Source code for fermipy.sed

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Utilities for dealing with SEDs

Many parts of this code are taken from dsphs/like/ by
  Matthew Wood <>
  Alex Drlica-Wagner <>
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import copy
import logging
import os

import numpy as np

import pyLikelihood as pyLike

import as pyfits
from astropy.table import Table, Column

import fermipy.config
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.gtutils as gtutils
import fermipy.roi_model as roi_model
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema

from LikelihoodState import LikelihoodState

[docs]class SEDGenerator(object): """Mixin class that provides SED functionality to `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis`."""
[docs] def sed(self, name, **kwargs): """Generate a spectral energy distribution (SED) for a source. This function will fit the normalization of the source in each energy bin. By default the SED will be generated with the analysis energy bins but a custom binning can be defined with the ``loge_bins`` parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str Source name. prefix : str Optional string that will be prepended to all output files (FITS and rendered images). loge_bins : `~numpy.ndarray` Sequence of energies in log10(E/MeV) defining the edges of the energy bins. If this argument is None then the analysis energy bins will be used. The energies in this sequence must align with the bin edges of the underyling analysis instance. bin_index : float Spectral index that will be use when fitting the energy distribution within an energy bin. use_local_index : bool Use a power-law approximation to the shape of the global spectrum in each bin. If this is false then a constant index set to `bin_index` will be used. fix_background : bool Fix background components when fitting the flux normalization in each energy bin. If fix_background=False then all background parameters that are currently free in the fit will be profiled. By default fix_background=True. ul_confidence : float Set the confidence level that will be used for the calculation of flux upper limits in each energy bin. cov_scale : float Scaling factor that will be applied when setting the gaussian prior on the normalization of free background sources. If this parameter is None then no gaussian prior will be applied. make_plots : bool Generate plots. write_fits : bool Write the output to a FITS file. write_npy : bool Write the output dictionary to a numpy file. optimizer : dict Dictionary that overrides the default optimizer settings. Returns ------- sed : dict Dictionary containing output of the SED analysis. """ name = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name).name # Create schema for method configuration schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['sed'], optimizer=self.defaults['optimizer']) schema.add_option('prefix', '') schema.add_option('make_plots', False) schema.add_option('write_fits', True) schema.add_option('write_npy', True) schema.add_option('loge_bins', None, '', list) config = utils.create_dict(self.config['sed'], optimizer=self.config['optimizer']) config = schema.create_config(config, **kwargs)'Computing SED for %s' % name) o = self._make_sed(name, **config) filename = \ utils.format_filename(self.workdir, 'sed', prefix=[config['prefix'], name.lower().replace(' ', '_')]) o['file'] = None if config['write_fits']: o['file'] = os.path.basename(filename) + '.fits' self._make_sed_fits(o, filename + '.fits', **config) if config['write_npy']: + '.npy', o) if config['make_plots']: self._plotter.make_sed_plots(o, **config)'Finished SED') return o
def _make_sed_fits(self, sed, filename, **kwargs): # Write a FITS file cols = [Column(name='e_min', dtype='f8', data=sed['e_min'], unit='MeV'), Column(name='e_ref', dtype='f8', data=sed['e_ref'], unit='MeV'), Column(name='e_max', dtype='f8', data=sed['e_max'], unit='MeV'), Column(name='ref_dnde_e_min', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_dnde_e_min'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)'), Column(name='ref_dnde_e_max', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_dnde_e_max'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)'), Column(name='ref_dnde', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_dnde'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)'), Column(name='ref_flux', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_flux'], unit='ph / (cm2 s)'), Column(name='ref_eflux', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_eflux'], unit='MeV / (cm2 s)'), Column(name='ref_npred', dtype='f8', data=sed['ref_npred']), Column(name='norm', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm']), Column(name='norm_err', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm_err']), Column(name='norm_errp', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm_err_hi']), Column(name='norm_errn', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm_err_lo']), Column(name='norm_ul', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm_ul95']), Column(name='ts', dtype='f8', data=sed['ts']), Column(name='loglike', dtype='f8', data=sed['loglike']), Column(name='norm_scan', dtype='f8', data=sed['norm_scan']), Column(name='dloglike_scan', dtype='f8', data=sed['dloglike_scan']), ] tab = Table(cols) tab.meta['UL_CONF'] = 0.95 tab.write(filename, format='fits', overwrite=True) columns = pyfits.ColDefs([]) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('energy'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['energies'], unit='MeV')) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('dnde'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['dnde'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)')) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('dnde_lo'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['dnde_lo'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)')) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('dnde_hi'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['dnde_hi'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)')) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('dnde_err'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['dnde_err'], unit='ph / (MeV cm2 s)')) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('dnde_ferr'), format='E', array=sed['model_flux']['dnde_ferr'])) hdu_f = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(columns, name='MODEL_FLUX') columns = pyfits.ColDefs([]) npar = len(sed['param_names']) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('name'), format='A32', array=sed['param_names'])) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('value'), format='E', array=sed['param_values'])) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('error'), format='E', array=sed['param_errors'])) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('covariance'), format='%iE' % npar, dim=str('(%i)' % npar), array=sed['param_covariance'])) columns.add_col(pyfits.Column(name=str('correlation'), format='%iE' % npar, dim=str('(%i)' % npar), array=sed['param_correlation'])) hdu_p = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(columns, name='PARAMS') hdulist = hdulist[1].name = 'SED' hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdulist[0], hdulist[1], hdu_f, hdu_p]) for h in hdulist: h.header['SRCNAME'] = sed['name'] h.header['CREATOR'] = 'fermipy ' + fermipy.__version__ hdulist.writeto(filename, clobber=True) def _make_sed(self, name, **config): bin_index = config['bin_index'] use_local_index = config['use_local_index'] fix_background = config['fix_background'] ul_confidence = config['ul_confidence'] cov_scale = config['cov_scale'] loge_bins = config['loge_bins'] if not loge_bins or loge_bins is None: loge_bins = self.log_energies else: loge_bins = np.array(loge_bins) nbins = len(loge_bins) - 1 max_index = 5.0 min_flux = 1E-30 npts = self.config['gtlike']['llscan_npts'] loge_bounds = self.loge_bounds # Output Dictionary o = {'name': name, 'loge_min': loge_bins[:-1], 'loge_max': loge_bins[1:], 'loge_ctr': 0.5 * (loge_bins[:-1] + loge_bins[1:]), 'loge_ref': 0.5 * (loge_bins[:-1] + loge_bins[1:]), 'e_min': 10 ** loge_bins[:-1], 'e_max': 10 ** loge_bins[1:], 'e_ctr': 10 ** (0.5 * (loge_bins[:-1] + loge_bins[1:])), 'e_ref': 10 ** (0.5 * (loge_bins[:-1] + loge_bins[1:])), 'ref_flux': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_eflux': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_dnde': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_dnde_e_min': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_dnde_e_max': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_e2dnde': np.zeros(nbins), 'ref_npred': np.zeros(nbins), 'norm': np.zeros(nbins), 'flux': np.zeros(nbins), 'eflux': np.zeros(nbins), 'dnde': np.zeros(nbins), 'e2dnde': np.zeros(nbins), 'index': np.zeros(nbins), 'npred': np.zeros(nbins), 'ts': np.zeros(nbins), 'loglike': np.zeros(nbins), 'norm_scan': np.zeros((nbins, npts)), 'dloglike_scan': np.zeros((nbins, npts)), 'loglike_scan': np.zeros((nbins, npts)), 'fit_quality': np.zeros(nbins), 'fit_status': np.zeros(nbins), 'correlation': {}, 'model_flux': {}, 'params': {}, 'config': config } for t in ['norm', 'flux', 'eflux', 'dnde', 'e2dnde']: o['%s_err' % t] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan o['%s_err_hi' % t] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan o['%s_err_lo' % t] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan o['%s_ul95' % t] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan o['%s_ul' % t] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan saved_state = LikelihoodState( source = self.components[0].like.logLike.getSource(str(name)) # Perform global spectral fit self._latch_free_params() self.free_sources(False, pars='shape', loglevel=logging.DEBUG) self.free_source(name, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) fit_output =, update=False, min_fit_quality=2) o['model_flux'] = self.bowtie(name) spectral_pars = gtutils.get_function_pars_dict(source.spectrum()) o['params'] = roi_model.get_params_dict(spectral_pars) o['SpectrumType'] = self.roi[name]['SpectrumType'] param_names = gtutils.get_function_par_names(o['SpectrumType']) npar = len(param_names) o['param_covariance'] = np.empty((npar, npar), dtype=float) * np.nan o['param_names'] = np.array(param_names) o['param_values'] = np.empty(npar, dtype=float) * np.nan o['param_errors'] = np.empty(npar, dtype=float) * np.nan pmask0 = np.empty(len(fit_output['par_names']), dtype=bool) pmask0.fill(False) pmask1 = np.empty(npar, dtype=bool) pmask1.fill(False) for i, pname in enumerate(param_names): o['param_values'][i] = o['params'][pname][0] o['param_errors'][i] = o['params'][pname][1] for j, pname2 in enumerate(fit_output['par_names']): if name != fit_output['src_names'][j]: continue if pname != pname2: continue pmask0[j] = True pmask1[i] = True src_cov = fit_output['covariance'][pmask0, :][:, pmask0] o['param_covariance'][np.ix_(pmask1, pmask1)] = src_cov o['param_correlation'] = utils.cov_to_correlation( o['param_covariance']) for i, pname in enumerate(param_names): o['param_covariance'][i, :] *= spectral_pars[pname]['scale'] o['param_covariance'][:, i] *= spectral_pars[pname]['scale'] self._restore_free_params() # Setup background parameters for SED self.free_sources(False, pars='shape') self.free_norm(name) if fix_background: self.free_sources(free=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) elif cov_scale is not None: self._latch_free_params() self.zero_source(name), update=False) srcNames = list( srcNames.remove(name) self.constrain_norms(srcNames, cov_scale) self.unzero_source(name) self._restore_free_params() # Precompute fluxes in each bin from global fit gf_bin_flux = [] gf_bin_index = [] for i, (logemin, logemax) in enumerate(zip(loge_bins[:-1], loge_bins[1:])): emin = 10 ** logemin emax = 10 ** logemax delta = 1E-5 f =[name].flux(emin, emax) f0 =[name].flux(emin * (1 - delta), emin * (1 + delta)) f1 =[name].flux(emax * (1 - delta), emax * (1 + delta)) if f0 > min_flux: g = 1 - np.log10(f0 / f1) / np.log10(emin / emax) gf_bin_index += [g] gf_bin_flux += [f] else: gf_bin_index += [max_index] gf_bin_flux += [min_flux] old_spectrum = source.spectrum(), str('PowerLaw')) self.free_parameter(name, 'Index', False) self.set_parameter(name, 'Prefactor', 1.0, scale=1E-13, true_value=False, bounds=[1E-10, 1E10], update_source=False) self.free_parameter(name, 'Prefactor', True) self.set_parameter(name, 'Scale', 1E3, scale=1.0, bounds=[1, 1E6], update_source=False) src_norm_idx = -1 free_params = self.get_params(True) for j, p in enumerate(free_params): if not p['is_norm']: continue if p['is_norm'] and p['src_name'] == name: src_norm_idx = j o['correlation'][p['src_name']] = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan self._fitcache = None for i, (logemin, logemax) in enumerate(zip(loge_bins[:-1], loge_bins[1:])): logectr = 0.5 * (logemin + logemax) emin = 10 ** logemin emax = 10 ** logemax ectr = 10 ** logectr ectr2 = ectr**2 saved_state_bin = LikelihoodState( if use_local_index: o['index'][i] = -min(gf_bin_index[i], max_index) else: o['index'][i] = -bin_index self.set_norm(name, 1.0, update_source=False) self.set_parameter(name, 'Index', o['index'][i], scale=1.0, update_source=False) ref_flux =[name].flux(emin, emax) o['ref_flux'][i] =[name].flux(emin, emax) o['ref_eflux'][i] =[name].energyFlux(emin, emax) o['ref_dnde'][i] =[name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(ectr)) o['ref_dnde_e_min'][i] =[ name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(emin)) o['ref_dnde_e_max'][i] =[ name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(emax)) o['ref_e2dnde'][i] = o['ref_dnde'][i] * ectr2 cs = self.model_counts_spectrum( name, logemin, logemax, summed=True) o['ref_npred'][i] = np.sum(cs) normVal = flux_ratio = gf_bin_flux[i] / ref_flux newVal = max(normVal * flux_ratio, 1E-10) self.set_norm(name, newVal, update_source=False) self.set_norm_bounds(name, [newVal * 1E-6, newVal * 1E4]) self.free_norm(name) self.logger.debug('Fitting %s SED from %.0f MeV to %.0f MeV' % (name, emin, emax)) self.set_energy_range(logemin, logemax) fit_output = self._fit(**config['optimizer']) free_params = self.get_params(True) for j, p in enumerate(free_params): if not p['is_norm']: continue o['correlation'][p['src_name']][i] = \ fit_output['correlation'][src_norm_idx, j] o['fit_quality'][i] = fit_output['fit_quality'] o['fit_status'][i] = fit_output['fit_status'] flux =[name].flux(emin, emax) eflux =[name].energyFlux(emin, emax) dnde =[name].spectrum()(pyLike.dArg(ectr)) o['norm'][i] = flux / o['ref_flux'][i] o['flux'][i] = flux o['eflux'][i] = eflux o['dnde'][i] = dnde o['e2dnde'][i] = dnde * ectr2 cs = self.model_counts_spectrum(name, logemin, logemax, summed=True) o['npred'][i] = np.sum(cs) o['loglike'][i] = fit_output['loglike'] lnlp = self.profile_norm(name, logemin=logemin, logemax=logemax, savestate=True, reoptimize=True, npts=npts, optimizer=config['optimizer']) o['ts'][i] = max( 2.0 * (fit_output['loglike'] - lnlp['loglike'][0]), 0.0) o['loglike_scan'][i] = lnlp['loglike'] o['dloglike_scan'][i] = lnlp['dloglike'] o['norm_scan'][i] = lnlp['flux'] / ref_flux ul_data = utils.get_parameter_limits( lnlp['flux'], lnlp['dloglike']) o['norm_err_hi'][i] = ul_data['err_hi'] / ref_flux o['norm_err_lo'][i] = ul_data['err_lo'] / ref_flux if np.isfinite(ul_data['err_lo']): o['norm_err'][i] = 0.5 * (ul_data['err_lo'] + ul_data['err_hi']) / ref_flux else: o['norm_err'][i] = ul_data['err_hi'] / ref_flux o['norm_ul95'][i] = ul_data['ul'] / ref_flux ul_data = utils.get_parameter_limits(lnlp['flux'], lnlp['dloglike'], ul_confidence=ul_confidence) o['norm_ul'][i] = ul_data['ul'] / ref_flux saved_state_bin.restore() for t in ['flux', 'eflux', 'dnde', 'e2dnde']: o['%s_err' % t] = o['norm_err'] * o['ref_%s' % t] o['%s_err_hi' % t] = o['norm_err_hi'] * o['ref_%s' % t] o['%s_err_lo' % t] = o['norm_err_lo'] * o['ref_%s' % t] o['%s_ul95' % t] = o['norm_ul95'] * o['ref_%s' % t] o['%s_ul' % t] = o['norm_ul'] * o['ref_%s' % t] self.set_energy_range(loge_bounds[0], loge_bounds[1]), old_spectrum) saved_state.restore() self._sync_params(name) if cov_scale is not None: self.remove_priors() src = self.roi.get_source_by_name(name) src.update_data({'sed': copy.deepcopy(o)}) return o
if __name__ == "__main__": pass