussian': [],

def create_sc_table(scfile, colnames=None):
    """Load an FT2 file from a file or list of files."""

    if utils.is_fits_file(scfile) and colnames is None:
        return create_table_from_fits(scfile, 'SC_DATA')

    if utils.is_fits_file(scfile):
        files = [scfile]
        files = [line.strip() for line in open(scfile, 'r')]

    tables = [create_table_from_fits(f, 'SC_DATA', colnames)
              for f in files]

    return vstack(tables)

def create_table_from_fits(fitsfile, hduname, colnames=None):
    """Memory efficient function for loading a table from a FITS

    if colnames is None:
        return, hduname)

    h =, memmap=True)
    cols = []
    for k in colnames:
        data = h[hduname].data.field(k)
        cols += [Column(name=k, data=data)]
    return Table(cols)

def get_spectral_index(src, egy):
    """Compute the local spectral index of a source."""
    delta = 1E-5
    f0 = src.spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(egy * (1 - delta)))
    f1 = src.spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(egy * (1 + delta)))

    if f0 > 0 and f1 > 0:
        gamma = np.log10(f0 / f1) / np.log10((1 - delta) / (1 + delta))
        gamma = np.nan

    return gamma

def run_gtapp(appname, logger, kw, **kwargs):

    loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', logging.INFO)

    logger.log(loglevel, 'Running %s.', appname)
    t0 = time.time()
    filter_dict(kw, None)
    kw = utils.unicode_to_str(kw)
    gtapp = GtApp.GtApp(str(appname))

    for k, v in kw.items():

        if (appname == 'gtbin' and k == 'scfile' and
            not v.startswith('@') and
                not utils.is_fits_file(v)):
            v = '@' + v
        gtapp[k] = v

    logger.log(loglevel, gtapp.command())
    stdin, stdout = gtapp.runWithOutput(print_command=False)

    for line in stdout:
        logger.log(loglevel, line.strip())

        # Capture return code?

    t1 = time.time()
    logger.log(loglevel, 'Finished %s. Execution time: %.2f s',
               appname, t1 - t0)

def filter_dict(d, val):
    for k, v in d.items():
        if v == val:
            del d[k]

[docs]class GTAnalysis(fermipy.config.Configurable, sed.SEDGenerator, ResidMapGenerator, TSMapGenerator, TSCubeGenerator, SourceFind, ExtensionFit, lightcurve.LightCurve): """High-level analysis interface that manages a set of analysis component objects. Most of the functionality of the Fermipy package is provided through the methods of this class. The class constructor accepts a dictionary that defines the configuration for the analysis. Keyword arguments to the constructor can be used to override parameters in the configuration dictionary. """ __metaclass__ = DocstringMeta _docstring_registry = { 'extension': defaults.extension, 'sed': defaults.sed, 'localize': defaults.localize, 'tsmap': defaults.tsmap, 'residmap': defaults.residmap, 'lightcurve': defaults.lightcurve, } defaults = {'logging': defaults.logging, 'fileio': defaults.fileio, 'optimizer': defaults.optimizer, 'binning': defaults.binning, 'selection': defaults.selection, 'model': defaults.model, 'data':, 'ltcube': defaults.ltcube, 'gtlike': defaults.gtlike, 'mc':, 'residmap': defaults.residmap, 'tsmap': defaults.tsmap, 'tscube': defaults.tscube, 'sourcefind': defaults.sourcefind, 'sed': defaults.sed, 'lightcurve': defaults.lightcurve, 'extension': defaults.extension, 'localize': defaults.localize, 'roiopt': defaults.roiopt, 'plotting': defaults.plotting, 'components': (None, '', list)} def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): # Setup directories self._rootdir = os.getcwd() self._outdir = None validate = kwargs.pop('validate', True) self._loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', logging.INFO) super(GTAnalysis, self).__init__(config, validate=validate, **kwargs) self._projtype = self.config['binning']['projtype'] self._tmin = self.config['selection']['tmin'] self._tmax = self.config['selection']['tmax'] # Set random seed np.random.seed(self.config['mc']['seed']) # Destination directory for output data products if self.config['fileio']['outdir'] is not None: self._outdir = os.path.join(self._rootdir, self.config['fileio']['outdir']) utils.mkdir(self._outdir) else: raise Exception('Save directory not defined.') if self.config['fileio']['logfile'] is None: self.config['fileio']['logfile'] = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'fermipy') self.logger = Logger.get(self.__class__.__name__, self.config['fileio']['logfile'], log_level(self.config['logging'] ['verbosity'])) self.logger.log(self.loglevel, '\n' + '-' * 80 + '\n' + "fermipy version {} ". format(fermipy.__version__) + '\n' + 'ScienceTools version %s', fermipy.get_st_version()) self.print_config(self.logger, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # Working directory (can be the same as savedir) if self.config['fileio']['usescratch']: self.config['fileio']['workdir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix=os.environ['USER'] + '.', dir=self.config['fileio']['scratchdir'])'Created working directory: %s', self.config['fileio']['workdir']) else: self._config['fileio']['workdir'] = self._outdir if 'FERMIPY_WORKDIR' not in os.environ: os.environ['FERMIPY_WORKDIR'] = self.config['fileio']['workdir'] # put pfiles into savedir os.environ['PFILES'] = \ self.workdir + ';' + os.environ['PFILES'].split(';')[-1] # Create Plotter self._plotter = AnalysisPlotter(self.config['plotting'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], logging=self.config['logging']) # Setup the ROI definition self._roi = ROIModel.create(self.config['selection'], self.config['model'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys']) self._like = None self._components = [] configs = self._create_component_configs() for cfg in configs: comp = self._create_component(cfg, loglevel=self.loglevel) self._components.append(comp) for c in self.components: for s in c.roi.sources: if not in self.roi: self.roi.load_source(s) self._files = {} self._files['ccube'] = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'ccube.fits') ebin_edges = np.zeros(0) roiwidths = np.zeros(0) binsz = np.zeros(0) for c in self.components: ebin_edges = np.concatenate((ebin_edges, c.log_energies)) roiwidths = np.insert(roiwidths, 0, c.roiwidth) binsz = np.insert(binsz, 0, c.binsz) self._ebin_edges = np.sort(np.unique(ebin_edges.round(5))) self._enumbins = len(self._ebin_edges) - 1 self._loge_bounds = np.array([self._ebin_edges[0], self._ebin_edges[-1]]) self._roi_data = { 'loglike': np.nan, 'npred': 0.0, 'counts': np.zeros(self.enumbins), 'model_counts': np.zeros(self.enumbins), 'energies': np.copy(self.energies), 'log_energies': np.copy(self.log_energies), 'loge_bounds': np.copy(self.loge_bounds), 'components': [] } for c in self._components: comp_model = [{'loglike': np.nan, 'npred': 0.0, 'counts': np.zeros(c.enumbins), 'model_counts': np.zeros(c.enumbins), 'energies': np.copy(c.energies), 'log_energies': np.copy(c.log_energies), 'src_expscale': copy.deepcopy(c.src_expscale), }] self._roi_data['components'] += comp_model self._roiwidth = max(roiwidths) self._binsz = min(binsz) self._npix = int(np.round(self._roiwidth / self._binsz)) if self.projtype == 'HPX': self._hpx_region = create_hpx_disk_region_string(self._roi.skydir, coordsys=self.config[ 'binning'][ 'coordsys'], radius=0.5 * self.config[ 'binning'][ 'roiwidth']) self._proj = HPX.create_hpx(-1, self.config['binning'][ 'hpx_ordering_scheme'] == "NESTED", self.config['binning']['coordsys'], self.config['binning']['hpx_order'], self._hpx_region, self.energies) else: self._skywcs = wcs_utils.create_wcs(self._roi.skydir, coordsys=self.config['binning'][ 'coordsys'], projection=self.config[ 'binning']['proj'], cdelt=self._binsz, crpix=1.0 + 0.5 * (self._npix - 1), naxis=2) self._proj = wcs_utils.create_wcs(self._roi.skydir, coordsys=self.config[ 'binning']['coordsys'], projection=self.config[ 'binning']['proj'], cdelt=self._binsz, crpix=1.0 + 0.5 * (self._npix - 1), naxis=3, energies=self.energies) # Update projection of ROI object proj = wcs_utils.WCSProj(self._proj, np.array([self.npix, self.npix])) self._roi.set_projection(proj) if self.config['fileio']['usescratch']: self.stage_input() def __del__(self): self.stage_output() self.cleanup() @property def loglevel(self): """Return the default loglevel.""" return self._loglevel @property def workdir(self): """Return the analysis working directory.""" return self.config['fileio']['workdir'] @property def outdir(self): """Return the analysis output directory.""" return self._outdir @property def roi(self): """Return the ROI object.""" return self._roi @property def plotter(self): """Return the plotter instance.""" return self._plotter @property def like(self): """Return the global likelihood object.""" return self._like @property def components(self): """Return the list of analysis components.""" return self._components @property def energies(self): """Return the energy bin edges in MeV.""" return 10**self._ebin_edges @property def log_energies(self): """Return the energy bin edges in log10(E/MeV).""" return self._ebin_edges @property def enumbins(self): """Return the number of energy bins.""" return self._enumbins @property def npix(self): """Return the number of energy bins.""" return self._npix @property def loge_bounds(self): """Current analysis energy bounds in log10(E/MeV).""" return self._loge_bounds @property def projtype(self): """Return the type of projection to use""" return self._projtype @property def tmin(self): """Return the MET time for the start of the observation.""" return self._tmin @property def tmax(self): """Return the MET time for the end of the observation.""" return self._tmax @property def files(self): return self._files @staticmethod
[docs] def create(infile, config=None): """Create a new instance of GTAnalysis from an analysis output file generated with `~fermipy.GTAnalysis.write_roi`. By default the new instance will inherit the configuration of the saved analysis instance. The configuration may be overriden by passing a configuration file path with the ``config`` argument. Parameters ---------- infile : str Path to the ROI results file. config : str Path to a configuration file. This will override the configuration in the ROI results file. """ infile = os.path.abspath(infile) roi_file, roi_data = utils.load_data(infile) if config is None: config = roi_data['config'] validate = False else: validate = True gta = GTAnalysis(config, validate=validate) gta.setup(init_sources=False) gta.load_roi(infile) return gta
[docs] def clone(self, config, **kwargs): """Make a clone of this analysis instance.""" gta = GTAnalysis(config, **kwargs) gta._roi = copy.deepcopy(self.roi) for c in self.components: gta.components[0]._roi = copy.deepcopy(c.roi) return gta
[docs] def set_log_level(self, level): self.logger.handlers[1].setLevel(level) for c in self.components: c.logger.handlers[1].setLevel(level)
def _update_roi(self): rm = self._roi_data rm['loglike'] = rm['model_counts'].fill(0) rm['npred'] = 0 for i, c in enumerate(self.components): rm['components'][i]['loglike'] = rm['components'][i]['model_counts'].fill(0) rm['components'][i]['npred'] = 0 for name in # EAC, this is one of the only things we need from setup() # self.update_source(name) src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) rm['model_counts'] += src['model_counts'] rm['npred'] += np.sum(src['model_counts']) mc = self.model_counts_spectrum(name) for i, c in enumerate(self.components): rm['components'][i]['model_counts'] += mc[i] rm['components'][i]['npred'] += np.sum(mc[i]) def _update_srcmap(self, name, src, **kwargs): for c in self.components: c._update_srcmap(name, src, **kwargs) if self._fitcache is not None: self._fitcache.update_source(name) def _create_srcmap_cache(self, name, src): for c in self.components: c._create_srcmap_cache(name, src) def _clear_srcmap_cache(self): for c in self.components: c._srcmap_cache.clear()
[docs] def reload_source(self, name, init_source=True): """Delete and reload a source in the model. This will update the spatial model of this source to the one defined in the XML model.""" for c in self.components: c.reload_source(name) if init_source: self._init_source(name) =[0].model
[docs] def reload_sources(self, names, init_source=True): for c in self.components: c.reload_sources(names) if init_source: for name in names: self._init_source(name) =[0].model
[docs] def set_source_morphology(self, name, **kwargs): """Set the spatial model of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. spatial_model : str Spatial model name (PointSource, RadialGaussian, etc.). spatial_pars : dict Dictionary of spatial parameters (optional). use_cache : bool Generate the spatial model by interpolating the cached source map. use_pylike : bool """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name src = self.roi[name] spatial_model = kwargs.get('spatial_model', src['SpatialModel']) spatial_pars = kwargs.get('spatial_pars', {}) use_pylike = kwargs.get('use_pylike', True) psf_scale_fn = kwargs.get('psf_scale_fn', None) update_source = kwargs.get('update_source', False) if hasattr(pyLike.BinnedLikelihood, 'setSourceMapImage') and not use_pylike: src.set_spatial_model(spatial_model, spatial_pars) self._update_srcmap(, src, psf_scale_fn=psf_scale_fn) else: src = self.delete_source(name, loglevel=logging.DEBUG, save_template=False) src.set_spatial_model(spatial_model, spatial_pars) self.add_source(, src, init_source=False, use_pylike=use_pylike, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) if update_source: self.update_source(name)
[docs] def set_source_spectrum(self, name, spectrum_type='PowerLaw', spectrum_pars=None, update_source=True): """Set the spectral model of a source. This function can be used to change the spectral type of a source or modify its spectral parameters. If called with spectrum_type='FileFunction' and spectrum_pars=None, the source spectrum will be replaced with a FileFunction with the same differential flux distribution as the original spectrum. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. spectrum_type : str Spectrum type (PowerLaw, etc.). spectrum_pars : dict Dictionary of spectral parameters (optional). update_source : bool Recompute all source characteristics (flux, TS, NPred) using the new spectral model of the source. """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name if spectrum_type == 'FileFunction': self._create_filefunction(name, spectrum_pars) else: fn = gtutils.create_spectrum_from_dict(spectrum_type, spectrum_pars), fn) # Get parameters src = self.components[0].like.logLike.getSource(str(name)) pars_dict = gtutils.get_function_pars_dict(src.spectrum()) self.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] = spectrum_type self.roi[name].set_spectral_pars(pars_dict) for c in self.components: c.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] = spectrum_type c.roi[name].set_spectral_pars(pars_dict) if update_source: self.update_source(name)
[docs] def set_source_dnde(self, name, dnde, update_source=True): """Set the differential flux distribution of a source with the FileFunction spectral type. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. dnde : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of differential flux values (cm^{-2} s^{-1} MeV^{-1}). """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name if self.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] != 'FileFunction': msg = 'Wrong spectral type: %s' % self.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) xy = self.get_source_dnde(name) if len(dnde) != len(xy[0]): msg = 'Wrong length for dnde array: %i' % len(dnde) self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) for c in self.components: src = spectrum = src.spectrum() file_function = pyLike.FileFunction_cast(spectrum) file_function.setSpectrum(10**xy[0], dnde) if update_source: self.update_source(name)
[docs] def get_source_dnde(self, name): """Return differential flux distribution of a source. For sources with FileFunction spectral type this returns the internal differential flux array. Returns ------- loge : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of energies at which the differential flux is evaluated (log10(E/MeV)). dnde : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of differential flux values (cm^{-2} s^{-1} MeV^{-1}) evaluated at energies in ``loge``. """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name if self.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] != 'FileFunction': src = self.components[0].like.logLike.getSource(str(name)) spectrum = src.spectrum() file_function = pyLike.FileFunction_cast(spectrum) loge = file_function.log_energy() logdnde = file_function.log_dnde() loge = np.log10(np.exp(loge)) dnde = np.exp(logdnde) return loge, dnde else: ebinsz = (self.log_energies[-1] - self.log_energies[0]) / self.enumbins loge = utils.extend_array(self.log_energies, ebinsz, 0.5, 6.5) dnde = np.array([[name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(10 ** egy)) for egy in loge]) return loge, dnde
def _create_filefunction(self, name, spectrum_pars): """Replace the spectrum of an existing source with a FileFunction.""" spectrum_pars = {} if spectrum_pars is None else spectrum_pars if 'loge' in spectrum_pars: loge = spectrum_pars.get('loge') else: ebinsz = (self.log_energies[-1] - self.log_energies[0]) / self.enumbins loge = utils.extend_array(self.log_energies, ebinsz, 0.5, 6.5) # Get the values dnde = np.zeros(len(loge)) if 'dnde' in spectrum_pars: dnde = spectrum_pars.get('dnde') else: dnde = np.array([[name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(10 ** egy)) for egy in loge]) filename = \ os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s_filespectrum.txt' % (name.lower().replace(' ', '_'))) # Create file spectrum txt file np.savetxt(filename, np.vstack((10**loge, dnde)).T), str('FileFunction')) self.roi[name]['Spectrum_Filename'] = filename # Update for c in self.components: src = spectrum = src.spectrum() spectrum.getParam(str('Normalization')).setBounds(1E-3, 1E3) file_function = pyLike.FileFunction_cast(spectrum) file_function.readFunction(str(filename)) c.roi[name]['Spectrum_Filename'] = filename def _create_component_configs(self): configs = [] components = self.config['components'] common_config = GTBinnedAnalysis.get_config() common_config = merge_dict(common_config, self.config, add_new_keys=True) if components is None or len(components) == 0: cfg = copy.copy(common_config) cfg['file_suffix'] = '_00' cfg['name'] = '00' configs.append(cfg) elif isinstance(components, dict): for i, k in enumerate(sorted(components.keys())): cfg = copy.copy(common_config) cfg = merge_dict(cfg, components[k], add_new_keys=True) cfg['file_suffix'] = '_' + k cfg['name'] = k configs.append(cfg) elif isinstance(components, list): for i, c in enumerate(components): cfg = copy.copy(common_config) cfg = merge_dict(cfg, c, add_new_keys=True) cfg['file_suffix'] = '_%02i' % i cfg['name'] = '%02i' % i configs.append(cfg) else: raise Exception('Invalid type for component block.') return configs def _create_component(self, cfg, **kwargs): self.logger.debug("Creating Analysis Component: " + cfg['name']) cfg['fileio']['workdir'] = self.config['fileio']['workdir'] for k in cfg.keys(): if not k in GTBinnedAnalysis.defaults: cfg.pop(k) comp = GTBinnedAnalysis(cfg, logging=self.config['logging'], **kwargs) return comp
[docs] def stage_output(self): """Copy data products to final output directory.""" if self.workdir == self.outdir: return elif not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): self.logger.error('Working directory does not exist.') return regex = self.config['fileio']['outdir_regex'] savefits = self.config['fileio']['savefits'] files = os.listdir(self.workdir)'Staging files to %s', self.outdir) fitsfiles = [] for c in self.components: for f in c.files.values(): if f is None: continue fitsfiles += [os.path.basename(f)] for f in files: wpath = os.path.join(self.workdir, f) opath = os.path.join(self.outdir, f) if not utils.match_regex_list(regex, os.path.basename(f)): continue if os.path.isfile(opath) and filecmp.cmp(wpath, opath, False): continue if not savefits and f in fitsfiles: continue self.logger.debug('Copying ' + f) shutil.copy(wpath, self.outdir)'Finished.')
[docs] def stage_input(self): """Copy input files to working directory.""" if self.workdir == self.outdir: return elif not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): self.logger.error('Working directory does not exist.') return'Staging files to %s', self.workdir) files = [os.path.join(self.outdir, f) for f in os.listdir(self.outdir)] regex = copy.deepcopy(self.config['fileio']['workdir_regex']) for f in files: if not os.path.isfile(f): continue if not utils.match_regex_list(regex, os.path.basename(f)): continue self.logger.debug('Copying ' + os.path.basename(f)) shutil.copy(f, self.workdir) for c in self.components: for f in c.files.values(): if f is None: continue wpath = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(f)) opath = os.path.join(self.outdir, os.path.basename(f)) if os.path.isfile(wpath): continue elif os.path.isfile(opath): self.logger.debug('Copying ' + os.path.basename(f)) shutil.copy(opath, self.workdir)'Finished.')
[docs] def setup(self, init_sources=True, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Run pre-processing for each analysis component and construct a joint likelihood object. This function performs the following tasks: data selection (gtselect, gtmktime), data binning (gtbin), and model generation (gtexpcube2,gtsrcmaps). Parameters ---------- init_sources : bool Choose whether to compute properties (flux, TS, etc.) for individual sources. overwrite : bool Run all pre-processing steps even if the output file of that step is present in the working directory. By default this function will skip any steps for which the output file already exists. """ loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Running setup.') # Run setup for each component for i, c in enumerate(self.components): c.setup(overwrite=overwrite) # Create likelihood self._create_likelihood() # Determine tmin, tmax for i, c in enumerate(self._components): self._tmin = (c.tmin if self._tmin is None else min(self._tmin, c.tmin)) self._tmax = (c.tmax if self._tmax is None else min(self._tmax, c.tmax)) if init_sources: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Initializing source properties') for name in self.logger.debug('Initializing source %s', name) self._init_source(name) self._update_roi() self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Finished setup.')
def _create_likelihood(self, srcmdl=None): """Instantiate the likelihood object for each component and create a SummedLikelihood.""" self._like = SummedLikelihood() for c in self.components: c._create_binned_analysis(srcmdl) self._like.addComponent( =[0].model self._fitcache = None self._init_roi_model() def _init_roi_model(self): rm = self._roi_data rm['counts'] = np.zeros(self.enumbins) rm['loglike'] = cmaps = [] proj_type = 0 for i, c in enumerate(self.components): cm = c.counts_map() cmaps += [cm] if isinstance(cm, Map): rm['components'][i]['counts'] = \ np.squeeze( np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cm.counts, axes=[1, 2])) elif isinstance(cm, HpxMap): proj_type = 1 rm['components'][i]['counts'] = \ np.squeeze(np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cm.counts, axes=[1])) rm['components'][i]['loglike'] = if proj_type == 0: shape = (self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) elif proj_type == 1: shape = (self.enumbins, self._proj.npix) self._coadd_maps(cmaps, shape, rm) def _init_source(self, name): src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data({'sed': None}) sd = self.get_src_model(name, paramsonly=True) src.update_data(sd) for c in self.components: src = c.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data(sd) return src
[docs] def cleanup(self): if self.workdir == self.outdir: return elif os.path.isdir(self.workdir):'Deleting working directory: ' + self.workdir) shutil.rmtree(self.workdir)
[docs] def generate_model(self, model_name=None): """Generate model maps for all components. model_name should be a unique identifier for the model. If model_name is None then the model maps will be generated using the current parameters of the ROI.""" for i, c in enumerate(self._components): c.generate_model(model_name=model_name)
# If all model maps have the same spatial/energy binning we # could generate a co-added model map here
[docs] def set_energy_range(self, logemin, logemax): """Set the energy bounds of the analysis. This restricts the evaluation of the likelihood to the data that falls in this range. Input values will be rounded to the closest bin edge value. If either argument is None then the lower or upper bound of the analysis instance will be used. Parameters ---------- logemin : float Lower energy bound in log10(E/MeV). logemax : float Upper energy bound in log10(E/MeV). Returns ------- eminmax : array Minimum and maximum energy in log10(E/MeV). """ if logemin is None: logemin = self.log_energies[0] else: imin = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemin)[0]) logemin = self.log_energies[imin] if logemax is None: logemax = self.log_energies[-1] else: imax = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemax)[0]) logemax = self.log_energies[imax] self._loge_bounds = np.array([logemin, logemax]) self._roi_data['loge_bounds'] = np.copy(self.loge_bounds) for c in self.components: c.set_energy_range(logemin, logemax) return self._loge_bounds
[docs] def counts_map(self): """Return a `~fermipy.skymap.Map` representation of the counts map. Returns ------- map : `~fermipy.skymap.Map` """ return self._ccube
[docs] def model_counts_map(self, name=None, exclude=None): """Return the model counts map for a single source, a list of sources, or for the sum of all sources in the ROI. The exclude parameter can be used to exclude one or more components when generating the model map. Parameters ---------- name : str or list of str Parameter controlling the set of sources for which the model counts map will be calculated. If name=None the model map will be generated for all sources in the ROI. exclude : str or list of str List of sources that will be excluded when calculating the model map. Returns ------- map : `~fermipy.skymap.Map` """ maps = [c.model_counts_map(name, exclude) for c in self.components] if self.projtype == "HPX": shape = (self.enumbins, self._proj.npix) cmap = skymap.make_coadd_map(maps, self._proj, shape) elif self.projtype == "WCS": shape = (self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) cmap = skymap.make_coadd_map(maps, self._proj, shape) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) return cmap
[docs] def model_counts_spectrum(self, name, logemin=None, logemax=None, summed=False): """Return the predicted number of model counts versus energy for a given source and energy range. If summed=True return the counts spectrum summed over all components otherwise return a list of model spectra.""" if logemin is None: logemin = self.log_energies[0] if logemax is None: logemax = self.log_energies[-1] if summed: cs = np.zeros(self.enumbins) imin = utils.val_to_bin_bounded(self.log_energies, logemin + 1E-7)[0] imax = utils.val_to_bin_bounded(self.log_energies, logemax - 1E-7)[0] + 1 for c in self.components: ecenter = 0.5 * (c.log_energies[:-1] + c.log_energies[1:]) counts = c.model_counts_spectrum(name, self.log_energies[0], self.log_energies[-1]) cs += np.histogram(ecenter, weights=counts, bins=self.log_energies)[0] return cs[imin:imax] else: cs = [] for c in self.components: cs += [c.model_counts_spectrum(name, logemin, logemax)] return cs
[docs] def get_sources(self, cuts=None, distance=None, skydir=None, minmax_ts=None, minmax_npred=None, exclude=None, square=False): """Retrieve list of sources in the ROI satisfying the given selections. Returns ------- srcs : list A list of `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` objects. """ coordsys = self.config['binning']['coordsys'] return self.roi.get_sources(skydir, distance, cuts, minmax_ts, minmax_npred, exclude, square, coordsys=coordsys)
[docs] def add_source(self, name, src_dict, free=None, init_source=True, save_source_maps=True, use_pylike=True, use_single_psf=False, **kwargs): """Add a source to the ROI model. This function may be called either before or after `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.setup`. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. src_dict : dict or `~fermipy.roi_model.Source` object Dictionary or source object defining the source properties (coordinates, spectral parameters, etc.). free : bool Initialize the source with a free normalization parameter. use_pylike : bool Create source maps with pyLikelihood. use_single_psf : bool Use the PSF model calculated for the ROI center. If false then a new model will be generated using the position of the source. """ if self.roi.has_source(name): msg = 'Source %s already exists.' % name self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Adding source ' + name) src = self.roi.create_source(name, src_dict, rescale=True) for c in self.components: c.add_source(name, src_dict, free=free, save_source_maps=save_source_maps, use_pylike=use_pylike, use_single_psf=use_single_psf) if self._like is None: return if self.config['gtlike']['edisp'] and not in \ self.config['gtlike']['edisp_disable']: self.set_edisp_flag(, True) =[0].model # if free is not None: # self.free_norm(name, free, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) if init_source: self._init_source(name) self._update_roi() if self._fitcache is not None: self._fitcache.update_source(name)
[docs] def add_sources_from_roi(self, names, roi, free=False, **kwargs): """Add multiple sources to the current ROI model copied from another ROI model. Parameters ---------- names : list List of str source names to add. roi : `~fermipy.roi_model.ROIModel` object The roi model from which to add sources. free : bool Initialize the source with a free normalization paramter. """ for name in names: self.add_source(name, roi[name].data, free=free, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_source(self, name, save_template=True, delete_source_map=False, build_fixed_wts=True, **kwargs): """Delete a source from the ROI model. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. save_template : bool Keep the SpatialMap FITS template associated with this source. delete_source_map : bool Delete the source map associated with this source from the source maps file. Returns ------- src : `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` The deleted source object. """ if not self.roi.has_source(name): self.logger.error('No source with name: %s', name) return loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Deleting source %s', name) # STs require a source to be freed before deletion if is not None: self.free_norm(name, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) for c in self.components: c.delete_source(name, save_template=save_template, delete_source_map=delete_source_map, build_fixed_wts=build_fixed_wts) src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) self.roi.delete_sources([src]) if is not None: =[0].model self._update_roi() return src
[docs] def delete_sources(self, cuts=None, distance=None, skydir=None, minmax_ts=None, minmax_npred=None, exclude=None, square=False): """Delete sources in the ROI model satisfying the given selection criteria. Parameters ---------- cuts : dict Dictionary of [min,max] selections on source properties. distance : float Cut on angular distance from ``skydir``. If None then no selection will be applied. skydir : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Reference sky coordinate for ``distance`` selection. If None then the distance selection will be applied with respect to the ROI center. minmax_ts : list Free sources that have TS in the range [min,max]. If either min or max are None then only a lower (upper) bound will be applied. If this parameter is none no selection will be applied. minmax_npred : list Free sources that have npred in the range [min,max]. If either min or max are None then only a lower (upper) bound will be applied. If this parameter is none no selection will be applied. square : bool Switch between applying a circular or square (ROI-like) selection on the maximum projected distance from the ROI center. Returns ------- srcs : list A list of `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` objects. """ srcs = self.roi.get_sources(skydir=skydir, distance=distance, cuts=cuts, minmax_ts=minmax_ts, minmax_npred=minmax_npred, exclude=exclude, square=square, coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys']) for s in srcs: self.delete_source(, build_fixed_wts=False) if is not None: # Build fixed model weights in one pass for c in self.components: self._update_roi() return srcs
[docs] def free_sources_by_name(self, names, free=True, pars=None, **kwargs): """Free all sources with names matching ``names``. Parameters ---------- names : list List of source names. free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False) source parameters. pars : list Set a list of parameters to be freed/fixed for each source. If none then all source parameters will be freed/fixed. If pars='norm' then only normalization parameters will be freed. Returns ------- srcs : list A list of `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` objects. """ if names is None: return names = [names] if not isinstance(names, list) else names names = [self.roi.get_source_by_name(t).name for t in names] srcs = [s for s in self.roi.sources if in names] for s in srcs: self.free_source(, free=free, pars=pars, **kwargs) return srcs
[docs] def free_sources(self, free=True, pars=None, cuts=None, distance=None, skydir=None, minmax_ts=None, minmax_npred=None, exclude=None, square=False, **kwargs): """Free or fix sources in the ROI model satisfying the given selection. When multiple selections are defined, the selected sources will be those satisfying the logical AND of all selections (e.g. distance < X && minmax_ts[0] < ts < minmax_ts[1] && ...). Parameters ---------- free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False) source parameters. pars : list Set a list of parameters to be freed/fixed for each source. If none then all source parameters will be freed/fixed. If pars='norm' then only normalization parameters will be freed. cuts : dict Dictionary of [min,max] selections on source properties. distance : float Cut on angular distance from ``skydir``. If None then no selection will be applied. skydir : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Reference sky coordinate for ``distance`` selection. If None then the distance selection will be applied with respect to the ROI center. minmax_ts : list Free sources that have TS in the range [min,max]. If either min or max are None then only a lower (upper) bound will be applied. If this parameter is none no selection will be applied. minmax_npred : list Free sources that have npred in the range [min,max]. If either min or max are None then only a lower (upper) bound will be applied. If this parameter is none no selection will be applied. exclude : list Names of sources that will be excluded from the selection. square : bool Switch between applying a circular or square (ROI-like) selection on the maximum projected distance from the ROI center. Returns ------- srcs : list A list of `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` objects. """ srcs = self.roi.get_sources(skydir=skydir, distance=distance, cuts=cuts, minmax_ts=minmax_ts, minmax_npred=minmax_npred, exclude=exclude, square=square, coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys']) for s in srcs: self.free_source(, free=free, pars=pars, **kwargs) return srcs
[docs] def set_edisp_flag(self, name, flag=True): """Enable or disable the energy dispersion correction for the given source.""" src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) name = for c in self.components:[name].src.set_edisp_flag(flag)
[docs] def scale_parameter(self, name, par, scale): idx =, par)[idx].setScale([idx].getScale() * scale) self._sync_params(name)
def _set_value_bounded(self, idx, value): bounds = list([idx].getBounds()) value = max(value, bounds[0]) value = min(value, bounds[1])[idx].setValue(value)
[docs] def set_parameter(self, name, par, value, true_value=True, scale=None, bounds=None, update_source=True): """ Update the value of a parameter. Parameter bounds will automatically be adjusted to encompass the new parameter value. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. par : str Parameter name. value : float Parameter value. By default this argument should be the unscaled (True) parameter value. scale : float Parameter scale (optional). Value argument is interpreted with respect to the scale parameter if it is provided. update_source : bool Update the source dictionary for the object. """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name idx =, par) current_bounds = list([idx].getBounds()) if scale is not None:[idx].setScale(scale) else: scale =[idx].getScale() if true_value: current_bounds[0] = min(current_bounds[0], value / scale) current_bounds[1] = max(current_bounds[1], value / scale) else: current_bounds[0] = min(current_bounds[0], value) current_bounds[1] = max(current_bounds[1], value) # update current bounds to encompass new value[idx].setBounds(*current_bounds) if true_value: for p in[idx].pars: p.setTrueValue(value) else:[idx].setValue(value) if bounds is not None:[idx].setBounds(*bounds) self._sync_params(name) if update_source: self.update_source(name)
[docs] def set_parameter_scale(self, name, par, scale): """Update the scale of a parameter while keeping its value constant.""" name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name idx =, par) current_bounds = list([idx].getBounds()) current_scale =[idx].getScale() current_value =[idx].getValue()[idx].setScale(scale)[idx].setValue(current_value * current_scale / scale)[idx].setBounds(current_bounds[0] * current_scale / scale, current_bounds[1] * current_scale / scale) self._sync_params(name)
[docs] def set_parameter_bounds(self, name, par, bounds): """Set the bounds of a parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. par : str Parameter name. bounds : list Upper and lower bound. """ idx =, par)[idx].setBounds(*bounds) self._sync_params(name)
[docs] def free_parameter(self, name, par, free=True): idx =, par)[idx].setFree(free) self._sync_params(name)
[docs] def free_source(self, name, free=True, pars=None, **kwargs): """Free/Fix parameters of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False) source parameters. pars : list Set a list of parameters to be freed/fixed for this source. If none then all source parameters will be freed/fixed with the exception of those defined in the skip_pars list. """ free_pars = self.get_free_param_vector() loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', self.loglevel) # Find the source src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) name = if pars is None or (isinstance(pars, list) and not pars): pars = [] pars += norm_parameters.get(src['SpectrumType'], []) pars += shape_parameters.get(src['SpectrumType'], []) elif pars == 'norm': pars = [] pars += norm_parameters.get(src['SpectrumType'], []) elif pars == 'shape': pars = [] pars += shape_parameters.get(src['SpectrumType'], []) elif isinstance(pars, list): pass else: raise Exception('Invalid parameter list.') # Deduce here the names of all parameters from the spectral type src_par_names = pyLike.StringVector()[name].src.spectrum().getParamNames(src_par_names) par_indices = [] par_names = [] for p in src_par_names: if pars is not None and p not in pars: continue idx =, p) if free == free_pars[idx]: continue par_indices.append(idx) par_names.append(p) if len(par_names) == 0: return if free: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Freeing parameters for %-22s: %s', name, par_names) else: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Fixing parameters for %-22s: %s', name, par_names) for (idx, par_name) in zip(par_indices, par_names):[idx].setFree(free) self._sync_params_state(name)
[docs] def set_norm_scale(self, name, value): name = self.get_source_name(name) normPar = normPar.setScale(value) self._sync_params(name)
[docs] def set_norm(self, name, value, update_source=True): name = self.get_source_name(name) par = self.set_parameter(name, par, value, true_value=False, update_source=update_source)
[docs] def set_norm_bounds(self, name, bounds): name = self.get_source_name(name) par = self.set_parameter_bounds(name, par, bounds)
[docs] def free_norm(self, name, free=True, **kwargs): """Free/Fix normalization of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False). """ name = self.get_source_name(name) normPar = self.free_source(name, pars=[normPar], free=free, **kwargs)
[docs] def free_index(self, name, free=True, **kwargs): """Free/Fix index of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False). """ src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) self.free_source(name, free=free, pars=index_parameters.get(src['SpectrumType'], []), **kwargs)
[docs] def free_shape(self, name, free=True, **kwargs): """Free/Fix shape parameters of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. free : bool Choose whether to free (free=True) or fix (free=False). """ src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) self.free_source(name, free=free, pars=shape_parameters[src['SpectrumType']], **kwargs)
def _sync_params(self, name): src = self.components[0].like.logLike.getSource(str(name)) spectral_pars = gtutils.get_function_pars_dict(src.spectrum()) self.roi[name].set_spectral_pars(spectral_pars) for c in self.components: c.roi[name].set_spectral_pars(spectral_pars) def _sync_params_state(self, name=None): if name is None: names = else: names = [name] for name in names: src =[name].src pars = gtutils.get_function_pars(src.spectrum()) for p in pars: self.roi[name].spectral_pars[p['name']]['free'] = p['free'] for c in self.components: c.roi[name].spectral_pars[p['name']]['free'] = p['free']
[docs] def get_norm(self, name): name = self.get_source_name(name) return
[docs] def get_params(self, freeonly=False): params = {} for srcName in par_names = pyLike.StringVector() src = self.components[0].like.logLike.getSource(str(srcName)) src.spectrum().getParamNames(par_names) # for parName in self.get_free_source_params(srcName): for parName in par_names: idx =, parName) par =[idx] bounds = par.getBounds() is_norm = parName == if freeonly and not par.isFree(): continue params[idx] = {'src_name': srcName, 'par_name': parName, 'value': par.getValue(), 'error': par.error(), 'scale': par.getScale(), 'idx': idx, 'free': par.isFree(), 'is_norm': is_norm, 'bounds': bounds} return [params[k] for k in sorted(params.keys())]
[docs] def get_free_param_vector(self): free = [] for p in free.append(p.isFree()) return free
[docs] def set_free_param_vector(self, free): for i, t in enumerate(free): if t: else: self._sync_params_state()
def _latch_free_params(self): self._free_params = self.get_free_param_vector() def _restore_free_params(self): self.set_free_param_vector(self._free_params) def _latch_state(self): self._saved_state = LikelihoodState( return self._saved_state def _restore_state(self): if self._saved_state is None: return self._saved_state.restore()
[docs] def get_free_source_params(self, name): name = self.get_source_name(name) spectrum =[name].src.spectrum() parNames = pyLike.StringVector() spectrum.getFreeParamNames(parNames) return [str(p) for p in parNames]
[docs] def get_source_name(self, name): """Return the name of a source as it is defined in the pyLikelihood model object.""" if name not in name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name return name
[docs] def zero_source(self, name): normPar = self.scale_parameter(name, normPar, 1E-10) self.free_source(name, free=False)
[docs] def unzero_source(self, name): normPar = self.scale_parameter(name, normPar, 1E10)
[docs] def optimize(self, **kwargs): """Iteratively optimize the ROI model. The optimization is performed in three sequential steps: * Free the normalization of the N largest components (as determined from NPred) that contain a fraction ``npred_frac`` of the total predicted counts in the model and perform a simultaneous fit of the normalization parameters of these components. * Individually fit the normalizations of all sources that were not included in the first step in order of their npred values. Skip any sources that have NPred < ``npred_threshold``. * Individually fit the shape and normalization parameters of all sources with TS > ``shape_ts_threshold`` where TS is determined from the first two steps of the ROI optimization. To ensure that the model is fully optimized this method can be run multiple times. Parameters ---------- npred_frac : float Threshold on the fractional number of counts in the N largest components in the ROI. This parameter determines the set of sources that are fit in the first optimization step. npred_threshold : float Threshold on the minimum number of counts of individual sources. This parameter determines the sources that are fit in the second optimization step. shape_ts_threshold : float Threshold on source TS used for determining the sources that will be fit in the third optimization step. max_free_sources : int Maximum number of sources that will be fit simultaneously in the first optimization step. skip : list List of str source names to skip while optimizing. optimizer : dict Dictionary that overrides the default optimizer settings. """ loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Starting') loglike0 = self.logger.debug('LogLike: %f' % loglike0) # Extract options from kwargs config = copy.deepcopy(self.config['roiopt']) config['optimizer'] = copy.deepcopy(self.config['optimizer']) fermipy.config.validate_config(kwargs, config) config = merge_dict(config, kwargs) # Extract options from kwargs npred_frac_threshold = config['npred_frac'] npred_threshold = config['npred_threshold'] shape_ts_threshold = config['shape_ts_threshold'] max_free_sources = config['max_free_sources'] skip = copy.deepcopy(config['skip']) o = defaults.make_default_dict(defaults.roiopt_output) o['config'] = config o['loglike0'] = loglike0 # preserve free parameters free = self.get_free_param_vector() # Fix all parameters self.free_sources(free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # Free norms of sources for which the sum of npred is a # fraction > npred_frac of the total model counts in the ROI npred_sum = 0 skip_sources = skip if skip != None else [] joint_norm_fit = [] for s in sorted(self.roi.sources, key=lambda t: t['npred'], reverse=True): npred_sum += s['npred'] npred_frac = npred_sum / self._roi_data['npred'] if in skip_sources: continue self.free_norm(, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) joint_norm_fit.append( if npred_frac > npred_frac_threshold: break if s['npred'] < npred_threshold: break if len(joint_norm_fit) >= max_free_sources: break, **config['optimizer']) self.free_sources(free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # Step through remaining sources and re-fit normalizations for s in sorted(self.roi.sources, key=lambda t: t['npred'], reverse=True): if in skip_sources or in joint_norm_fit: continue if s['npred'] < npred_threshold: self.logger.debug( 'Skipping %s with npred %10.3f',, s['npred']) continue self.logger.debug('Fitting %s npred: %10.3f TS: %10.3f',, s['npred'], s['ts']) self.free_norm(, loglevel=logging.DEBUG), **config['optimizer']) self.logger.debug('Post-fit Results npred: %10.3f TS: %10.3f', s['npred'], s['ts']) self.free_norm(, free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # Refit spectral shape parameters for sources with TS > # shape_ts_threshold for s in sorted(self.roi.sources, key=lambda t: t['ts'] if np.isfinite(t['ts']) else 0, reverse=True): if in skip_sources: continue if s['ts'] < shape_ts_threshold or not np.isfinite(s['ts']): continue self.logger.debug('Fitting shape %s TS: %10.3f',, s['ts']) self.free_source(, loglevel=logging.DEBUG), **config['optimizer']) self.free_source(, free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) self.set_free_param_vector(free) loglike1 = o['loglike1'] = loglike1 o['dloglike'] = loglike1 - loglike0 self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Finished') self.logger.log(loglevel, 'LogLike: %f Delta-LogLike: %f', loglike1, loglike1 - loglike0) return o
[docs] def profile_norm(self, name, logemin=None, logemax=None, reoptimize=False, xvals=None, npts=None, fix_shape=True, savestate=True, **kwargs): """Profile the normalization of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. reoptimize : bool Re-optimize free parameters in the model at each point in the profile likelihood scan. """ self.logger.debug('Profiling %s', name) if savestate: saved_state = LikelihoodState( if fix_shape: self.free_sources(False, pars='shape', loglevel=logging.DEBUG) if npts is None: npts = self.config['gtlike']['llscan_npts'] # Find the source name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name parName = loge_bounds = self.loge_bounds if logemin is not None or logemax is not None: self.set_energy_range(logemin, logemax) # Find a sequence of values for the normalization scan if xvals is None: if reoptimize: xvals = self._find_scan_pts_reopt(name, npts=npts, **kwargs) else: xvals = self._find_scan_pts(name, npts=9) lnlp = self.profile(name, parName, reoptimize=False, xvals=xvals) lims = utils.get_parameter_limits(lnlp['xvals'], lnlp['dloglike'], ul_confidence=0.99) if not np.isfinite(lims['ul']): self.logger.warning('Upper limit not found. ' 'Refitting normalization.') xvals = self._find_scan_pts(name, npts=npts) lnlp = self.profile(name, parName, reoptimize=False, xvals=xvals) lims = utils.get_parameter_limits(lnlp['xvals'], lnlp['dloglike'], ul_confidence=0.99) if np.isfinite(lims['ll']): xhi = np.linspace(lims['x0'], lims['ul'], npts - npts // 2) xlo = np.linspace(lims['ll'], lims['x0'], npts // 2) xvals = np.concatenate((xlo[:-1], xhi)) xvals = np.insert(xvals, 0, 0.0) elif np.abs(lnlp['dloglike'][0] - lims['lnlmax']) > 0.1: lims['ll'] = 0.0 xhi = np.linspace(lims['x0'], lims['ul'], (npts + 1) - (npts + 1) // 2) xlo = np.linspace(lims['ll'], lims['x0'], (npts + 1) // 2) xvals = np.concatenate((xlo[:-1], xhi)) else: xvals = np.linspace(0, lims['ul'], npts) o = self.profile(name, parName, reoptimize=reoptimize, xvals=xvals, savestate=savestate, **kwargs) if savestate: saved_state.restore() if logemin is not None or logemax is not None: self.set_energy_range(*loge_bounds) self.logger.debug('Finished') return o
def _find_scan_pts(self, name, logemin=None, logemax=None, npts=20): par = loge_bounds = [self.loge_bounds[0] if logemin is None else logemin, self.loge_bounds[1] if logemax is None else logemax] val = par.getValue() if val == 0: par.setValue(1.0) cs = self.model_counts_spectrum(name, loge_bounds[0], loge_bounds[1], summed=True) npred = np.sum(cs) val = 1. / npred npred = 1.0 par.setValue(0.0) else: cs = self.model_counts_spectrum(name, loge_bounds[0], loge_bounds[1], summed=True) npred = np.sum(cs) if npred < 10: val *= 1. / min(1.0, npred) xvals = val * 10 ** np.linspace(-1.0, 3.0, npts - 1) xvals = np.insert(xvals, 0, 0.0) else: npts_lo = npts // 2 npts_hi = npts - npts_lo xhi = np.linspace(0, 1, npts_hi) xlo = np.linspace(-1, 0, npts_lo) xvals = val * 10 ** np.concatenate((xlo[:-1], xhi)) xvals = np.insert(xvals, 0, 0.0) return xvals def _find_scan_pts_reopt(self, name, logemin=None, logemax=None, npts=20, dloglike_thresh=3.0, **kwargs): parName = npts = max(npts, 5) xvals = self._find_scan_pts(name, logemin=logemin, logemax=logemax, npts=20) lnlp0 = self.profile(name, parName, logemin=logemin, logemax=logemax, reoptimize=False, xvals=xvals, **kwargs) xval0 = lims0 = utils.get_parameter_limits(lnlp0['xvals'], lnlp0['dloglike'], ul_confidence=0.99) if not np.isfinite(lims0['ll']) and lims0['x0'] > 1E-6: xvals = np.array([0.0, lims0['x0'], lims0['x0'] + lims0['err_hi'], lims0['ul']]) elif not np.isfinite(lims0['ll']) and lims0['x0'] < 1E-6: xvals = np.array([0.0, lims0['x0'] + lims0['err_hi'], lims0['ul']]) else: xvals = np.array([lims0['ll'], lims0['x0'] - lims0['err_lo'], lims0['x0'], lims0['x0'] + lims0['err_hi'], lims0['ul']]) lnlp1 = self.profile(name, parName, logemin=logemin, logemax=logemax, reoptimize=True, xvals=xvals, **kwargs) loglike = copy.deepcopy(lnlp1['loglike']) dloglike = copy.deepcopy(lnlp1['dloglike']) dloglike0 = dloglike[-1] xup = xvals[-1] for i in range(20): lims1 = utils.get_parameter_limits(xvals, dloglike, ul_confidence=0.99) # print('iter',i,np.abs(np.abs(dloglike0) - utils.onesided_cl_to_dlnl(0.99)),xup) # print(loglike) if np.abs(np.abs(dloglike0) - utils.onesided_cl_to_dlnl(0.99)) < 0.1: break if not np.isfinite(lims1['ul']) or np.abs(dloglike[-1]) < 1.0: xup = 2.0 * xvals[-1] else: xup = lims1['ul'] lnlp = self.profile(name, parName, logemin=logemin, logemax=logemax, reoptimize=True, xvals=[xup], **kwargs) dloglike0 = lnlp['dloglike'] loglike0 = lnlp['loglike'] loglike = np.concatenate((loglike, loglike0)) dloglike = np.concatenate((dloglike, dloglike0)) xvals = np.concatenate((xvals, [xup])) isort = np.argsort(xvals) dloglike = dloglike[isort] loglike = loglike[isort] xvals = xvals[isort] if np.isfinite(lims1['ll']): xlo = np.concatenate( ([0.0], np.linspace(lims1['ll'], xval0, (npts + 1) // 2 - 1))) elif np.abs(dloglike[0]) > 0.1: xlo = np.linspace(0.0, xval0, (npts + 1) // 2) else: xlo = np.array([0.0, xval0]) if np.isfinite(lims1['ul']): xhi = np.linspace(xval0, lims1['ul'], npts + 1 - len(xlo))[1:] else: xhi = np.linspace(xval0, lims0['ul'], npts + 1 - len(xlo))[1:] xvals = np.concatenate((xlo, xhi)) return xvals
[docs] def profile(self, name, parName, logemin=None, logemax=None, reoptimize=False, xvals=None, npts=None, savestate=True, **kwargs): """Profile the likelihood for the given source and parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. parName : str Parameter name. reoptimize : bool Re-fit nuisance parameters at each step in the scan. Note that enabling this option will only re-fit parameters that were free when the method was executed. Returns ------- lnlprofile : dict Dictionary containing results of likelihood scan. """ # Find the source name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name par = parName = idx =, parName) bounds =[idx].getBounds() value =[idx].getValue() loge_bounds = self.loge_bounds optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', self.config['optimizer']) if savestate: saved_state = self._latch_state() # If parameter is fixed temporarily free it par.setFree(True) if optimizer['optimizer'] == 'NEWTON': self._create_fitcache() if logemin is not None or logemax is not None: loge_bounds = self.set_energy_range(logemin, logemax) else: loge_bounds = self.loge_bounds loglike0 = if xvals is None: err = par.error() val = par.getValue() if err <= 0 or val <= 3 * err: xvals = 10 ** np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 51) if val < xvals[0]: xvals = np.insert(xvals, val, 0) else: xvals = np.linspace(0, 1, 25) xvals = np.concatenate((-1.0 * xvals[1:][::-1], xvals)) xvals = val * 10 ** xvals # Update parameter bounds to encompass scan range[idx].setBounds(min(min(xvals), value, bounds[0]), max(max(xvals), value, bounds[1])) o = {'xvals': xvals, 'npred': np.zeros(len(xvals)), 'dnde': np.zeros(len(xvals)), 'flux': np.zeros(len(xvals)), 'eflux': np.zeros(len(xvals)), 'dloglike': np.zeros(len(xvals)), 'loglike': np.zeros(len(xvals)) } if reoptimize and hasattr([0].logLike, 'setUpdateFixedWeights'): for c in self.components: for i, x in enumerate(xvals):[idx] = x if > 1 and reoptimize: # Only reoptimize if not all frozen fit_output = self._fit(errors=False, **optimizer) loglike1 = fit_output['loglike'] else: loglike1 = flux =[name].flux(10 ** loge_bounds[0], 10 ** loge_bounds[1]) eflux =[name].energyFlux(10 ** loge_bounds[0], 10 ** loge_bounds[1]) prefactor =[idx] o['dloglike'][i] = loglike1 - loglike0 o['loglike'][i] = loglike1 o['dnde'][i] = prefactor.getTrueValue() o['flux'][i] = flux o['eflux'][i] = eflux cs = self.model_counts_spectrum(name, loge_bounds[0], loge_bounds[1], summed=True) o['npred'][i] += np.sum(cs)[idx] = value if reoptimize and hasattr([0].logLike, 'setUpdateFixedWeights'): for c in self.components: # Restore model parameters to original values if savestate: saved_state.restore()[idx].setBounds(*bounds) if logemin is not None or logemax is not None: self.set_energy_range(*loge_bounds) return o
[docs] def constrain_norms(self, srcNames, cov_scale=1.0): """Constrain the normalizations of one or more sources by adding gaussian priors with sigma equal to the parameter error times a scaling factor.""" # Get the covariance matrix for name in srcNames: par = err = par.error() val = par.getValue() if par.error() == 0.0 or not par.isFree(): continue self.add_gauss_prior(name, par.getName(), val, err * cov_scale)
[docs] def add_gauss_prior(self, name, parName, mean, sigma): par =[name].funcs["Spectrum"].params[parName] par.addGaussianPrior(mean, sigma)
[docs] def remove_prior(self, name, parName): par =[name].funcs["Spectrum"].params[parName] par.removePrior()
[docs] def remove_priors(self): """Clear all priors.""" for src in self.roi.sources: for par in[].funcs["Spectrum"].params.values(): par.removePrior()
def _create_optObject(self, **kwargs): """ Make MINUIT or NewMinuit type optimizer object """ optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', self.config['optimizer']['optimizer']) self.logger.debug("Creating optimizer: %s", optimizer) if optimizer.upper() == 'MINUIT': optObject = pyLike.Minuit( elif optimizer.upper() == 'NEWMINUIT': optObject = pyLike.NewMinuit( else: optFactory = pyLike.OptimizerFactory_instance() optObject = optFactory.create(str(optimizer), return optObject def _fit_optimizer_iter(self, **kwargs): min_fit_quality = kwargs.get('min_fit_quality', 3) retries = kwargs.get('retries', 3) covar = kwargs.get('covar', True) #saved_state = LikelihoodState( quality = 0 niter = 0 while niter < retries: self.logger.debug("Fit iteration: %i" % niter) niter += 1 quality, status, edm, loglike = self._fit_optimizer(**kwargs) if quality >= min_fit_quality and status == 0: break num_free = o = {'values': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'errors': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'indices': np.zeros(num_free, dtype=int), 'is_norm': np.empty(num_free, dtype=bool), 'src_names': num_free * [None], 'par_names': num_free * [None]} o['fit_quality'] = quality o['fit_status'] = status o['edm'] = edm o['niter'] = niter o['loglike'] = loglike o['fit_success'] = True if quality < min_fit_quality or o['fit_status']: o['fit_success'] = False if covar: o['covariance'] = np.array( o['errors'] = np.diag(o['covariance'])**0.5 errinv = 1. / o['errors'] o['correlation'] = \ o['covariance'] * errinv[:, np.newaxis] * errinv[np.newaxis, :] free_params = self.get_params(True) for i, p in enumerate(free_params): o['values'][i] = p['value'] o['errors'][i] = p['error'] o['indices'][i] = p['idx'] o['src_names'][i] = p['src_name'] o['par_names'][i] = p['par_name'] o['is_norm'][i] = p['is_norm'] return o def _fit_optimizer(self, **kwargs): errors = kwargs.get('errors', True) optObject = self._create_optObject(optimizer=kwargs.get('optimizer', 'MINUIT')) kw = {} quality = 3 status = 0 edm = 0 loglike = 0 try: if errors: kw['verbosity'] = kwargs.get('verbosity', 0) kw['tol'] = kwargs.get('tol', None) kw['covar'] = kwargs.get('covar', True) kw['optObject'] = optObject**kw) else: kw['verbosity'] = kwargs.get('verbosity', 0) kw['tol'] = kwargs.get('tol', None) kw['optObject'] = optObject**kw) status = optObject.getRetCode() if isinstance(optObject, pyLike.Minuit): quality = optObject.getQuality() if isinstance(optObject, pyLike.Minuit) or \ isinstance(optObject, pyLike.NewMinuit): edm = optObject.getDistance() loglike = optObject.stat().value() except Exception: self.logger.error('Likelihood optimization failed.', exc_info=True) quality = 0 status = 1 return quality, status, edm, loglike def _fit(self, **kwargs): optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', self.config['optimizer']['optimizer']).upper() if optimizer == 'NEWTON': params = self.get_params(True) for p in params: if p['free'] and not p['is_norm']: optimizer = 'MINUIT' kwargs['optimizer'] = 'MINUIT' self.logger.debug( 'Found non-norm free parameter. Reverting to MINUIT.') break if optimizer == 'NEWTON': return self._fit_newton(**kwargs) else: return self._fit_optimizer_iter(**kwargs)
[docs] def fit(self, update=True, **kwargs): """Run the likelihood optimization. This will execute a fit of all parameters that are currently free in the model and update the charateristics of the corresponding model components (TS, npred, etc.). The fit will be repeated N times (set with the `retries` parameter) until a fit quality greater than or equal to `min_fit_quality` and a fit status code of 0 is obtained. If the fit does not succeed after N retries then all parameter values will be reverted to their state prior to the execution of the fit. Parameters ---------- update : bool Update the model dictionary for all sources with free parameters. tol : float Set the optimizer tolerance. verbosity : int Set the optimizer output level. optimizer : str Set the likelihood optimizer (e.g. MINUIT or NEWMINUIT). retries : int Set the number of times to rerun the fit when the fit quality is < 3. min_fit_quality : int Set the minimum fit quality. If the fit quality is smaller than this value then all model parameters will be restored to their values prior to the fit. reoptimize : bool Refit background sources when updating source properties (TS and likelihood profiles). Returns ------- fit : dict Dictionary containing diagnostic information from the fit (fit quality, parameter covariances, etc.). """ loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, "Starting fit.") # Extract options from kwargs config = copy.deepcopy(self.config['optimizer']) config.setdefault('covar', True) config.setdefault('reoptimize', False) config = utils.merge_dict(config, kwargs) num_free = loglike0 = # Initialize output dict o = {'fit_quality': 3, 'fit_status': 0, 'fit_success': True, 'dloglike': 0.0, 'edm': 0.0, 'loglike': loglike0, 'covariance': None, 'correlation': None, 'values': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'errors': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'indices': np.zeros(num_free, dtype=int), 'is_norm': np.empty(num_free, dtype=bool), 'src_names': num_free * [None], 'par_names': num_free * [None], 'config': config } if not num_free: self.logger.log(loglevel, "Skipping fit. No free parameters.") return o saved_state = LikelihoodState( fit_output = self._fit(**config) o.update(fit_output) self.logger.debug("Fit complete.") o['dloglike'] = o['loglike'] - loglike0 if not o['fit_success']: self.logger.error('%s failed with status code %i fit quality %i', config['optimizer'], o['fit_status'], o['fit_quality']) saved_state.restore() return o if update: free_params = self.get_params(True) self._extract_correlation(o, free_params) for name in freePars = self.get_free_source_params(name) if len(freePars) == 0: continue self.update_source(name, reoptimize=config['reoptimize']) # Update roi model counts self._update_roi() self.logger.log(loglevel, "Fit returned successfully. " + "Quality: %3i Status: %3i", o['fit_quality'], o['fit_status']) self.logger.log(loglevel, "LogLike: %12.3f DeltaLogLike: %12.3f ", o['loglike'], o['dloglike']) return o
def _create_fitcache(self, **kwargs): create_fitcache = kwargs.get('create_fitcache', False) if self._fitcache is not None and not create_fitcache: return self._fitcache tol = kwargs.get('tol', self.config['optimizer']['tol']) max_iter = kwargs.get('max_iter', self.config['optimizer']['max_iter']) init_lambda = kwargs.get('init_lambda', self.config['optimizer']['init_lambda']) use_reduced = kwargs.get('use_reduced', True) self.logger.debug('Creating FitCache') self.logger.debug('\ntol: %.5g\nmax_iter: %i\ninit_lambda: %.5g', tol, max_iter, init_lambda) params = self.get_params() self._fitcache = FitCache(, params, tol, max_iter, init_lambda, use_reduced) return self._fitcache def _fit_newton(self, fitcache=None, ebin=None, **kwargs): """Fast fitting method using newton fitter.""" tol = kwargs.get('tol', self.config['optimizer']['tol']) max_iter = kwargs.get('max_iter', self.config['optimizer']['max_iter']) init_lambda = kwargs.get('init_lambda', self.config['optimizer']['init_lambda']) use_reduced = kwargs.get('use_reduced', True) free_params = self.get_params(True) free_norm_params = [p for p in free_params if p['is_norm'] is True] if len(free_params) != len(free_norm_params): msg = 'Executing Newton fitter with one ' + \ 'or more free shape parameters.' self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) verbosity = kwargs.get('verbosity', 0) if fitcache is None: fitcache = self._create_fitcache(**kwargs) fitcache.update(self.get_params(), tol, max_iter, init_lambda, use_reduced) logemin = self.loge_bounds[0] logemax = self.loge_bounds[1] imin = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemin)[0]) imax = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemax)[0]) if ebin is not None: fitcache.fitcache.setEnergyBin(ebin) elif imin == 0 and imax == self.enumbins: fitcache.fitcache.setEnergyBin(-1) else: fitcache.fitcache.setEnergyBins(imin, imax) num_free = len(free_norm_params) o = {'fit_status': 0, 'fit_quality': 3, 'fit_success': True, 'edm': 0, 'loglike': None, 'values': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'errors': np.ones(num_free) * np.nan, 'indices': np.zeros(num_free, dtype=int), 'is_norm': np.empty(num_free, dtype=bool), 'src_names': num_free * [None], 'par_names': num_free * [None], } if num_free == 0: return o ref_vals = np.array(fitcache.fitcache.refValues()) free = np.array(fitcache.fitcache.currentFree()) norm_vals = ref_vals[free] norm_idxs = [] for i, p in enumerate(free_norm_params): norm_idxs += [p['idx']] o['indices'][i] = p['idx'] o['src_names'][i] = p['src_name'] o['par_names'][i] = p['par_name'] o['is_norm'][i] = p['is_norm'] o['fit_status'] = o['edm'] = fitcache.fitcache.currentEDM() pars, errs, cov = fitcache.get_pars() pars *= norm_vals errs *= norm_vals cov = cov * np.outer(norm_vals, norm_vals) o['values'] = pars o['errors'] = errs o['covariance'] = cov errinv = np.zeros_like(o['errors']) m = o['errors'] > 0 errinv[m] = 1. / o['errors'][m] o['correlation'] = o['covariance'] * np.outer(errinv, errinv) if o['fit_status'] in [-2, 0]: for idx, val, err in zip(norm_idxs, pars, errs): self._set_value_bounded(idx, val)[idx].setError(err) o['fit_success'] = True else: o['fit_success'] = False if o['fit_status']: self.logger.error('Error in NEWTON fit. Fit Status: %i', o['fit_status']) # FIXME: Figure out why currentLogLike gets out of sync #loglike = fitcache.fitcache.currentLogLike() #prior_vals, prior_errs, has_prior = gtutils.get_priors( #loglike -= np.sum(has_prior) * np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) loglike = o['loglike'] = loglike return o
[docs] def fit_correlation(self): saved_state = LikelihoodState( self.free_sources(False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) self.free_sources(pars='norm', loglevel=logging.DEBUG) fit_results =, min_fit_quality=2) free_params = self.get_params(True) self._extract_correlation(fit_results, free_params) saved_state.restore()
def _extract_correlation(self, fit_results, free_params): for i, p0 in enumerate(free_params): if not p0['is_norm']: continue src = self.roi[p0['src_name']] for j, p1 in enumerate(free_params): if not p1['is_norm']: continue src['correlation'][p1['src_name']] = fit_results[ 'correlation'][i, j]
[docs] def load_xml(self, xmlfile): """Load model definition from XML. Parameters ---------- xmlfile : str Name of the input XML file. """'Loading XML') for c in self.components: c.load_xml(xmlfile) for name in self.update_source(name) self._fitcache = None'Finished Loading XML')
[docs] def write_xml(self, xmlfile): """Save current model definition as XML file. Parameters ---------- xmlfile : str Name of the output XML file. """ # Write a common XML file? for c in self._components: c.write_xml(xmlfile)
def _restore_counts_maps(self): """ Revert counts maps to their state prior to injecting any simulated components. """ for c in self.components: c.restore_counts_maps() if hasattr([0].logLike, 'setCountsMap'): self._init_roi_model() else: self.write_xml('tmp') self._like = SummedLikelihood() for i, c in enumerate(self._components): c._create_binned_analysis() self._like.addComponent( self._init_roi_model() self.load_xml('tmp')
[docs] def simulate_source(self, src_dict=None): """ Inject simulated source counts into the data. Parameters ---------- src_dict : dict Dictionary defining the spatial and spectral properties of the source that will be injected. """ self._fitcache = None if src_dict is None: src_dict = {} else: src_dict = copy.deepcopy(src_dict) skydir = wcs_utils.get_target_skydir(src_dict, self.roi.skydir) src_dict.setdefault('ra', skydir.ra.deg) src_dict.setdefault('dec', skydir.dec.deg) src_dict.setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') src_dict.setdefault('SpatialWidth', 0.3) src_dict.setdefault('Index', 2.0) src_dict.setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) self.add_source('mcsource', src_dict, free=True, init_source=False) for c in self.components: c.simulate_roi('mcsource', clear=False) self.delete_source('mcsource') if hasattr([0].logLike, 'setCountsMap'): self._init_roi_model() else: self.write_xml('tmp') self._like = SummedLikelihood() for i, c in enumerate(self._components): c._create_binned_analysis('tmp.xml') self._like.addComponent( self._init_roi_model() self.load_xml('tmp')
[docs] def simulate_roi(self, name=None, randomize=True, restore=False): """Generate a simulation of the ROI using the current best-fit model and replace the data counts cube with this simulation. The simulation is created by generating an array of Poisson random numbers with expectation values drawn from the model cube of the binned analysis instance. This function will update the counts cube both in memory and in the source map file. The counts cube can be restored to its original state by calling this method with ``restore`` = True. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model component to be simulated. If None then the whole ROI will be simulated. restore : bool Restore the data counts cube to its original state. """'Simulating ROI') self._fitcache = None if restore:'Restoring') self._restore_counts_maps()'Finished') return for c in self.components: c.simulate_roi(name=name, clear=True, randomize=randomize) if hasattr([0].logLike, 'setCountsMap'): self._init_roi_model() else: self.write_xml('tmp') self._like = SummedLikelihood() for i, c in enumerate(self._components): c._create_binned_analysis('tmp.xml') self._like.addComponent( self._init_roi_model() self.load_xml('tmp')'Finished')
[docs] def write_model_map(self, model_name, name=None): """Save the counts model map to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- model_name : str String that will be append to the name of the output file. name : str Name of the component. Returns ------- """ maps = [c.write_model_map(model_name, name) for c in self.components] outfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'mcube_%s.fits' % (model_name)) if self.projtype == "HPX": shape = (self.enumbins, self._proj.npix) model_counts = skymap.make_coadd_map(maps, self._proj, shape) fits_utils.write_hpx_image( model_counts.counts, self._proj, outfile) elif self.projtype == "WCS": shape = (self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) model_counts = skymap.make_coadd_map(maps, self._proj, shape) fits_utils.write_fits_image( model_counts.counts, self._proj, outfile) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) return [model_counts] + maps
[docs] def print_roi(self, loglevel=logging.INFO): """Print information about the spectral and spatial properties of the ROI (sources, diffuse components).""" self.logger.log(loglevel, '\n' + str(self.roi))
[docs] def print_params(self, allpars=False, loglevel=logging.INFO): """Print information about the model parameters (values, errors, bounds, scale).""" pars = self.get_params() o = '\n' o += '%4s %-20s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%5s\n' % ( 'idx', 'parname', 'value', 'error', 'min', 'max', 'scale', 'free') o += '-' * 80 + '\n' src_pars = collections.OrderedDict() for p in pars: src_pars.setdefault(p['src_name'], []) src_pars[p['src_name']] += [p] free_sources = [] for k, v in src_pars.items(): for p in v: if not p['free']: continue free_sources += [k] for k, v in src_pars.items(): if not allpars and k not in free_sources: continue o += '%s\n' % k for p in v: o += '%4i %-20.19s' % (p['idx'], p['par_name']) o += '%10.3g%10.3g' % (p['value'], p['error']) o += '%10.3g%10.3g%10.3g' % (p['bounds'][0], p['bounds'][1], p['scale']) if p['free']: o += ' *' else: o += ' ' o += '\n' self.logger.log(loglevel, o)
[docs] def print_model(self, loglevel=logging.INFO): o = '\n' o += '%-20s%8s%8s%7s%10s%10s%12s%5s\n' % ( 'sourcename', 'offset', 'norm', 'eflux', 'index', 'ts', 'npred', 'free') o += '-' * 80 + '\n' for s in sorted(self.roi.sources, key=lambda t: t['offset']): if s.diffuse: continue normVal = fixed =[].fixedSpectrum() if fixed: free_str = ' ' else: free_str = '*' if s['SpectrumType'] == 'PowerLaw': index = s['dnde1000_index'] else: index = 0.5 * (s['dnde1000_index'] + s['dnde10000_index']) o += '%-20.19s%8.3f%8.3f%10.3g%7.2f%10.2f%12.1f%5s\n' % ( s['name'], s['offset'], normVal, s['eflux'], index, s['ts'], s['npred'], free_str) for s in sorted(self.roi.sources, key=lambda t: t['offset']): if not s.diffuse: continue normVal = fixed =[].fixedSpectrum() if fixed: free_str = ' ' else: free_str = '*' if s['SpectrumType'] == 'PowerLaw': index = s['dnde1000_index'] else: index = 0.5 * (s['dnde1000_index'] + s['dnde10000_index']) o += '%-20.19s%8s%8.3f%10.3g%7.2f%10.2f%12.1f%5s\n' % ( s['name'], '---', normVal, s['eflux'], index, s['ts'], s['npred'], free_str) self.logger.log(loglevel, o)
[docs] def load_roi(self, infile, reload_sources=False): """This function reloads the analysis state from a previously saved instance generated with `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.write_roi`. Parameters ---------- infile : str reload_sources : bool Regenerate source maps for non-diffuse sources. """ infile = utils.resolve_path(infile, workdir=self.workdir) roi_file, roi_data = utils.load_data(infile, workdir=self.workdir)'Loading ROI file: %s', roi_file) key_map = {'dfde': 'dnde', 'dfde100': 'dnde100', 'dfde1000': 'dnde1000', 'dfde10000': 'dnde10000', 'dfde_index': 'dnde_index', 'dfde100_index': 'dnde100_index', 'dfde1000_index': 'dnde1000_index', 'dfde10000_index': 'dnde10000_index', 'e2dfde': 'e2dnde', 'e2dfde100': 'e2dnde100', 'e2dfde1000': 'e2dnde1000', 'e2dfde10000': 'e2dnde10000', 'Npred': 'npred', 'logLike': 'loglike', 'dlogLike': 'dloglike', 'emin': 'e_min', 'ectr': 'e_ctr', 'emax': 'e_max', 'logemin': 'loge_min', 'logectr': 'loge_ctr', 'logemax': 'loge_max', 'ref_dfde': 'ref_dnde', 'ref_e2dfde': 'ref_e2dnde', 'ref_dfde_emin': 'ref_dnde_e_min', 'ref_dfde_emax': 'ref_dnde_e_max', } self._roi_data = utils.update_keys(roi_data['roi'], key_map) if 'erange' in self._roi_data: self._roi_data['loge_bounds'] = self._roi_data.pop('erange') self._loge_bounds = self._roi_data.setdefault('loge_bounds', self.loge_bounds) sources = roi_data.pop('sources') sources = utils.update_keys(sources, key_map) for k0, v0 in sources.items(): for k, v in defaults.source_flux_output.items(): if k not in v0: continue if v[2] == float and isinstance(v0[k], np.ndarray): sources[k0][k], sources[k0][k + '_err'] \ = v0[k][0], v0[k][1] self.roi.load_sources(sources.values()) for i, c in enumerate(self.components): c.roi.load_sources(sources.values()) if 'src_expscale' in self._roi_data['components'][i]: c._src_expscale = copy.deepcopy(self._roi_data['components'] [i]['src_expscale']) self._create_likelihood(infile) self.set_energy_range(self.loge_bounds[0], self.loge_bounds[1]) if reload_sources: names = [ for s in self.roi.sources if not s.diffuse] self.reload_sources(names, False)'Finished Loading ROI')
[docs] def write_roi(self, outfile=None, save_model_map=False, fmt='npy', **kwargs): """Write current state of the analysis to a file. This method writes an XML model definition, a ROI dictionary, and a FITS source catalog file. A previously saved analysis state can be reloaded from the ROI dictionary file with the `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.load_roi` method. Parameters ---------- outfile : str String prefix of the output files. The extension of this string will be stripped when generating the XML, YAML and npy filenames. make_plots : bool Generate diagnostic plots. save_model_map : bool Save the current counts model to a FITS file. fmt : str Set the output file format (yaml or npy). """ # extract the results in a convenient format make_plots = kwargs.get('make_plots', False) if outfile is None: pathprefix = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'results') elif not os.path.isabs(outfile): pathprefix = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], outfile) else: pathprefix = outfile pathprefix = utils.strip_suffix(pathprefix, ['fits', 'yaml', 'npy']) # pathprefix, ext = os.path.splitext(pathprefix) prefix = os.path.basename(pathprefix) xmlfile = pathprefix + '.xml' fitsfile = pathprefix + '.fits' npyfile = pathprefix + '.npy' ymlfile = pathprefix + '.yaml' self.write_xml(xmlfile) self.write_fits(fitsfile) if not self.config['gtlike']['use_external_srcmap']: for c in self.components:['srcmap'])) if save_model_map: self.write_model_map(prefix) o = {} o['roi'] = copy.deepcopy(self._roi_data) o['config'] = copy.deepcopy(self.config) o['version'] = fermipy.__version__ o['stversion'] = fermipy.get_st_version() o['sources'] = {} for s in self.roi.sources: o['sources'][] = copy.deepcopy( for i, c in enumerate(self.components): o['roi']['components'][i][ 'src_expscale'] = copy.deepcopy(c.src_expscale) if fmt == 'yaml':'Writing %s...', ymlfile) utils.write_yaml(o, ymlfile) elif fmt == 'npy':'Writing %s...', npyfile), o) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized output format: %s' % fmt) if make_plots: self.make_plots(prefix, None, **kwargs.get('plotting', {}))
[docs] def write_fits(self, fitsfile):'Writing %s...', fitsfile) tab = self.roi.create_table() hdu_data = fits.table_to_hdu(tab) = 'CATALOG' tab_srcs = [] tab_params = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.components): tab = self.roi.create_source_table() tab['component'] = i tab['expscale'] = np.nan for k,v in c.src_expscale.items(): m = tab['source_name'] == k tab['expscale'][m] = v tab_srcs += [tab] tab = self.roi.create_param_table() tab['component'] = i tab_params += [tab] from astropy.table import vstack hdu_srcs = fits.table_to_hdu(vstack(tab_srcs)) = 'SOURCES' hdu_params = fits.table_to_hdu(vstack(tab_params)) = 'PARAMS' hdu_roi = fits.table_to_hdu(self.create_roi_table()) = 'ROI' hdus = [fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu_data, hdu_roi, hdu_srcs, hdu_params] hdus[0].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(self.config) hdus[1].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(self.config) fits_utils.write_hdus(hdus, fitsfile)
[docs] def create_roi_table(self): rd = copy.deepcopy(self._roi_data) loge_bounds = rd.pop('loge_bounds').tolist() tab = fits_utils.dict_to_table(rd) tab['component'] = -1 tab.meta['loge_bounds'] = loge_bounds row_dict = {} for i, c in enumerate(rd['components']): c['component'] = i row = [] for k in tab.columns: shape = tab.columns[k].shape ndim = tab.columns[k].ndim if ndim == 1: val = c[k] else: val = np.ones(shape[1:])*np.nan val[:len(c[k])] = c[k] row += [val] tab.add_row(row) return tab
[docs] def make_plots(self, prefix, mcube_map=None, **kwargs): """Make diagnostic plots using the current ROI model.""" #mcube_maps = kwargs.pop('mcube_maps', None) if mcube_map is None: mcube_map = self.model_counts_map() plotter = plotting.AnalysisPlotter(self.config['plotting'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], logging=self.config['logging']), mcube_map, prefix=prefix, **kwargs)
[docs] def bowtie(self, name, fd=None, loge=None): """Generate a spectral uncertainty band (bowtie) for the given source. This will create an uncertainty band on the differential flux as a function of energy by propagating the errors on the global fit parameters. Note that this band only reflects the uncertainty for parameters that are currently free in the model. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. fd : FluxDensity Flux density object. If this parameter is None then one will be created. loge : array-like Sequence of energies in log10(E/MeV) at which the flux band will be evaluated. """ if loge is None: logemin = self.log_energies[0] logemax = self.log_energies[-1] loge = np.linspace(logemin, logemax, 50) o = {'energies': 10**loge, 'log_energies': loge, 'dnde': np.zeros(len(loge)) * np.nan, 'dnde_lo': np.zeros(len(loge)) * np.nan, 'dnde_hi': np.zeros(len(loge)) * np.nan, 'dnde_err': np.zeros(len(loge)) * np.nan, 'dnde_ferr': np.zeros(len(loge)) * np.nan, 'pivot_energy': np.nan} try: if fd is None: fd = FluxDensity.FluxDensity(, name) except RuntimeError: self.logger.error('Failed to create FluxDensity', exc_info=True) return o dnde = [fd.value(10 ** x) for x in loge] dnde_err = [fd.error(10 ** x) for x in loge] dnde = np.array(dnde) dnde_err = np.array(dnde_err) m = dnde > 0 fhi = np.zeros_like(dnde) flo = np.zeros_like(dnde) ferr = np.zeros_like(dnde) fhi[m] = dnde[m] * (1.0 + dnde_err[m] / dnde[m]) flo[m] = dnde[m] / (1.0 + dnde_err[m] / dnde[m]) ferr[m] = 0.5 * (fhi[m] - flo[m]) / dnde[m] fhi[~m] = dnde_err[~m] o['dnde'] = dnde o['dnde_lo'] = flo o['dnde_hi'] = fhi o['dnde_err'] = dnde_err o['dnde_ferr'] = ferr try: o['pivot_energy'] = 10 ** utils.interpolate_function_min(loge, o[ 'dnde_ferr']) except Exception: self.logger.error('Failed to compute pivot energy', exc_info=True) return o
def _coadd_maps(self, cmaps, shape, rm): """ """ if self.projtype == "WCS": shape = (self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) self._ccube = skymap.make_coadd_map(cmaps, self._proj, shape) fits_utils.write_fits_image(self._ccube.counts, self._ccube.wcs, self.files['ccube']) rm['counts'] += np.squeeze( np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, self._ccube.counts, axes=[1, 2])) elif self.projtype == "HPX": self._ccube = skymap.make_coadd_map(cmaps, self._proj, shape) fits_utils.write_hpx_image(self._ccube.counts, self._ccube.hpx, self.files['ccube']) rm['counts'] += np.squeeze( np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, self._ccube.counts, axes=[1])) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype)
[docs] def update_source(self, name, paramsonly=False, reoptimize=False, **kwargs): """Update the dictionary for this source. Parameters ---------- name : str paramsonly : bool reoptimize : bool Re-fit background parameters in likelihood scan. """ npts = self.config['gtlike']['llscan_npts'] optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', self.config['optimizer']) sd = self.get_src_model(name, paramsonly, reoptimize, npts, optimizer=optimizer) src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data(sd) for c in self.components: src = c.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data(sd)
[docs] def get_src_model(self, name, paramsonly=False, reoptimize=False, npts=None, **kwargs): """Compose a dictionary for a source with the current best-fit parameters. Parameters ---------- name : str paramsonly : bool Skip computing TS and likelihood profile. reoptimize : bool Re-fit background parameters in likelihood scan. npts : int Number of points for likelihood scan. Returns ------- src_dict : dict """ self.logger.debug('Generating source dict for ' + name) optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', self.config['optimizer']) if npts is None: npts = self.config['gtlike']['llscan_npts'] name = self.get_source_name(name) source =[name].src spectrum = source.spectrum() normPar = src_dict = defaults.make_default_dict(defaults.source_flux_output) src_dict.update({'name': name, 'pivot_energy': 1000., 'ts': np.nan, 'loglike': np.nan, 'npred': 0.0, 'loglike_scan': np.nan * np.ones(npts), 'dloglike_scan': np.nan * np.ones(npts), 'eflux_scan': np.nan * np.ones(npts), 'flux_scan': np.nan * np.ones(npts), 'norm_scan': np.nan * np.ones(npts), }) src_dict.update(gtutils.gtlike_spectrum_to_vectors(spectrum)) src_dict['spectral_pars'] = gtutils.get_function_pars_dict(spectrum) # Get Counts Spectrum src_dict['model_counts'] = self.model_counts_spectrum( name, summed=True) # Get NPred src_dict['npred'] = # Get the Model Fluxes try: src_dict['flux'] =, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) src_dict['flux100'] =, 100., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['flux1000'] =, 1000., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['flux10000'] =, 10000., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['eflux'] =, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) src_dict['eflux100'] =, 100., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['eflux1000'] =, 1000., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['eflux10000'] =, 10000., 10 ** 5.5) src_dict['dnde'] =[name].spectrum()( pyLike.dArg(src_dict['pivot_energy'])) src_dict['dnde100'] =[name].spectrum()( pyLike.dArg(100.)) src_dict['dnde1000'] =[name].spectrum()( pyLike.dArg(1000.)) src_dict['dnde10000'] =[name].spectrum()( pyLike.dArg(10000.)) if normPar.getValue() == 0: normPar.setValue(1.0) dnde_index = -get_spectral_index([name], src_dict['pivot_energy']) dnde100_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 100.) dnde1000_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 1000.) dnde10000_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 10000.) normPar.setValue(0.0) else: dnde_index = -get_spectral_index([name], src_dict['pivot_energy']) dnde100_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 100.) dnde1000_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 1000.) dnde10000_index = -get_spectral_index([name], 10000.) src_dict['dnde_index'] = dnde_index src_dict['dnde100_index'] = dnde100_index src_dict['dnde1000_index'] = dnde1000_index src_dict['dnde10000_index'] = dnde10000_index except Exception: self.logger.error('Failed to update source parameters.', exc_info=True) # Only compute TS, errors, and ULs if the source was free in # the fit if not self.get_free_source_params(name) or paramsonly: return src_dict emax = 10 ** 5.5 try: src_dict['flux_err'] =, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) src_dict['flux100_err'] =, 100., emax) src_dict['flux1000_err'] =, 1000., emax) src_dict['flux10000_err'] =, 10000., emax) src_dict['eflux_err'] = \, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) src_dict['eflux100_err'] =, 100., emax) src_dict['eflux1000_err'] =, 1000., emax) src_dict['eflux10000_err'] =, 10000., emax) except Exception: pass # self.logger.error('Failed to update source parameters.', # exc_info=True) lnlp = self.profile_norm(name, savestate=True, reoptimize=reoptimize, npts=npts, optimizer=optimizer) src_dict['loglike_scan'] = lnlp['loglike'] src_dict['dloglike_scan'] = lnlp['dloglike'] src_dict['eflux_scan'] = lnlp['eflux'] src_dict['flux_scan'] = lnlp['flux'] src_dict['norm_scan'] = lnlp['xvals'] src_dict['loglike'] = np.max(lnlp['loglike']) flux_ul_data = utils.get_parameter_limits( lnlp['flux'], lnlp['dloglike']) eflux_ul_data = utils.get_parameter_limits( lnlp['eflux'], lnlp['dloglike']) if normPar.getValue() == 0: normPar.setValue(1.0) flux =, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) flux100 =, 100., emax) flux1000 =, 1000., emax) flux10000 =, 10000., emax) eflux =, self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]) eflux100 =, 100., emax) eflux1000 =, 1000., emax) eflux10000 =, 10000., emax) flux100_ratio = flux100 / flux flux1000_ratio = flux1000 / flux flux10000_ratio = flux10000 / flux eflux100_ratio = eflux100 / eflux eflux1000_ratio = eflux1000 / eflux eflux10000_ratio = eflux10000 / eflux normPar.setValue(0.0) else: flux100_ratio = src_dict['flux100'] / src_dict['flux'] flux1000_ratio = src_dict['flux1000'] / src_dict['flux'] flux10000_ratio = src_dict['flux10000'] / src_dict['flux'] eflux100_ratio = src_dict['eflux100'] / src_dict['eflux'] eflux1000_ratio = src_dict['eflux1000'] / src_dict['eflux'] eflux10000_ratio = src_dict['eflux10000'] / src_dict['eflux'] src_dict['flux_ul95'] = flux_ul_data['ul'] src_dict['flux100_ul95'] = flux_ul_data['ul'] * flux100_ratio src_dict['flux1000_ul95'] = flux_ul_data['ul'] * flux1000_ratio src_dict['flux10000_ul95'] = flux_ul_data['ul'] * flux10000_ratio src_dict['eflux_ul95'] = eflux_ul_data['ul'] src_dict['eflux100_ul95'] = eflux_ul_data['ul'] * eflux100_ratio src_dict['eflux1000_ul95'] = eflux_ul_data['ul'] * eflux1000_ratio src_dict['eflux10000_ul95'] = eflux_ul_data['ul'] * eflux10000_ratio # Extract covariance matrix fd = None try: fd = FluxDensity.FluxDensity(, name) src_dict['covar'] = fd.covar except RuntimeError: pass # if ex.message == 'Covariance matrix has not been # computed.': # Extract bowtie if fd and len(src_dict['covar']) and src_dict['covar'].ndim >= 1: loge = np.linspace(self.log_energies[0], self.log_energies[-1], 50) src_dict['model_flux'] = self.bowtie(name, fd=fd, loge=loge) src_dict['dnde100_err'] = fd.error(100.) src_dict['dnde1000_err'] = fd.error(1000.) src_dict['dnde10000_err'] = fd.error(10000.) src_dict['pivot_energy'] = src_dict['model_flux']['pivot_energy'] e0 = src_dict['pivot_energy'] src_dict['dnde'] =[name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(e0)) src_dict['dnde_err'] = fd.error(e0) if not reoptimize: src_dict['ts'] =, reoptimize=reoptimize) else: src_dict['ts'] = -2.0 * lnlp['dloglike'][0] return src_dict
class GTBinnedAnalysis(fermipy.config.Configurable): defaults = dict(selection=defaults.selection, binning=defaults.binning, ltcube=defaults.ltcube, gtlike=defaults.gtlike,, model=defaults.model, logging=defaults.logging, fileio=defaults.fileio, name=('00', '', str), file_suffix=('', '', str)) def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): self._loglevel = kwargs.pop('loglevel', logging.INFO) super(GTBinnedAnalysis, self).__init__(config, **kwargs) self._projtype = self.config['binning']['projtype'] self.logger = Logger.get(self.__class__.__name__, self.config['fileio']['logfile'], log_level(self.config['logging']['verbosity'])) self._roi = ROIModel.create(self.config['selection'], self.config['model'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys']) workdir = self.config['fileio']['workdir'] self._name = self.config['name'] search_dirs = [workdir] self._files = {} self._files['ft1'] = 'ft1%s.fits' self._files['ft1_filtered'] = 'ft1_filtered%s.fits' self._files['ccube'] = 'ccube%s.fits' self._files['ccubemc'] = 'ccubemc%s.fits' self._files['srcmap'] = 'srcmap%s.fits' self._files['bexpmap'] = 'bexpmap%s.fits' self._files['bexpmap_roi'] = 'bexpmap_roi%s.fits' self._files['srcmdl'] = 'srcmdl%s.xml' self._data_files = {} self._data_files['evfile'] = self.config['data']['evfile'] self._data_files['scfile'] = self.config['data']['scfile'] for k, v in self._data_files.items(): if v is None: continue if not os.path.isfile(v): v = os.path.join(workdir, v) if not os.path.isfile(v): continue if not utils.is_fits_file(v): self._data_files[k] = \ utils.resolve_file_path_list(v, workdir, prefix=k + '_' + else: self._data_files[k] = v self._srcmap_cache = {} self._srcmap = {} # Fill dictionary of exposure corrections self._src_expscale = {} if self.config['gtlike']['expscale'] is not None: for src in self.roi: self._src_expscale[] = self.config[ 'gtlike']['expscale'] if self.config['gtlike']['src_expscale']: for k, v in self.config['gtlike']['src_expscale'].items(): self._src_expscale[k] = v for k, v in self._files.items(): self._files[k] = os.path.join(workdir, v % self.config['file_suffix']) for k in ['srcmap', 'bexpmap', 'bexpmap_roi']: if self.config['gtlike'].get(k, None) is None: continue self._files[k] = resolve_file_path(self.config['gtlike'][k], search_dirs=search_dirs, expand=True) # if self.config['gtlike'].get('srcmdl', None) is not None: # self._files['srcmdl'] = self.config['gtlike']['srcmdl'] self._ext_ltcube = resolve_file_path(self.config['data']['ltcube'], search_dirs=search_dirs, expand=True) if self._ext_ltcube is None or \ self.config['ltcube']['use_local_ltcube']: self.files['ltcube'] = os.path.join(workdir, 'ltcube%s.fits' % self.config['file_suffix']) else: self.files['ltcube'] = self._ext_ltcube self._files['wmap'] = resolve_file_path(self.config['gtlike']['wmap'], search_dirs=search_dirs, expand=True) try: emin = self.config['selection']['emin'] emax = self.config['selection']['emax'] logemin = np.log10(emin) logemax = np.log10(emax) except AttributeError: logemin = self.config['selection']['logemin'] logemax = self.config['selection']['logemax'] emin = np.power(10., logemin) emax = np.power(10., logemax) if self.config['binning']['enumbins'] is not None: self._enumbins = int(self.config['binning']['enumbins']) else: self._enumbins = np.round(self.config['binning']['binsperdec'] * np.log10(emax / emin)) self._enumbins = int(self._enumbins) self._ebin_edges = np.linspace(logemin, logemax, self._enumbins + 1) self._ebin_center = 0.5 * \ (self._ebin_edges[1:] + self._ebin_edges[:-1]) if self.config['binning']['npix'] is None: self._npix = int(np.round(self.config['binning']['roiwidth'] / self.config['binning']['binsz'])) else: self._npix = self.config['binning']['npix'] if self.config['selection']['radius'] is None: self._config['selection']['radius'] = float( np.sqrt(2.) * 0.5 * self.npix * self.config['binning']['binsz'] + 0.5) self.logger.debug( 'Automatically setting selection radius to %s deg', self.config['selection']['radius']) if self.config['binning']['coordsys'] == 'CEL': self._xref = float(self.roi.skydir.ra.deg) self._yref = float(self.roi.skydir.dec.deg) elif self.config['binning']['coordsys'] == 'GAL': self._xref = float(self.roi.skydir.galactic.l.deg) self._yref = float(self.roi.skydir.galactic.b.deg) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized coord system: ' + self.config['binning']['coordsys']) self._like = None self._coordsys = self.config['binning']['coordsys'] self._tmin = self.config['selection']['tmin'] self._tmax = self.config['selection']['tmax'] if self.projtype == 'HPX': self._hpx_region = create_hpx_disk_region_string(self.roi.skydir, self._coordsys, 0.5 * self.config['binning']['roiwidth']) self._proj = HPX.create_hpx(-1, self.config['binning'][ 'hpx_ordering_scheme'] == "NESTED", self._coordsys, self.config['binning']['hpx_order'], self._hpx_region, self.energies) elif self.projtype == "WCS": self._skywcs = wcs_utils.create_wcs(self._roi.skydir, coordsys=self._coordsys, projection=self.config[ 'binning']['proj'], cdelt=self.binsz, crpix=1.0 + 0.5 * (self._npix - 1), naxis=2) self._proj = wcs_utils.create_wcs(self.roi.skydir, coordsys=self._coordsys, projection=self.config[ 'binning']['proj'], cdelt=self.binsz, crpix=1.0 + 0.5 * (self._npix - 1), naxis=3, energies=self.energies) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) self.print_config(self.logger, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) @property def loglevel(self): """Return the default loglevel.""" return self._loglevel @property def roi(self): return self._roi @property def like(self): return self._like @property def name(self): return self._name @property def energies(self): """Return the energy bin edges in MeV.""" return 10**self._ebin_edges @property def log_energies(self): """Return the energy bin edges in log10(E/MeV).""" return self._ebin_edges @property def enumbins(self): return len(self._ebin_edges) - 1 @property def npix(self): return self._npix @property def binsz(self): return self.config['binning']['binsz'] @property def roiwidth(self): return self._npix * self.config['binning']['binsz'] @property def projtype(self): """Return the type of projection to use""" return self._projtype @property def tmin(self): """Return the MET time for the start of the observation.""" return self._tmin @property def tmax(self): """Return the MET time for the end of the observation.""" return self._tmax @property def wcs(self): if self.projtype == "WCS": return self._proj return None @property def hpx(self): if self.projtype == "HPX": return self._proj return None @property def coordsys(self): return self._coordsys @property def files(self): return self._files @property def data_files(self): return self._data_files @property def src_expscale(self): return self._src_expscale def reload_source(self, name): """Recompute the source map for a single source in the model. """ src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) if hasattr(, 'loadSourceMap'):, True, False) srcmap_utils.delete_source_map(self.files['srcmap'], name)['srcmap'])) else: self.write_xml('tmp') src = self.delete_source(name) self.add_source(name, src, free=True) self.load_xml('tmp') def reload_sources(self, names): """Recompute the source map for a list of sources in the model. """ try:, True, True) except: for name in names: self.reload_source(name) def add_source(self, name, src_dict, free=None, save_source_maps=True, use_pylike=True, use_single_psf=False): """Add a new source to the model. Source properties (spectrum, spatial model) are set with the src_dict argument. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. src_dict : dict or `~fermipy.roi_model.Source` object Dictionary or Source object defining the properties of the source. free : bool Initialize the source with the normalization parameter free. save_source_maps : bool Write the source map for this source to the source maps file. use_pylike : bool use_single_psf : bool """ if self.roi.has_source(name): msg = 'Source %s already exists.' % name self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) srcmap_utils.delete_source_map(self.files['srcmap'], name) src = self.roi.create_source(name, src_dict) self.make_template(src, self.config['file_suffix']) if self.config['gtlike']['expscale'] is not None and \ name not in self._src_expscale: self._src_expscale[name] = self.config['gtlike']['expscale'] if self._like is None: return if not use_pylike: self._update_srcmap_file([src], True) pylike_src = self._create_source(src) # Initialize source as free/fixed if free is not None: pylike_src.spectrum().normPar().setFree(free) if hasattr(pyLike, 'PsfIntegConfig') and \ hasattr(pyLike.PsfIntegConfig, 'set_use_single_psf'): config = pyLike.BinnedLikeConfig( config.psf_integ_config().set_use_single_psf(use_single_psf), config) else: if save_source_maps and \ not self.config['gtlike']['use_external_srcmap']:['srcmap'])) self.set_exposure_scale(name) def _create_source(self, src): """Create a pyLikelihood Source object from a `~fermipy.roi_model.Model` object.""" if src['SpatialType'] == 'SkyDirFunction': pylike_src = pyLike.PointSource( pylike_src.setDir(src.skydir.ra.deg, src.skydir.dec.deg, False, False) elif src['SpatialType'] == 'SpatialMap': sm = pyLike.SpatialMap(str(src['Spatial_Filename'])) pylike_src = pyLike.DiffuseSource(sm,, False) elif src['SpatialType'] == 'RadialGaussian': sm = pyLike.RadialGaussian(src.skydir.ra.deg, src.skydir.dec.deg, src.spatial_pars['Sigma']['value']) pylike_src = pyLike.DiffuseSource(sm,, False) elif src['SpatialType'] == 'RadialDisk': sm = pyLike.RadialDisk(src.skydir.ra.deg, src.skydir.dec.deg, src.spatial_pars['Radius']['value']) pylike_src = pyLike.DiffuseSource(sm,, False) elif src['SpatialType'] == 'MapCubeFunction': mcf = pyLike.MapCubeFunction2(str(src['Spatial_Filename'])) pylike_src = pyLike.DiffuseSource(mcf,, False) else: raise Exception('Unrecognized spatial type: %s', src['SpatialType']) if src['SpectrumType'] == 'FileFunction': fn = gtutils.create_spectrum_from_dict(src['SpectrumType'], src.spectral_pars) file_function = pyLike.FileFunction_cast(fn) filename = str(os.path.expandvars(src['Spectrum_Filename'])) file_function.readFunction(filename) elif src['SpectrumType'] == 'DMFitFunction': fn = pyLike.DMFitFunction() fn = gtutils.create_spectrum_from_dict(src['SpectrumType'], src.spectral_pars, fn) filename = str(os.path.expandvars(src['Spectrum_Filename'])) fn.readFunction(filename) else: fn = gtutils.create_spectrum_from_dict(src['SpectrumType'], src.spectral_pars) pylike_src.setSpectrum(fn) pylike_src.setName(str( return pylike_src def delete_source(self, name, save_template=True, delete_source_map=False, build_fixed_wts=True): src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) self.logger.debug('Deleting source %s', name) if is not None: normPar = isFree = normPar.isFree() if str( in if not isFree and build_fixed_wts: if not save_template and 'Spatial_Filename' in src and \ src['Spatial_Filename'] is not None and \ os.path.isfile(src['Spatial_Filename']): os.remove(src['Spatial_Filename']) self.roi.delete_sources([src]) if delete_source_map: srcmap_utils.delete_source_map(self.files['srcmap'], name) return src def set_exposure_scale(self, name, scale=None): """Set the exposure correction of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. scale : factor Exposure scale factor (1.0 = nominal exposure). """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name if scale is None and name not in self._src_expscale: return elif scale is None: scale = self._src_expscale.get(name, 1.0) else: self._src_expscale[name] = scale self._scale_srcmap({name: scale}) def set_edisp_flag(self, name, flag=True): """Enable/Disable the energy dispersion correction for a source.""" src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) name =[name].src.set_edisp_flag(flag) def set_energy_range(self, logemin, logemax): """Set the energy range of the analysis. Parameters ---------- logemin: float Lower end of energy range in log10(E/MeV). logemax : float Upper end of energy range in log10(E/MeV). """ if logemin is None: logemin = self.log_energies[0] if logemax is None: logemax = self.log_energies[-1] imin = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemin)[0]) imax = int(utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemax)[0]) if imin - imax == 0: imin = int(len(self.log_energies) - 1) imax = int(len(self.log_energies) - 1) klims = if imin != klims[0] or imax != klims[1]:, imax) return np.array([self.log_energies[imin], self.log_energies[imax]]) def counts_map(self): """Return 3-D counts map for this component as a Map object. Returns ------- map : `~fermipy.skymap.MapBase` """ try: p_method = except Exception: p_method = 0 if p_method == 0: # WCS z = z = np.array(z).reshape(self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) return Map(z, copy.deepcopy(self.wcs)) elif p_method == 1: # HPX z = nhpix = self.hpx.npix z = np.array(z).reshape(self.enumbins, nhpix) return HpxMap(z, self.hpx) else: self.logger.error('Did not recognize CountsMap type %i' % p_method, exc_info=True) return None def model_counts_map(self, name=None, exclude=None): """Return the model expectation map for a single source, a set of sources, or all sources in the ROI. The map will be computed using the current model parameters. Parameters ---------- name : str Parameter that defines the sources for which the model map will be calculated. If name=None a model map will be generated for all sources in the model. If name='diffuse' a map for all diffuse sources will be generated. exclude : list Source name or list of source names that will be excluded from the model map. Returns ------- map : `~fermipy.skymap.Map` A map object containing the counts and WCS projection. """ if self.projtype == "WCS": v = pyLike.FloatVector(self.npix ** 2 * self.enumbins) elif self.projtype == "HPX": v = pyLike.FloatVector(self._proj.npix * self.enumbins) else: raise Exception("Unknown projection type %s", self.projtype) exclude = utils.arg_to_list(exclude) names = utils.arg_to_list(name) excluded_names = [] for i, t in enumerate(exclude): srcs = self.roi.get_sources_by_name(t) excluded_names += [ for s in srcs] if not hasattr(, 'loadSourceMaps'): # Update fixed model # Populate source map hash elif (name is None or name == 'all') and not exclude: src_names = [] if (name is None) or (name == 'all'): src_names = [ for src in self.roi.sources] elif name == 'diffuse': src_names = [ for src in self.roi.sources if src.diffuse] else: srcs = [self.roi.get_source_by_name(t) for t in names] src_names = [ for src in srcs] # Remove sources in exclude list src_names = [str(t) for t in src_names if t not in excluded_names] if len(src_names) == len(self.roi.sources): elif not hasattr(, 'setSourceMapImage'): for s in src_names: model =, model) else: try:, v) except: vsum = np.zeros(v.size()) for s in src_names: vtmp = pyLike.FloatVector(v.size()), vtmp) vsum += vtmp v = pyLike.FloatVector(vsum) if self.projtype == "WCS": z = np.array(v).reshape(self.enumbins, self.npix, self.npix) return Map(z, copy.deepcopy(self.wcs)) elif self.projtype == "HPX": z = np.array(v).reshape(self.enumbins, self._proj.npix) return HpxMap(z, self.hpx) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) def model_counts_spectrum(self, name, logemin, logemax): """Return the model counts spectrum of a source. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. """ cs = np.array( imin = utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemin)[0] imax = utils.val_to_edge(self.log_energies, logemax)[0] if imax <= imin: raise Exception('Invalid energy range.') return cs[imin:imax] def setup(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Run pre-processing step for this component. This will generate all of the auxiliary files needed to instantiate a likelihood object. By default this function will skip any steps for which the output file already exists. Parameters ---------- overwrite : bool Run all pre-processing steps even if the output file of that step is present in the working directory. """ loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Running setup for component %s', use_external_srcmap = self.config['gtlike']['use_external_srcmap'] # Run data selection if not use_external_srcmap: self._select_data(overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) # Create LT Cube if self._ext_ltcube is not None: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Using external LT cube.') else: self._create_ltcube(overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) self.logger.debug('Loading LT Cube %s', self.files['ltcube']) self._ltc = LTCube.create(self.files['ltcube']) # Extract tmin, tmax from LT cube self._tmin = self._ltc.tstart self._tmax = self._ltc.tstop self.logger.debug('Creating PSF model') self._psf = irfs.PSFModel.create(self.roi.skydir, self._ltc, self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], self.config['selection']['evtype'], self.energies) # Bin data and create exposure cube if not use_external_srcmap: self._bin_data(overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) self._create_expcube(overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs) # Make spatial maps for extended sources for s in self.roi.sources: if s.diffuse: continue if not s.extended: continue self.make_template(s, self.config['file_suffix']) # Write ROI XML self.roi.write_xml(self.files['srcmdl']) # Create source maps file if not use_external_srcmap: self._create_srcmaps(overwrite=overwrite) if not self.config['data']['cacheft1'] and os.path.isfile(self.files['ft1']): self.logger.debug('Deleting FT1 file.') os.remove(self.files['ft1']) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Finished setup for component %s', def _select_data(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) if (os.path.isfile(self.files['ft1']) and os.path.isfile(self.files['ccube']) and not overwrite): self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Skipping data selection.') return # Run gtselect and gtmktime kw_gtselect = dict(infile=self.data_files['evfile'], outfile=self.files['ft1'], ra=self.roi.skydir.ra.deg, dec=self.roi.skydir.dec.deg, rad=self.config['selection']['radius'], convtype=self.config['selection']['convtype'], phasemin=self.config['selection']['phasemin'], phasemax=self.config['selection']['phasemax'], evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], evclass=self.config['selection']['evclass'], tmin=self.config['selection']['tmin'], tmax=self.config['selection']['tmax'], emin=self.config['selection']['emin'], emax=self.config['selection']['emax'], zmax=self.config['selection']['zmax'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) kw_gtmktime = dict(evfile=self.files['ft1'], outfile=self.files['ft1_filtered'], scfile=self.data_files['scfile'], roicut=self.config['selection']['roicut'], filter=self.config['selection']['filter']) run_gtapp('gtselect', self.logger, kw_gtselect, loglevel=loglevel) if self.config['selection']['roicut'] == 'yes' or \ self.config['selection']['filter'] is not None: run_gtapp('gtmktime', self.logger, kw_gtmktime, loglevel=loglevel) os.system('mv %s %s' % (self.files['ft1_filtered'], self.files['ft1'])) def _bin_data(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) # Run gtbin if self.projtype == "WCS": kw = dict(algorithm='ccube', nxpix=self.npix, nypix=self.npix, binsz=self.config['binning']['binsz'], evfile=self.files['ft1'], outfile=self.files['ccube'], scfile=self.data_files['scfile'], xref=self._xref, yref=self._yref, axisrot=0, proj=self.config['binning']['proj'], ebinalg='LOG', emin=self.config['selection']['emin'], emax=self.config['selection']['emax'], enumbins=self._enumbins, coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) elif self.projtype == "HPX": hpx_region = "DISK(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % ( self._xref, self._yref, 0.5 * self.config['binning']['roiwidth']) kw = dict(algorithm='healpix', evfile=self.files['ft1'], outfile=self.files['ccube'], scfile=self.data_files['scfile'], xref=self._xref, yref=self._yref, proj=self.config['binning']['proj'], hpx_ordering_scheme=self.config['binning'][ 'hpx_ordering_scheme'], hpx_order=self.config['binning']['hpx_order'], hpx_ebin=self.config['binning']['hpx_ebin'], hpx_region=hpx_region, ebinalg='LOG', emin=self.config['selection']['emin'], emax=self.config['selection']['emax'], enumbins=self._enumbins, coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) else: self.logger.error( 'Unknown projection type, %s. Choices are WCS or HPX', self.projtype) if not os.path.isfile(self.files['ccube']) or overwrite: run_gtapp('gtbin', self.logger, kw, loglevel=loglevel) else: self.logger.debug('Skipping gtbin.') def _create_ltcube(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) if os.path.isfile(self.files['ltcube']) and not overwrite: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Skipping LT Cube.') return # Run gtltcube kw = dict(evfile=self.files['ft1'], scfile=self.data_files['scfile'], outfile=self.files['ltcube'], binsz=self.config['ltcube']['binsz'], dcostheta=self.config['ltcube']['dcostheta'], zmax=self.config['selection']['zmax']) if self.config['ltcube']['use_local_ltcube']:'Generating local LT cube.') colnames = ['START', 'STOP', 'LIVETIME', 'RA_SCZ', 'DEC_SCZ', 'RA_ZENITH', 'DEC_ZENITH'] tab_sc = create_sc_table(self.data_files['scfile'], colnames=colnames) tab_gti =['ft1'], 'GTI') radius = self.config['selection']['radius'] + 10.0 ltc_new = LTCube.create_from_gti(self.roi.skydir, tab_sc, tab_gti, self.config['selection']['zmax'], radius=radius) ltc_new.write(self.files['ltcube']) else: run_gtapp('gtltcube', self.logger, kw, loglevel=loglevel) def _create_expcube(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) if os.path.isfile(self.files['bexpmap']) and not overwrite: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Skipping gtexpcube.') return if self.config['gtlike']['irfs'] == 'CALDB': if self.projtype == "HPX": cmap = None else: cmap = self.files['ccube'] else: cmap = 'none' # Run gtexpcube2 kw = dict(infile=self.files['ltcube'], cmap=cmap, ebinalg='LOG', emin=self.config['selection']['emin'], emax=self.config['selection']['emax'], enumbins=self._enumbins, outfile=self.files['bexpmap'], proj='CAR', nxpix=360, nypix=180, binsz=1, xref=0.0, yref=0.0, evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) run_gtapp('gtexpcube2', self.logger, kw, loglevel=loglevel) if self.projtype == "WCS": kw = dict(infile=self.files['ltcube'], cmap='none', ebinalg='LOG', emin=self.config['selection']['emin'], emax=self.config['selection']['emax'], enumbins=self._enumbins, outfile=self.files['bexpmap_roi'], proj='CAR', nxpix=self.npix, nypix=self.npix, binsz=self.config['binning']['binsz'], xref=self._xref, yref=self._yref, evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) run_gtapp('gtexpcube2', self.logger, kw, loglevel=loglevel) elif self.projtype == "HPX": self.logger.debug('Skipping local gtexpcube for HEALPix') else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) def _create_srcmaps(self, overwrite=False, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) # Run gtsrcmaps kw = dict(scfile=self.data_files['scfile'], expcube=self.files['ltcube'], cmap=self.files['ccube'], srcmdl=self.files['srcmdl'], bexpmap=self.files['bexpmap'], outfile=self.files['srcmap'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], wmap=self.files['wmap'], evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], rfactor=self.config['gtlike']['rfactor'], # resample=self.config['resample'], minbinsz=self.config['gtlike']['minbinsz'], chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter'], emapbnds='no') if not os.path.isfile(self.files['srcmap']) or overwrite: run_gtapp('gtsrcmaps', self.logger, kw, loglevel=loglevel) else: self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Skipping gtsrcmaps.') def _create_binned_analysis(self, xmlfile=None, **kwargs): loglevel = kwargs.get('loglevel', self.loglevel) self.logger.log(loglevel, 'Creating BinnedAnalysis for component %s.', srcmdl_file = self.files['srcmdl'] if xmlfile is not None: srcmdl_file = self.get_model_path(xmlfile) # Create BinnedObs self.logger.debug('Creating BinnedObs') kw = dict(srcMaps=self.files['srcmap'], expCube=self.files['ltcube'], binnedExpMap=self.files['bexpmap'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs']) self.logger.debug(kw) self._obs = ba.BinnedObs(**utils.unicode_to_str(kw)) # Create BinnedAnalysis self.logger.debug('Creating BinnedAnalysis') kw = dict(srcModel=srcmdl_file, optimizer='MINUIT', wmap=self._files['wmap'], convolve=self.config['gtlike']['convolve'], resample=self.config['gtlike']['resample'], minbinsz=self.config['gtlike']['minbinsz'], resamp_fact=self.config['gtlike']['rfactor']) self.logger.debug(kw) self._like = BinnedAnalysis(binnedData=self._obs, **utils.unicode_to_str(kw)) # print # # print if self.config['gtlike']['edisp']: self.logger.debug('Enabling energy dispersion') for s in self.config['gtlike']['edisp_disable']: if not self.roi.has_source(s): continue self.logger.debug('Disabling energy dispersion for %s', s) self.set_edisp_flag(s, False) # Recompute fixed model weights self.logger.debug('Computing fixed weights') self.logger.debug('Updating source maps') if not self.config['gtlike']['use_external_srcmap']:['srcmap'])) # Apply exposure corrections self._scale_srcmap(self._src_expscale) def _scale_srcmap(self, scale_map): srcmap =['srcmap']) for hdu in srcmap[1:]: if not in scale_map: continue scale = scale_map[] if scale < 1e-20: self.logger.warning( "The expscale parameter was zero, setting it to 1e-8") scale = 1e-8 if 'EXPSCALE' in hdu.header: old_scale = hdu.header['EXPSCALE'] else: old_scale = 1.0 *= scale / old_scale hdu.header['EXPSCALE'] = scale srcmap.writeto(self.files['srcmap'], clobber=True) for name in scale_map.keys(): def _make_scaled_srcmap(self): """Make an exposure cube with the same binning as the counts map."""'Computing scaled source map.') bexp0 =['bexpmap_roi']) bexp1 =['gtlike']['bexpmap']) srcmap =['gtlike']['srcmap']) if bexp0[0].data.shape != bexp1[0].data.shape: raise Exception('Wrong shape for input exposure map file.') bexp_ratio = bexp0[0].data / bexp1[0].data 'Min/Med/Max exposure correction: %f %f %f' % (np.min(bexp_ratio), np.median( bexp_ratio), np.max(bexp_ratio))) for hdu in srcmap[1:]: if == 'GTI': continue if == 'EBOUNDS': continue *= bexp_ratio srcmap.writeto(self.files['srcmap'], clobber=True) def restore_counts_maps(self): cmap = Map.create_from_fits(self.files['ccube']) if hasattr(, 'setCountsMap'): srcmap_utils.update_source_maps(self.files['srcmap'], {'PRIMARY': cmap.counts}, logger=self.logger) def simulate_roi(self, name=None, clear=True, randomize=True): """Simulate the whole ROI or inject a simulation of one or more model components into the data. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model component to be simulated. If None then the whole ROI will be simulated. clear : bool Zero the current counts map before injecting the simulation. randomize : bool Fill with each pixel with random values drawn from a poisson distribution. If false then fill each pixel with the counts expectation value. """ data = self.counts_map().counts m = self.model_counts_map(name) if clear: data.fill(0.0) if randomize: data += np.random.poisson(m.counts).astype(float) else: data += m.counts if hasattr(, 'setCountsMap'): srcmap_utils.update_source_maps(self.files['srcmap'], {'PRIMARY': data}, logger=self.logger) fits_utils.write_fits_image(data, self.wcs, self.files['ccubemc']) def write_model_map(self, model_name=None, name=None): """Save counts model map to a FITS file. """ if model_name is None: suffix = self.config['file_suffix'] else: suffix = '_%s%s' % (model_name, self.config['file_suffix'])'Generating model map for component %s.', outfile = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'mcube%s.fits' % (suffix)) cmap = self.model_counts_map(name) if self.projtype == "HPX": fits_utils.write_hpx_image(cmap.counts, cmap.hpx, outfile) elif self.projtype == "WCS": fits_utils.write_fits_image(cmap.counts, cmap.wcs, outfile) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) return cmap def make_template(self, src, suffix): if src['SpatialType'] != 'SpatialMap': return if src['Spatial_Filename'] is not None: return if src['SpatialModel'] in ['RadialGaussian']: template_file = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], '%s_template_gauss_%05.3f%s.fits' % (, src['SpatialWidth'], suffix)) sigma = src['SpatialWidth'] / 1.5095921854516636 srcmap_utils.make_gaussian_spatial_map(src.skydir, sigma, template_file) src['Spatial_Filename'] = template_file elif src['SpatialModel'] in ['RadialDisk']: template_file = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], '%s_template_disk_%05.3f%s.fits' % (, src['SpatialWidth'], suffix)) radius = src['SpatialWidth'] / 0.8246211251235321 srcmap_utils.make_disk_spatial_map(src.skydir, radius, template_file) src['Spatial_Filename'] = template_file def _update_srcmap_file(self, sources, overwrite=True): """Check the contents of the source map file and generate source maps for any components that are not present.""" if not os.path.isfile(self.files['srcmap']): return hdulist =['srcmap']) hdunames = [ for hdu in hdulist] srcmaps = {} for src in sources: if in hdunames and not overwrite: continue self.logger.debug('Creating source map for %s', srcmaps[] = self._create_srcmap(, src) if srcmaps: self.logger.debug( 'Updating source map file for component %s.', srcmap_utils.update_source_maps(self.files['srcmap'], srcmaps, logger=self.logger) def _create_srcmap_cache(self, name, src, **kwargs): from fermipy.srcmap_utils import SourceMapCache skydir = src.skydir spatial_model = src['SpatialModel'] spatial_width = src['SpatialWidth'] xpix, ypix = wcs_utils.skydir_to_pix(skydir, self._skywcs) rebin = min(int(np.ceil(self.binsz / 0.01)), 8) shape_out = (self.enumbins + 1, self.npix, self.npix) cache = SourceMapCache.create(self._psf, spatial_model, spatial_width, shape_out, self.config['binning']['binsz'], rebin=rebin) self._srcmap_cache[name] = cache def _create_srcmap(self, name, src, **kwargs): """Generate the source map for a source.""" psf_scale_fn = kwargs.get('psf_scale_fn', None) skydir = src.skydir spatial_model = src['SpatialModel'] spatial_width = src['SpatialWidth'] xpix, ypix = wcs_utils.skydir_to_pix(skydir, self._skywcs) rebin = min(int(np.ceil(self.binsz / 0.01)), 8) cache = self._srcmap_cache.get(name, None) if cache is not None: k = cache.create_map([ypix, xpix]) else: k = srcmap_utils.make_srcmap(self._psf, spatial_model, spatial_width, npix=self.npix, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, cdelt=self.config['binning']['binsz'], rebin=rebin, psf_scale_fn=psf_scale_fn) return k def _update_srcmap(self, name, src, **kwargs): """Update the source map for an existing source in memory.""" k = self._create_srcmap(name, src, **kwargs) # Force the source map to be cached, np.ravel(k)) normPar = if not normPar.isFree(): def generate_model(self, model_name=None, outfile=None): """Generate a counts model map from an XML model file using gtmodel. Parameters ---------- model_name : str Name of the model. If no name is given it will use the baseline model. outfile : str Override the name of the output model file. """ if model_name is not None: model_name = os.path.splitext(model_name)[0] if model_name is None or model_name == '': srcmdl = self.files['srcmdl'] else: srcmdl = self.get_model_path(model_name) if not os.path.isfile(srcmdl): raise Exception("Model file does not exist: %s", srcmdl) if model_name is None: suffix = self.config['file_suffix'] else: suffix = '_%s%s' % (model_name, self.config['file_suffix']) outfile = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'mcube%s.fits' % (suffix)) # May consider generating a custom source model file if not os.path.isfile(outfile): kw = dict(srcmaps=self.files['srcmap'], srcmdl=srcmdl, bexpmap=self.files['bexpmap'], outfile=outfile, expcube=self.files['ltcube'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], edisp=bool(self.config['gtlike']['edisp']), outtype='ccube', chatter=self.config['logging']['chatter']) run_gtapp('gtmodel', self.logger, kw) else:'Skipping gtmodel') def load_xml(self, xmlfile): xmlfile = self.get_model_path(xmlfile)'Loading %s' % xmlfile) if not def write_xml(self, xmlfile): """Write the XML model for this analysis component.""" xmlfile = self.get_model_path(xmlfile)'Writing %s...', xmlfile) def get_model_path(self, name): """Infer the path to the XML model name.""" name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) ext = '.xml' xmlfile = name + self.config['file_suffix'] + ext xmlfile = utils.resolve_path(xmlfile, workdir=self.config['fileio']['workdir']) return xmlfile def _tscube_app(self, xmlfile): """Run gttscube as an application.""" xmlfile = self.get_model_path(xmlfile) outfile = os.path.join(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'tscube%s.fits' % (self.config['file_suffix'])) kw = dict(cmap=self.files['ccube'], expcube=self.files['ltcube'], bexpmap=self.files['bexpmap'], irfs=self.config['gtlike']['irfs'], evtype=self.config['selection']['evtype'], srcmdl=xmlfile, nxpix=self.npix, nypix=self.npix, binsz=self.config['binning']['binsz'], xref=float(self.roi.skydir.ra.deg), yref=float(self.roi.skydir.dec.deg), proj=self.config['binning']['proj'], stlevel=0, coordsys=self.config['binning']['coordsys'], outfile=outfile) run_gtapp('gttscube', self.logger, kw)