Source code for fermipy.diffuse.name_policy

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Handle the naming conventions for composite likelihood analysis
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import yaml

# Map reprocessing 'key' to IRF name

# Map event class 'key' to IRF name

# Map event class 'key' to evtype bit mask value
EVCLASS_MASK_DICTIONARY = dict(source=128,

[docs]class NameFactory(object): """ Helper class to define file names and keys consistently. """ # dataset: specifies the data selection, # e.g., P8_P302_8years_source or P8_P302_8years_ultracleanveto dataset_format = '{data_pass}_{data_ver}_{data_time}_{evclass}' # Binning component : specifies the sub-selection, # e.g., zmax105_E3_PSF3 or zmax100_E1_ALL component_format = '{zcut}_{ebin}_{psftype}' # sourcekeys, these are how we specify sources # sourcekey for diffuse templates : specifies the source and version of the source # e.g., loopI_v00 or sourcekey_format = '{source_name}_{source_ver}' # sourcekey for galprop input maps : specifies the component and ring. # e.g., pi0_decay_HIR_ring_11 galprop_ringkey_format = '{source_name}_{ringkey}' # sourcekey for merged galprop maps : specifies the merged component and merging scheme # e.g., merged_CO_0_ref galprop_sourcekey_format = '{source_name}_{galpropkey}' # sourcekey for merged sets of point sources : specifies the catalog and merging rule # e.g., 3FLG_v00_faint merged_sourcekey_format = '{catalog}_{rulekey}' # File formats # Galprop inputs # Galprop input gasmaps galprop_gasmap_format = 'gasmap/{sourcekey}_{projtype}_{galprop_run}_{maptype}.fits.gz' # Galprop merged gasmaps merged_gasmap_format = 'merged_gasmaps/{sourcekey}_{projtype}_{maptype}.fits' # Other diffuse map templates diffuse_template_format = 'templates/template_{sourcekey}.fits' # Spectral templates spectral_template_format = 'templates/spectral_{sourcekey}.txt' # Source model xml files (input to gtrsrcmaps and gtlike) srcmdl_xml_format = 'srcmdls/{sourcekey}.xml' nested_srcmdl_xml_format = 'srcmdls/{sourcekey}_sources.xml' # ScienceTools output files # The input ft1 file list ft1file_format = '{dataset}_{zcut}.lst' # The input ft2 file list ft2file_format = 'ft2_files/ft2_{data_time}.lst' # Livetime cubes (output of gtltcube) ltcube_format = 'lt_cubes/ltcube_{data_time}_{mktime}_{zcut}.fits' # Selected events (output of gtselect) select_format = 'counts_cubes/select_{dataset}_{component}.fits' # MKtime select events (output of gtmktime) mktime_format = 'counts_cubes/mktime_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}.fits' # Counts cubes (output of gtbin) ccube_format = 'counts_cubes/ccube_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}.fits' # Binned exposure cubes (output of gtexpcube2) bexpcube_format = 'bexp_cubes/bexcube_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}_{irf_ver}.fits' # Sources maps (output of gtsrcmaps) srcmaps_format = 'srcmaps/srcmaps_{sourcekey}_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}_{irf_ver}.fits' # Model cubes (output of gtmodel outtype=CCUBE) mcube_format = 'model_cubes/mcube_{sourcekey}_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}_{irf_ver}.fits' # SolarTools output files # gtltcubesun output (for sun) ltcubesun_format = 'sunmoon/ltcube_{data_time}_{mktime}_{zcut}_sun.fits' # gtltcubesun output (for moon) ltcubemoon_format = 'sunmoon/ltcube_{data_time}_{mktime}_{zcut}_moon.fits' # Binned exposure cubes (output of gtexphpsun, for sun) bexpcubesun_format = 'bexp_cubes/bexcube_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{irf_ver}_sun.fits' # Binned exposure cubes (output of gtexphpsun, for moon) bexpcubemoon_format = 'bexp_cubes/bexcube_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{irf_ver}_moon.fits' # Angular spectrum profile angprofile_format = 'templates/profile_{sourcekey}.fits' # Binned exposure cubes (output of gtexphpsun, for sun) templatesunmoon_format = 'templates/template_{sourcekey}_{zcut}.fits' # residual CR output files residual_cr_format = 'residual_cr/residual_cr_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}_{irf_ver}.fits' # Model specific stuff # galprop rings merging yaml file galprop_rings_yaml_format = 'models/galprop_rings_{galkey}.yaml' # catalog split yaml file catalog_split_yaml_format = 'models/{sourcekey}.yaml' # model yaml file model_yaml_format = 'models/model_{modelkey}.yaml' # Merged source map file for one binning component merged_srcmaps_format =\ 'analysis/model_{modelkey}/srcmaps_{dataset}_{mktime}_{component}_{coordsys}_{irf_ver}.fits' # Master XML model file master_srcmdl_xml_format = 'analysis/model_{modelkey}/srcmdl_{modelkey}_master.xml' # Component XML model file comp_srcmdl_xml_format = 'analysis/model_{modelkey}/srcmdl_{modelkey}_{component}.xml' # Stamp files from scatter gather jobs stamp_format = 'stamps/{linkname}.stamp' # Full filepath fullpath_format = '{basedir}/{localpath}' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ C'tor. Set baseline dictionary used to resolve names """ self.base_dict = kwargs.copy()
[docs] def update_base_dict(self, yamlfile): """ Update the values in baseline dictionary used to resolve names """ self.base_dict.update(**yaml.safe_load(open(yamlfile)))
[docs] def irfs(self, **kwargs): """ Get the name of IFRs associted with a particular dataset """ dsval = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) tokens = dsval.split('_') irf_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (DATASET_DICTIONARY['%s_%s' % (tokens[0], tokens[1])], EVCLASS_NAME_DICTIONARY[tokens[3]], kwargs.get('irf_ver')) return irf_name
[docs] def dataset(self, **kwargs): """ Return a key that specifies the data selection """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.dataset_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def component(self, **kwargs): """ Return a key that specifies data the sub-selection """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.component_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def sourcekey(self, **kwargs): """ Return a key that specifies the name and version of a source or component """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.sourcekey_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def galprop_ringkey(self, **kwargs): """ return the sourcekey for galprop input maps : specifies the component and ring """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.galprop_ringkey_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def galprop_sourcekey(self, **kwargs): """ return the sourcekey for merged galprop maps : specifies the merged component and merging scheme """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.galprop_sourcekey_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def merged_sourcekey(self, **kwargs): """ return the sourcekey for merged sets of point sources : specifies the catalog and merging rule """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) try: return NameFactory.merged_sourcekey_format.format(**kwargs_copy) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def galprop_gasmap(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for Galprop input gasmaps """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.galprop_gasmap_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def merged_gasmap(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for Galprop merged gasmaps """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.merged_gasmap_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def diffuse_template(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for other diffuse map templates """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.diffuse_template_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def spectral_template(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for spectral templates """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.spectral_template_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def srcmdl_xml(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for source model xml files """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.srcmdl_xml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def nested_srcmdl_xml(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for source model xml files of nested sources """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.nested_srcmdl_xml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ft1file(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of the input ft1 file list """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ft1file_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ft2file(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of the input ft2 file list """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['data_time'] = kwargs.get( 'data_time', self.dataset(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ft2file_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ltcube(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a livetime cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ltcube_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def select(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a selected events ft1file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.select_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def mktime(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a selected events ft1file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.mktime_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ccube(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a counts cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ccube_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def bexpcube(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a binned exposure cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.bexpcube_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def srcmaps(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a source map file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.srcmaps_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def mcube(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a model cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.mcube_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ltcube_sun(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a livetime cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ltcubesun_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def ltcube_moon(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a livetime cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.ltcubemoon_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def bexpcube_sun(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a binned exposure cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.bexpcubesun_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def bexpcube_moon(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a binned exposure cube file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.bexpcubemoon_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def angprofile(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for sun or moon angular profiles """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.angprofile_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def template_sunmoon(self, **kwargs): """ return the file name for sun or moon template files """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.templatesunmoon_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def residual_cr(self, **kwargs): """Return the name of the residual CR analysis output files""" kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.residual_cr_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def galprop_rings_yaml(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a galprop rings merging yaml file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.galprop_rings_yaml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def catalog_split_yaml(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a catalog split yaml file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.catalog_split_yaml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def model_yaml(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a model yaml file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.model_yaml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def merged_srcmaps(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a source map file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.merged_srcmaps_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def master_srcmdl_xml(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a source model file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) localpath = NameFactory.master_srcmdl_xml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def comp_srcmdl_xml(self, **kwargs): """ return the name of a source model file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) localpath = NameFactory.comp_srcmdl_xml_format.format(**kwargs_copy) if kwargs.get('fullpath', False): return self.fullpath(localpath=localpath) else: return localpath
[docs] def stamp(self, **kwargs): """Return the path for a stamp file for a scatter gather job""" kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) return NameFactory.stamp_format.format(**kwargs_copy)
[docs] def fullpath(self, **kwargs): """Return a full path name for a given file """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) return NameFactory.fullpath_format.format(**kwargs_copy)
[docs] def generic(self, input_string, **kwargs): """ return a generic filename for a given dataset and component """ kwargs_copy = self.base_dict.copy() kwargs_copy.update(**kwargs) kwargs_copy['dataset'] = kwargs.get('dataset', self.dataset(**kwargs)) kwargs_copy['component'] = kwargs.get( 'component', self.component(**kwargs)) return input_string.format(**kwargs_copy)
[docs] def make_filenames(self, **kwargs): """ Make a dictionary of filenames for various types """ out_dict = dict(ft1file=self.ft1file(**kwargs), ltcube=self.ltcube(**kwargs), ccube=self.ccube(**kwargs), bexpcube=self.bexpcube(**kwargs), srcmaps=self.srcmaps(**kwargs), mcube=self.mcube(**kwargs)) return out_dict