Source code for fermipy.diffuse.gt_srcmap_partial

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Run gtsrcmaps for a single energy plane for a single source

This is useful to parallize the production of the source maps
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import argparse

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree

import BinnedAnalysis as BinnedAnalysis
import pyLikelihood as pyLike

from fermipy import utils
from import FileFlags
from import add_argument, Link
from import ConfigMaker
from import build_sg_from_link
from fermipy.diffuse.name_policy import NameFactory
from fermipy.diffuse.binning import Component
from fermipy.diffuse.diffuse_src_manager import make_diffuse_comp_info_dict
from fermipy.diffuse.source_factory import make_sources
from fermipy.diffuse import defaults as diffuse_defaults

NAME_FACTORY = NameFactory()
HPX_ORDER_TO_KSTEP = {5: -1, 6: -1, 7: -1, 8: 2, 9: 1}

[docs]class GtSrcmapPartial(object): """Small class to create srcmaps for only once source in a model, and optionally for only some of the energy layers. This is useful for parallelizing source map creation. """ NULL_MODEL = 'srcmdls/null.xml' default_options = dict(irfs=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['irfs'], expcube=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['expcube'], bexpmap=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['bexpmap'], cmap=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['cmap'], srcmdl=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['srcmdl'], outfile=diffuse_defaults.gtopts['outfile'], source=(None, 'Input source', str), kmin=(0, 'Minimum Energy Bin', int), kmax=(-1, 'Maximum Energy Bin', int), gzip=(False, 'Compress output file', bool)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor """ self.parser = GtSrcmapPartial._make_parser() = GtSrcmapPartial._make_link(**kwargs) @staticmethod def _make_parser(): """Make an argument parser for this class """ usage = "fermipy-srcmaps-diffuse [options]" description = "Run gtsrcmaps for one or more energy planes for a single source" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=description) for key, val in GtSrcmapPartial.default_options.items(): add_argument(parser, key, val) return parser @staticmethod def _make_link(**kwargs): link = Link(kwargs.pop('linkname', 'srcmaps-diffuse'), appname='fermipy-srcmaps-diffuse', options=GtSrcmapPartial.default_options.copy(), file_args=dict(expcube=FileFlags.input_mask, cmap=FileFlags.input_mask, bexpmap=FileFlags.input_mask, srcmdl=FileFlags.input_mask, outfile=FileFlags.output_mask)) return link
[docs] def run(self, argv): """Run this analysis""" args = self.parser.parse_args(argv) obs = BinnedAnalysis.BinnedObs(irfs=args.irfs, expCube=args.expcube, srcMaps=args.cmap, binnedExpMap=args.bexpmap) like = BinnedAnalysis.BinnedAnalysis(obs, optimizer='MINUIT', srcModel=GtSrcmapPartial.NULL_MODEL, wmap=None) source_factory = pyLike.SourceFactory(obs.observation) source_factory.readXml(args.srcmdl, BinnedAnalysis._funcFactory, False, True, True) source = source_factory.releaseSource(args.source) try: diffuse_source = pyLike.DiffuseSource.cast(source) except TypeError: diffuse_source = None if diffuse_source is not None: try: diffuse_source.mapBaseObject().projmap().setExtrapolation(False) except RuntimeError: pass like.logLike.saveSourceMap_partial(args.outfile, source, args.kmin, args.kmax) if args.gzip: os.system("gzip -9 %s" % args.outfile)
[docs]class ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial(ConfigMaker): """Small class to generate configurations for this script This adds the following arguments: --comp : binning component definition yaml file --data : datset definition yaml file --irf_ver : IRF verions string (e.g., 'V6') --diffuse : Diffuse model component definition yaml file' --make_xml : Write xml files for the individual components """ default_options = dict(comp=diffuse_defaults.diffuse['binning_yaml'], data=diffuse_defaults.diffuse['dataset_yaml'], irf_ver=diffuse_defaults.diffuse['irf_ver'], diffuse=diffuse_defaults.diffuse['diffuse_comp_yaml'], make_xml=(False, 'Write xml files needed to make source maps', bool)) def __init__(self, link, **kwargs): """C'tor """ ConfigMaker.__init__(self, link, options=kwargs.get('options', ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial.default_options.copy())) @staticmethod def _write_xml(xmlfile, srcs): """Save the ROI model as an XML """ root = ElementTree.Element('source_library') root.set('title', 'source_library') for src in srcs: src.write_xml(root) output_file = open(xmlfile, 'w') output_file.write(utils.prettify_xml(root)) @staticmethod def _handle_component(sourcekey, comp_dict): """Make the source objects and write the xml for a component """ if comp_dict.comp_key is None: fullkey = sourcekey else: fullkey = "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_dict.comp_key) srcdict = make_sources(fullkey, comp_dict) if comp_dict.model_type == 'IsoSource': print ("Writing xml for %s to %s: %s %s" % (fullkey, comp_dict.srcmdl_name, comp_dict.model_type, comp_dict.Spectral_Filename)) elif comp_dict.model_type == 'MapCubeSource': print ("Writing xml for %s to %s: %s %s" % (fullkey, comp_dict.srcmdl_name, comp_dict.model_type, comp_dict.Spatial_Filename)) ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial._write_xml(comp_dict.srcmdl_name, srcdict.values()) @staticmethod def _make_xml_files(diffuse_comp_info_dict): """Make all the xml file for individual components """ for sourcekey in sorted(diffuse_comp_info_dict.keys()): comp_info = diffuse_comp_info_dict[sourcekey] if comp_info.components is None: ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial._handle_component(sourcekey, comp_info) else: for sub_comp_info in comp_info.components.values(): ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial._handle_component(sourcekey, sub_comp_info)
[docs] def build_job_configs(self, args): """Hook to build job configurations """ input_config = {} job_configs = {} components = Component.build_from_yamlfile(args['comp']) NAME_FACTORY.update_base_dict(args['data']) ret_dict = make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(components=components, diffuse=args['diffuse'], basedir='.') diffuse_comp_info_dict = ret_dict['comp_info_dict'] if args['make_xml']: ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial._make_xml_files(diffuse_comp_info_dict) for diffuse_comp_info_key in sorted(diffuse_comp_info_dict.keys()): diffuse_comp_info_value = diffuse_comp_info_dict[diffuse_comp_info_key] for comp in components: zcut = "zmax%i" % comp.zmax key = comp.make_key('{ebin_name}_{evtype_name}') if diffuse_comp_info_value.components is None: sub_comp_info = diffuse_comp_info_value else: sub_comp_info = diffuse_comp_info_value.get_component_info(comp) name_keys = dict(zcut=zcut, sourcekey=sub_comp_info.sourcekey, ebin=comp.ebin_name, psftype=comp.evtype_name, coordsys='GAL', irf_ver=args['irf_ver']) kmin = 0 kmax = comp.enumbins + 1 outfile_base = NAME_FACTORY.srcmaps(**name_keys) kstep = HPX_ORDER_TO_KSTEP[comp.hpx_order] base_dict = dict(cmap=NAME_FACTORY.ccube(**name_keys), expcube=NAME_FACTORY.ltcube(**name_keys), irfs=NAME_FACTORY.irfs(**name_keys), bexpmap=NAME_FACTORY.bexpcube(**name_keys), srcmdl=sub_comp_info.srcmdl_name, source=sub_comp_info.source_name, evtype=comp.evtype) if kstep < 0: kstep = kmax else: pass for k in range(kmin, kmax, kstep): full_key = "%s_%s_%02i" % (diffuse_comp_info_key, key, k) khi = min(kmax, k + kstep) full_dict = base_dict.copy() full_dict.update(dict(outfile=\ outfile_base.replace('.fits', '_%02i.fits' % k), kmin=k, kmax=khi, logfile=\ outfile_base.replace('.fits', '_%02i.log' % k))) job_configs[full_key] = full_dict output_config = {} return input_config, job_configs, output_config
[docs]def create_sg_srcmap_partial(**kwargs): """Build and return a ScatterGather object that can invoke this script""" gtsmp = GtSrcmapPartial() link = link.linkname = kwargs.pop('linkname', link.linkname) appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'fermipy-srcmaps-diffuse-sg') lsf_args = {'W': 1500, 'R': 'rhel60'} usage = "%s [options]"%(appname) description = "Build source maps for diffuse model components" config_maker = ConfigMaker_SrcmapPartial(link) lsf_sg = build_sg_from_link(link, config_maker, lsf_args=lsf_args, usage=usage, description=description, appname=appname, **kwargs) return lsf_sg
[docs]def main_single(): """Entry point for command line use for single job """ gtsmp = GtSrcmapPartial()[1:])
[docs]def main_batch(): """Entry point for command line use for dispatching batch jobs """ lsf_sg = create_sg_srcmap_partial() lsf_sg(sys.argv)
if __name__ == '__main__': main_single()