Source code for fermipy.diffuse.binning

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Small helper class to represent the binning used for a single component
of a summed likelihood in diffuse analysis
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import math
import yaml

# Map event type 'key' to evtype bin mask value
EVT_TYPE_DICT = dict(PSF0=4, PSF1=8, PSF2=16, PSF3=32,
                     PSF12=24, PSF012=28,
                     PSF23=48, PSF123=56, PSF0123=60)

[docs]class Component(object): """Small helper class to represent the binning used for a single component of a summed likelihood in diffuse analysis Parameters ---------- log_emin : float Log base 10 of minimum energy for this component log_emax : float Log base 10 of maximum energy for this component enumbins : int Number of energy bins for this component zmax : float Maximum zenith angle cube for this component in degrees mktimefilters : list Filters for gtmktime. hpx_order : int HEALPix order to use for this component """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor: copies keyword arguments to data members """ self.log_emin = kwargs['log_emin'] self.log_emax = kwargs['log_emax'] self.enumbins = kwargs['enumbins'] self.zmax = kwargs['zmax'] self.mktimefilters = kwargs.get('mktimefilters', []) self.evtclasses = kwargs.get('evtclasses', []) self.hpx_order = kwargs['hpx_order'] self.evtype_name = kwargs['evtype_name'] self.ebin_name = kwargs['ebin_name'] def __repr__(self): retstr = "Binning component %s_%s\n"%(self.ebin_name, self.evtype_name) retstr += " log_10(E/MeV) : %.2f %.2f %i bins\n"%(self.log_emin, self.log_emax, self.enumbins) retstr += " HPX order : %i\n"%self.hpx_order retstr += " Zenith cut : %.0f\n"%self.zmax retstr += " Mktime filters: %s\n"%str(self.mktimefilters) retstr += " Evt classes : %s"%str(self.evtclasses) return retstr
[docs] def make_key(self, format_str): """ Make a key to identify this compoment format_str is formatted using object __dict__ """ return format_str.format(**self.__dict__)
@property def emin(self): """ Minimum energy for this component """ return math.pow(10., self.log_emin) @property def emax(self): """ Maximum energy for this component """ return math.pow(10., self.log_emax) @property def evtype(self): """ Event type bit mask for this component """ return EVT_TYPE_DICT[self.evtype_name]
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_energy_dict(cls, ebin_name, input_dict): """ Build a list of components from a dictionary for a single energy range """ psf_types = input_dict.pop('psf_types') output_list = [] for psf_type, val_dict in sorted(psf_types.items()): fulldict = input_dict.copy() fulldict.update(val_dict) fulldict['evtype_name'] = psf_type fulldict['ebin_name'] = ebin_name component = cls(**fulldict) output_list += [component] return output_list
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_yamlstr(cls, yamlstr): """ Build a list of components from a yaml string """ top_dict = yaml.safe_load(yamlstr) output_list = [] for e_key, e_dict in sorted(top_dict.items()): e_dict = top_dict[e_key] output_list += cls.build_from_energy_dict(e_key, e_dict) return output_list
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_yamlfile(cls, yamlfile): """ Build a list of components from a yaml file """ return cls.build_from_yamlstr(open(yamlfile))