Source code for fermipy.tsmap

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import os
import copy
import itertools
import functools
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import numpy as np
import warnings

import pyLikelihood as pyLike

import fermipy.config
import fermipy.defaults as defaults
import fermipy.utils as utils
from fermipy.utils import Map
from fermipy.roi_model import Source
from fermipy.logger import Logger
from fermipy.logger import logLevel

import fermipy.sed as sed


[docs]def overlap_slices(large_array_shape, small_array_shape, position): """ Modified version of `~astropy.nddata.utils.overlap_slices`. Get slices for the overlapping part of a small and a large array. Given a certain position of the center of the small array, with respect to the large array, tuples of slices are returned which can be used to extract, add or subtract the small array at the given position. This function takes care of the correct behavior at the boundaries, where the small array is cut of appropriately. Parameters ---------- large_array_shape : tuple Shape of the large array. small_array_shape : tuple Shape of the small array. position : tuple Position of the small array's center, with respect to the large array. Coordinates should be in the same order as the array shape. Returns ------- slices_large : tuple of slices Slices in all directions for the large array, such that ``large_array[slices_large]`` extracts the region of the large array that overlaps with the small array. slices_small : slice Slices in all directions for the small array, such that ``small_array[slices_small]`` extracts the region that is inside the large array. """ # Get edge coordinates edges_min = [int(pos - small_shape // 2) for (pos, small_shape) in zip(position, small_array_shape)] edges_max = [int(pos + (small_shape - small_shape // 2)) for (pos, small_shape) in zip(position, small_array_shape)] # Set up slices slices_large = tuple(slice(max(0, edge_min), min(large_shape, edge_max)) for (edge_min, edge_max, large_shape) in zip(edges_min, edges_max, large_array_shape)) slices_small = tuple(slice(max(0, -edge_min), min(large_shape - edge_min, edge_max - edge_min)) for (edge_min, edge_max, large_shape) in zip(edges_min, edges_max, large_array_shape)) return slices_large, slices_small
[docs]def truncate_array(array1, array2, position): """Truncate array1 by finding the overlap with array2 when the array1 center is located at the given position in array2.""" slices = [] for i in range(array1.ndim): xmin = 0 xmax = array1.shape[i] dxlo = array1.shape[i] // 2 dxhi = array1.shape[i] - dxlo if position[i] - dxlo < 0: xmin = max(dxlo - position[i], 0) if position[i] + dxhi > array2.shape[i]: xmax = array1.shape[i] - (position[i] + dxhi - array2.shape[i]) xmax = max(xmax, 0) slices += [slice(xmin, xmax)] return array1[slices]
[docs]def extract_array(array_large, array_small, position): shape = array_small.shape slices = [] for i in range(array_large.ndim): if shape[i] is None: slices += [slice(0, None)] else: xmin = max(position[i] - shape[i] // 2, 0) xmax = min(position[i] + shape[i] // 2, array_large.shape[i]) slices += [slice(xmin, xmax)] return array_large[slices]
[docs]def extract_large_array(array_large, array_small, position): large_slices, small_slices = overlap_slices(array_large.shape, array_small.shape, position) return array_large[large_slices]
[docs]def extract_small_array(array_small, array_large, position): large_slices, small_slices = overlap_slices(array_large.shape, array_small.shape, position) return array_small[small_slices]
def _cast_args_to_list(args): maxlen = max([len(t) if isinstance(t, list) else 1 for t in args]) new_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if not isinstance(arg, list): new_args += [[arg] * maxlen] else: new_args += [arg] return new_args def _sum_wrapper(fn): """ Wrapper to perform row-wise aggregation of list arguments and pass them to a function. The return value of the function is summed over the argument groups. Non-list arguments will be automatically cast to a list. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): v = 0 new_args = _cast_args_to_list(args) for arg in zip(*new_args): v += fn(*arg, **kwargs) return v return wrapper def _collect_wrapper(fn): """ Wrapper for element-wise dispatch of list arguments to a function. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): v = [] new_args = _cast_args_to_list(args) for arg in zip(*new_args): v += [fn(*arg, **kwargs)] return v return wrapper def _amplitude_bounds(counts, background, model): """ Compute bounds for the root of `_f_cash_root_cython`. Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Count map. background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background map. model : `~numpy.ndarray` Source template (multiplied with exposure). """ if isinstance(counts, list): counts = np.concatenate([t.flat for t in counts]) background = np.concatenate([t.flat for t in background]) model = np.concatenate([t.flat for t in model]) s_model = np.sum(model) s_counts = np.sum(counts) sn = background / model imin = np.argmin(sn) sn_min = sn.flat[imin] c_min = counts.flat[imin] b_min = c_min / s_model - sn_min b_max = s_counts / s_model - sn_min return max(b_min, 0), b_max def _f_cash_root(x, counts, background, model): """ Function to find root of. Described in Appendix A, Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- x : float Model amplitude. counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Count map slice, where model is defined. background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background map slice, where model is defined. model : `~numpy.ndarray` Source template (multiplied with exposure). """ return np.sum(model * (counts / (x * model + background) - 1.0)) def _root_amplitude_brentq(counts, background, model, root_fn=_f_cash_root): """Fit amplitude by finding roots using Brent algorithm. See Appendix A Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of count map. background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background map. model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ from scipy.optimize import brentq # Compute amplitude bounds and assert counts > 0 amplitude_min, amplitude_max = _amplitude_bounds(counts, background, model) if not sum_arrays(counts) > 0: return amplitude_min, 0 args = (counts, background, model) if root_fn(0.0, *args) < 0: return 0.0, 1 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = brentq(root_fn, amplitude_min, amplitude_max, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, full_output=True, rtol=1E-4) return result[0], result[1].iterations except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan, MAX_NITER
[docs]def poisson_log_like(counts, model): """Compute the Poisson log-likelihood function for the given counts and model arrays.""" return model - counts * np.log(model)
[docs]def cash(counts, model): """Compute the Poisson log-likelihood function.""" return 2 * poisson_log_like(counts, model)
[docs]def f_cash_sum(x, counts, background, model): return np.sum(f_cash(x, counts, background, model))
[docs]def f_cash(x, counts, background, model): """ Wrapper for cash statistics, that defines the model function. Parameters ---------- x : float Model amplitude. counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Count map slice, where model is defined. background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background map slice, where model is defined. model : `~numpy.ndarray` Source template (multiplied with exposure). """ return 2.0 * poisson_log_like(counts, background + x * model)
[docs]def sum_arrays(x): return sum([t.sum() for t in x])
def _ts_value(position, counts, background, model, C_0_map, method,logger=None): """ Compute TS value at a given pixel position using the approach described in Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- position : tuple Pixel position. counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Count map. background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background map. model : `~numpy.ndarray` Source model map. Returns ------- TS : float TS value at the given pixel position. """ if not isinstance(position,list): position = [position] if not isinstance(counts,list): counts = [counts] if not isinstance(background,list): background = [background] if not isinstance(model,list): model = [model] if not isinstance(C_0_map,list): C_0_map = [C_0_map] extract_fn = _collect_wrapper(extract_large_array) truncate_fn = _collect_wrapper(extract_small_array) # Get data slices counts_ = extract_fn(counts, model, position) background_ = extract_fn(background, model, position) C_0_ = extract_fn(C_0_map, model, position) model_ = truncate_fn(model, counts, position) # C_0 = sum(C_0_).sum() # C_0 = _sum_wrapper(sum)(C_0_).sum() C_0 = sum_arrays(C_0_) if method == 'root brentq': amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude_brentq(counts_, background_, model_, root_fn=_sum_wrapper( _f_cash_root)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid fitting method.') if niter > MAX_NITER: #log.warning('Exceeded maximum number of function evaluations!') if logger is not None: logger.warning('Exceeded maximum number of function evaluations!') return np.nan, amplitude, niter with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): C_1 = _sum_wrapper(f_cash_sum)(amplitude, counts_, background_, model_) # Compute and return TS value return (C_0 - C_1) * np.sign(amplitude), amplitude, niter
[docs]class TSMapGenerator(fermipy.config.Configurable): defaults = dict(defaults.tsmap.items(), fileio=defaults.fileio, logging=defaults.logging) def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs): fermipy.config.Configurable.__init__(self, config, **kwargs) self.logger = Logger.get(self.__class__.__name__, self.config['fileio']['logfile'], logLevel(self.config['logging']['verbosity']))
[docs] def make_ts_map(self, gta, prefix, src_dict=None,**kwargs): """ Make a TS map from a GTAnalysis instance. The spectral/spatial characteristics of the test source can be defined with the src_dict argument. By default this method will generate a TS map for a point source with an index=2.0 power-law spectrum. Parameters ---------- gta : `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis` Analysis instance. src_dict : dict or `~fermipy.roi_model.Source` object Dictionary or Source object defining the properties of the test source that will be used in the scan. """ make_fits = kwargs.get('make_fits', True) exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', None) multithread = kwargs.get('multithread',self.config['multithread']) threshold = kwargs.get('threshold',1E-2) max_kernel_radius = kwargs.get('max_kernel_radius', self.config['max_kernel_radius']) erange = kwargs.get('erange', self.config['erange']) map_skydir = kwargs.get('map_skydir',None) map_size = kwargs.get('map_size',1.0) if erange is not None: if len(erange) == 0: erange = [None,None] elif len(erange) == 1: erange += [None] erange[0] = (erange[0] if erange[0] is not None else gta.energies[0]) erange[1] = (erange[1] if erange[1] is not None else gta.energies[-1]) else: erange = [gta.energies[0],gta.energies[-1]] # Put the test source at the pixel closest to the ROI center xpix, ypix = (np.round((gta.npix - 1.0) / 2.), np.round((gta.npix - 1.0) / 2.)) cpix = np.array([xpix, ypix]) skywcs = gta._skywcs skydir = utils.pix_to_skydir(cpix[0], cpix[1], skywcs) if src_dict is None: src_dict = {} src_dict['ra'] = skydir.ra.deg src_dict['dec'] = skydir.dec.deg src_dict.setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') src_dict.setdefault('SpatialWidth', 0.3) src_dict.setdefault('Index', 2.0) src_dict.setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) counts = [] background = [] model = [] c0_map = [] eslices = [] enumbins = [] model_npred = 0 for c in gta.components: imin = utils.val_to_edge(c.energies,erange[0])[0] imax = utils.val_to_edge(c.energies,erange[1])[0] eslice = slice(imin,imax) bm = c.model_counts_map(exclude=exclude).counts.astype('float')[eslice,...] cm = c.counts_map().counts.astype('float')[eslice,...] background += [bm] counts += [cm] c0_map += [cash(cm, bm)] eslices += [eslice] enumbins += [cm.shape[0]] gta.add_source('tsmap_testsource', src_dict, free=True, init_source=False) src = gta.roi['tsmap_testsource'] modelname = utils.create_model_name(src) for c, eslice in zip(gta.components,eslices): mm = c.model_counts_map('tsmap_testsource').counts.astype('float')[eslice,...] model_npred += np.sum(mm) model += [mm] gta.delete_source('tsmap_testsource') for i, mm in enumerate(model): dpix = 3 for j in range(mm.shape[0]): ix,iy = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(mm[j,...]),mm[j,...].shape) mx = mm[j,ix, :] > mm[j,ix,iy] * threshold my = mm[j,:, iy] > mm[j,ix,iy] * threshold dpix = max(dpix, np.round(np.sum(mx) / 2.)) dpix = max(dpix, np.round(np.sum(my) / 2.)) if max_kernel_radius is not None and \ dpix > int(max_kernel_radius/gta.components[i].binsz): dpix = int(max_kernel_radius/gta.components[i].binsz) xslice = slice(max(xpix-dpix,0),min(xpix+dpix+1,gta.npix)) model[i] = model[i][:,xslice,xslice] ts_values = np.zeros((gta.npix, gta.npix)) amp_values = np.zeros((gta.npix, gta.npix)) wrap = functools.partial(_ts_value, counts=counts, background=background, model=model, C_0_map=c0_map, method='root brentq') if map_skydir is not None: map_offset = utils.skydir_to_pix(map_skydir, gta._skywcs) map_offset[0] = map_offset[0] map_offset[1] = map_offset[1] map_delta = 0.5*map_size/gta.components[0].binsz xmin = max(int(np.ceil(map_offset[1]-map_delta)),0) xmax = min(int(np.floor(map_offset[1]+map_delta))+1,gta.npix) ymin = max(int(np.ceil(map_offset[0]-map_delta)),0) ymax = min(int(np.floor(map_offset[0]+map_delta))+1,gta.npix) xslice = slice(xmin,xmax) yslice = slice(ymin,ymax) xyrange = [range(xmin,xmax), range(ymin,ymax)] map_wcs = skywcs.deepcopy() map_wcs.wcs.crpix[0] -= ymin map_wcs.wcs.crpix[1] -= xmin else: xyrange = [range(gta.npix),range(gta.npix)] map_wcs = skywcs xslice = slice(0,gta.npix) yslice = slice(0,gta.npix) positions = [] for i,j in itertools.product(xyrange[0],xyrange[1]): p = [[k//2,i,j] for k in enumbins] positions += [p] if multithread: pool = Pool() results =,positions) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = map(wrap,positions) for i, r in enumerate(results): ix = positions[i][0][1] iy = positions[i][0][2] ts_values[ix, iy] = r[0] amp_values[ix, iy] = r[1] ts_values = ts_values[xslice,yslice] amp_values = amp_values[xslice,yslice] ts_map = Map(ts_values, map_wcs) sqrt_ts_map = Map(ts_values**0.5, map_wcs) npred_map = Map(amp_values*model_npred, map_wcs) amp_map = Map(amp_values*src.get_norm(), map_wcs) o = {'name': '%s_%s' % (prefix, modelname), 'src_dict': copy.deepcopy(src_dict), 'file': None, 'ts': ts_map, 'sqrt_ts': sqrt_ts_map, 'npred': npred_map, 'amplitude': amp_map, } if make_fits: fits_file = utils.format_filename(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'tsmap.fits', prefix=[prefix,modelname]) utils.write_maps(ts_map, {'SQRT_TS_MAP': sqrt_ts_map, 'NPRED_MAP': npred_map, 'N_MAP': amp_map }, fits_file) o['file'] = os.path.basename(fits_file) return o
[docs]class TSCubeGenerator(fermipy.config.Configurable): defaults = dict(defaults.tscube.items(), fileio=defaults.fileio, logging=defaults.logging) def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs): fermipy.config.Configurable.__init__(self, config, **kwargs) self.logger = Logger.get(self.__class__.__name__, self.config['fileio']['logfile'], logLevel(self.config['logging']['verbosity']))
[docs] def make_ts_cube(self, gta, prefix, src_dict=None, **kwargs): make_fits = kwargs.get('make_fits', True) # Extract options from kwargs config = copy.deepcopy(self.config) config.update(kwargs) xpix, ypix = (np.round((gta.npix - 1.0) / 2.), np.round((gta.npix - 1.0) / 2.)) #xpix = kwargs.get('xpix',xpix) #ypix = kwargs.get('ypix',ypix) #add_source = kwargs.get('add_source',True) skywcs = gta._skywcs skydir = utils.pix_to_skydir(xpix, ypix, skywcs) if gta.config['binning']['coordsys'] == 'CEL': galactic=False elif gta.config['binning']['coordsys'] == 'GAL': galactic=True else: raise Exception('Unsupported coordinate system: %s'% gta.config['binning']['coordsys']) refdir = pyLike.SkyDir(gta.roi.skydir.ra.deg, gta.roi.skydir.dec.deg) npix = gta.npix pixsize = np.abs(gta._skywcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) skyproj = pyLike.FitScanner.buildSkyProj(str("AIT"), refdir, pixsize, npix, galactic) if src_dict is None: src_dict = {} src_dict['ra'] = skydir.ra.deg src_dict['dec'] = skydir.dec.deg src_dict.setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') src_dict.setdefault('SpatialWidth', 0.3) src_dict.setdefault('Index', 2.0) src_dict.setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) src_dict['name'] = 'tscube_testsource' src = Source.create_from_dict(src_dict) modelname = utils.create_model_name(src) optFactory = pyLike.OptimizerFactory_instance() optObject = optFactory.create(str("MINUIT"), gta.components[0].like.logLike) pylike_src = gta.components[0]._create_source(src) fitScanner = pyLike.FitScanner(, optObject, skyproj, npix, npix) fitScanner.setTestSource(pylike_src)"Running tscube") outfile = utils.format_filename(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'tscube.fits', prefix=[prefix]) # doSED : Compute the energy bin-by-bin fits # nNorm : Number of points in the likelihood v. normalization scan # covScale_bb : Scale factor to apply to global fitting cov. matrix # in broadband fits ( < 0 -> no prior ) # covScale : Scale factor to apply to broadband fitting cov. # matrix in bin-by-bin fits ( < 0 -> fixed ) # normSigma : Number of sigma to use for the scan range # tol : Critetia for fit convergence (estimated vertical distance to min < tol ) # maxIter : Maximum number of iterations for the Newton's method fitter # tolType : Absoulte (0) or relative (1) criteria for convergence # remakeTestSource : If true, recomputes the test source image (otherwise just shifts it) # ST_scan_level : Level to which to do ST-based fitting (for testing) fitScanner.run_tscube(True, config['do_sed'], config['nnorm'], config['norm_sigma'], config['cov_scale_bb'],config['cov_scale'], config['tol'], config['max_iter'], config['tol_type'], config['remake_test_source'], config['st_scan_level'])"Writing FITS output") fitScanner.writeFitsFile(str(outfile), str("gttscube")) tscube = sed.TSCube.create_from_fits(outfile,fluxType=2) ts_map = tscube.tsmap norm_map = tscube.normmap npred_map = copy.deepcopy(norm_map) npred_map._counts *= tscube.specData.npreds.sum() amp_map = copy.deepcopy(norm_map) amp_map._counts *= src_dict['Prefactor'] sqrt_ts_map = copy.deepcopy(ts_map) sqrt_ts_map._counts = np.abs(sqrt_ts_map._counts)**0.5 o = {'name': '%s_%s' % (prefix, modelname), 'src_dict': copy.deepcopy(src_dict), 'file': os.path.basename(outfile), 'ts': ts_map, 'sqrt_ts': sqrt_ts_map, 'npred': npred_map, 'amplitude': amp_map, 'config' : config, 'tscube' : tscube }"Done") return o