Source code for fermipy.skymap

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import copy
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.wcs_utils as wcs_utils
import fermipy.hpx_utils as hpx_utils
import fermipy.fits_utils as fits_utils
from fermipy.hpx_utils import HPX, HpxToWcsMapping

[docs]def make_coadd_map(maps, proj, shape): if isinstance(proj, WCS): return make_coadd_wcs(maps, proj, shape) elif isinstance(proj, HPX): return make_coadd_hpx(maps, proj, shape) else: raise Exception("Can't co-add map of unknown type %s" % type(proj))
[docs]def make_coadd_wcs(maps, wcs, shape): data = np.zeros(shape) axes = wcs_utils.wcs_to_axes(wcs, shape) for m in maps: c = wcs_utils.wcs_to_coords(m.wcs, m.counts.shape) o = np.histogramdd(c.T, bins=axes[::-1], weights=np.ravel(m.counts))[0] data += o return Map(data, copy.deepcopy(wcs))
[docs]def make_coadd_hpx(maps, hpx, shape): data = np.zeros(shape) axes = hpx_utils.hpx_to_axes(hpx, shape) for m in maps: c = hpx_utils.hpx_to_coords(m.hpx, m.counts.shape) o = np.histogramdd(c.T, bins=axes, weights=np.ravel(m.counts))[0] data += o return HpxMap(data, copy.deepcopy(hpx))
[docs]def read_map_from_fits(fitsfile, extname=None): """ """ proj, f, hdu = fits_utils.read_projection_from_fits(fitsfile, extname) if isinstance(proj, WCS): m = Map(, proj) elif isinstance(proj, HPX): m = HpxMap.create_from_hdu(hdu, proj.ebins) else: raise Exception("Did not recognize projection type %s" % type(proj)) return m, f
[docs]class Map_Base(object): """ Abstract representation of a 2D or 3D counts map.""" def __init__(self, counts): self._counts = counts @property def counts(self): return self._counts @property def data(self): return self._counts
[docs] def get_pixel_indices(self, lats, lons): raise NotImplementedError("MapBase.get_pixel_indices)")
[docs]class Map(Map_Base): """ Representation of a 2D or 3D counts map using WCS. """ def __init__(self, counts, wcs, ebins=None): """ Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts array in row-wise ordering (LON is first dimension). """ Map_Base.__init__(self, counts) self._wcs = wcs self._npix = counts.shape[::-1] if len(self._npix) == 3: self._xindex = 2 self._yindex = 1 elif len(self._npix) == 2: self._xindex = 1 self._yindex = 0 else: raise Exception('Wrong number of dimensions for Map object.') # if len(self._npix) != 3 and len(self._npix) != 2: # raise Exception('Wrong number of dimensions for Map object.') self._width = np.array([np.abs(self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) * self.npix[0], np.abs(self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) * self.npix[1]]) self._pix_center = np.array([(self.npix[0] - 1.0) / 2., (self.npix[1] - 1.0) / 2.]) self._pix_size = np.array([np.abs(self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]), np.abs(self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1])]) self._skydir = SkyCoord.from_pixel(self._pix_center[0], self._pix_center[1], self.wcs) self._ebins = ebins if ebins is not None: self._ectr = np.exp(utils.edge_to_center(np.log(ebins))) else: self._ectr = None @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @property def npix(self): return self._npix @property def skydir(self): """Return the sky coordinate of the image center.""" return self._skydir @property def width(self): """Return the dimensions of the image.""" return self._width @property def pix_size(self): """Return the pixel size along the two image dimensions.""" return self._pix_size @property def pix_center(self): """Return the ROI center in pixel coordinates.""" return self._pix_center @staticmethod
[docs] def create_from_hdu(hdu, wcs): return Map(, wcs)
[docs] def create_from_fits(fitsfile, **kwargs): hdu = kwargs.get('hdu', 0) hdulist = header = hdulist[hdu].header data = hdulist[hdu].data header = fits.Header.fromstring(header.tostring()) wcs = WCS(header) ebins = None if 'ENERGIES' in hdulist: tab =, 'ENERGIES') ectr = np.array(tab.columns[0]) ebins = np.exp(utils.center_to_edge(np.log(ectr))) elif 'EBOUNDS' in hdulist: tab =, 'EBOUNDS') emin = np.array(tab['E_MIN']) / 1E3 emax = np.array(tab['E_MAX']) / 1E3 ebins = np.append(emin, emax[-1]) return Map(data, wcs, ebins)
[docs] def create(skydir, cdelt, npix, coordsys='CEL', projection='AIT'): crpix = np.array([n / 2. + 0.5 for n in npix]) wcs = wcs_utils.create_wcs(skydir, coordsys, projection, cdelt, crpix) return Map(np.zeros(npix).T, wcs)
[docs] def create_image_hdu(self, name=None): return fits.ImageHDU(self.counts, header=self.wcs.to_header(), name=name)
[docs] def create_primary_hdu(self): return fits.PrimaryHDU(self.counts, header=self.wcs.to_header())
[docs] def sum_over_energy(self): """ Reduce a 3D counts cube to a 2D counts map """ # Note that the array is using the opposite convention from WCS # so we sum over axis 0 in the array, but drop axis 2 in the WCS object return Map(np.sum(self.counts, axis=0), self.wcs.dropaxis(2))
[docs] def xypix_to_ipix(self, xypix, colwise=False): """Return the flattened pixel indices from an array multi-dimensional pixel indices. Parameters ---------- xypix : list List of pixel indices in the order (LON,LAT,ENERGY). colwise : bool Use column-wise pixel indexing. """ return np.ravel_multi_index(xypix, self.npix, order='F' if colwise else 'C', mode='raise')
[docs] def ipix_to_xypix(self, ipix, colwise=False): """Return array multi-dimensional pixel indices from flattened index. Parameters ---------- colwise : bool Use column-wise pixel indexing. """ return np.unravel_index(ipix, self.npix, order='F' if colwise else 'C')
[docs] def ipix_swap_axes(self, ipix, colwise=False): """ Return the transposed pixel index from the pixel xy coordinates if colwise is True (False) this assumes the original index was in column wise scheme """ xy = self.ipix_to_xypix(ipix, colwise) return self.xypix_to_ipix(xy, not colwise)
[docs] def get_pixel_skydirs(self): """Get a list of sky coordinates for the centers of every pixel. """ xpix = np.linspace(0, self.npix[0] - 1., self.npix[0]) ypix = np.linspace(0, self.npix[1] - 1., self.npix[1]) xypix = np.meshgrid(xpix, ypix, indexing='ij') return SkyCoord.from_pixel(np.ravel(xypix[0]), np.ravel(xypix[1]), self.wcs)
[docs] def get_pixel_indices(self, lons, lats, ibin=None): """Return the indices in the flat array corresponding to a set of coordinates Parameters ---------- lons : array-like 'Longitudes' (RA or GLON) lats : array-like 'Latitidues' (DEC or GLAT) ibin : int or array-like Extract data only for a given energy bin. None -> extract data for all energy bins. Returns ---------- pixcrd : list Pixel indices along each dimension of the map. """ lons = np.array(lons, ndmin=1) lats = np.array(lats, ndmin=1) if len(lats) != len(lons): raise RuntimeError('Map.get_pixel_indices, input lengths ' 'do not match %i %i' % (len(lons), len(lats))) if len(self._npix) == 2: pix_x, pix_y = self._wcs.wcs_world2pix(lons, lats, 0) pixcrd = [np.floor(pix_x).astype(int), np.floor(pix_y).astype(int)] elif len(self._npix) == 3: all_lons = np.expand_dims(lons, -1) all_lats = np.expand_dims(lats, -1) if ibin is None: all_bins = (np.expand_dims( np.arange(self.npix[2]), -1) * np.ones(lons.shape)).T else: all_bins = ibin l = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(all_lons, all_lats, all_bins, 0) pix_x = l[0] pix_y = l[1] pixcrd = [np.floor(l[0]).astype(int), np.floor(l[1]).astype(int), all_bins.astype(int)] return pixcrd
[docs] def get_map_values(self, lons, lats, ibin=None): """Return the map values corresponding to a set of coordinates. Parameters ---------- lons : array-like 'Longitudes' (RA or GLON) lats : array-like 'Latitidues' (DEC or GLAT) ibin : int or array-like Extract data only for a given energy bin. None -> extract data for all bins Returns ---------- vals : numpy.ndarray((n)) Values of pixels in the flattened map, np.nan used to flag coords outside of map """ pix_idxs = self.get_pixel_indices(lons, lats, ibin) idxs = copy.copy(pix_idxs) m = np.empty_like(idxs[0], dtype=bool) m.fill(True) for i, p in enumerate(pix_idxs): m &= (pix_idxs[i] >= 0) & (pix_idxs[i] < self._npix[i]) idxs[i][~m] = 0 vals = self.counts.T[idxs] vals[~m] = np.nan return vals
[docs] def interpolate(self, lon, lat, egy=None): if len(self.npix) == 2: pixcrd = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(lon, lat, 0) else: if egy is None: egy = self._ectr pixcrd = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(lon, lat, egy, 0) pixcrd[2] = np.array(utils.val_to_pix(np.log(self._ectr), np.log(egy)), ndmin=1) points = [] for npix in self.npix: points += [np.linspace(0, npix - 1., npix)] data = self.counts fn = RegularGridInterpolator(points, data.T, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) return fn(np.column_stack(pixcrd))
[docs]class HpxMap(Map_Base): """ Representation of a 2D or 3D counts map using HEALPix. """ def __init__(self, counts, hpx): """ C'tor, fill with a counts vector and a HPX object """ Map_Base.__init__(self, counts) self._hpx = hpx self._wcs2d = None self._hpx2wcs = None @property def hpx(self): return self._hpx @staticmethod
[docs] def create_from_hdu(hdu, ebins): """ Creates and returns an HpxMap object from a FITS HDU. hdu : The FITS ebins : Energy bin edges [optional] """ hpx = HPX.create_from_header(hdu.header, ebins) colnames = hdu.columns.names nebin = 0 for c in colnames: if c.find("CHANNEL") == 0: nebin += 1 pass data = np.ndarray((nebin, hpx.npix)) for i in range(nebin): cname = "CHANNEL%i" % (i + 1) data[i, 0:] = pass return HpxMap(data, hpx)
[docs] def create_from_hdulist(hdulist, extname="SKYMAP", ebounds="EBOUNDS"): """ Creates and returns an HpxMap object from a FITS HDUList extname : The name of the HDU with the map data ebounds : The name of the HDU with the energy bin data """ if ebounds is not None: try: ebins = utils.read_energy_bounds(hdulist[ebounds]) except: ebins = None else: ebins = None hpxMap = HpxMap.create_from_hdu(hdulist[extname], ebins) return hpxMap
[docs] def make_wcs_from_hpx(self, sum_ebins=False, proj='CAR', oversample=2, normalize=True): """Make a WCS object and convert HEALPix data into WCS projection NOTE: this re-calculates the mapping, if you have already calculated the mapping it is much faster to use convert_to_cached_wcs() instead Parameters ---------- sum_ebins : bool sum energy bins over energy bins before reprojecting proj : str WCS-projection oversample : int Oversampling factor for WCS map normalize : bool True -> perserve integral by splitting HEALPix values between bins returns (WCS object, np.ndarray() with reprojected data) """ self._wcs_proj = proj self._wcs_oversample = oversample self._wcs_2d = self.hpx.make_wcs(2, proj=proj, oversample=oversample) self._hpx2wcs = HpxToWcsMapping(self.hpx, self._wcs_2d) wcs, wcs_data = self.convert_to_cached_wcs(self.counts, sum_ebins, normalize) return wcs, wcs_data
[docs] def convert_to_cached_wcs(self, hpx_in, sum_ebins=False, normalize=True): """ Make a WCS object and convert HEALPix data into WCS projection Parameters ---------- hpx_in : `~numpy.ndarray` HEALPix input data sum_ebins : bool sum energy bins over energy bins before reprojecting normalize : bool True -> perserve integral by splitting HEALPix values between bins returns (WCS object, np.ndarray() with reprojected data) """ if self._hpx2wcs is None: raise Exception('HpxMap.convert_to_cached_wcs() called ' 'before make_wcs_from_hpx()') if len(hpx_in.shape) == 1: wcs_data = np.ndarray(self._hpx2wcs.npix) loop_ebins = False hpx_data = hpx_in elif len(hpx_in.shape) == 2: if sum_ebins: wcs_data = np.ndarray(self._hpx2wcs.npix) hpx_data = hpx_in.sum(0) loop_ebins = False else: wcs_data = np.ndarray((self.counts.shape[0], self._hpx2wcs.npix[0], self._hpx2wcs.npix[1])) hpx_data = hpx_in loop_ebins = True else: raise Exception('Wrong dimension for HpxMap %i' % len(hpx_in.shape)) if loop_ebins: for i in range(hpx_data.shape[0]): self._hpx2wcs.fill_wcs_map_from_hpx_data( hpx_data[i], wcs_data[i], normalize) pass wcs_data.reshape((self.counts.shape[0], self._hpx2wcs.npix[ 0], self._hpx2wcs.npix[1])) # replace the WCS with a 3D one wcs = self.hpx.make_wcs(3, proj=self._wcs_proj, energies=self.hpx.ebins, oversample=self._wcs_oversample) else: self._hpx2wcs.fill_wcs_map_from_hpx_data( hpx_data, wcs_data, normalize) wcs_data.reshape(self._hpx2wcs.npix) wcs = self._wcs_2d return wcs, wcs_data
[docs] def get_map_values(self, lons, lats, ibin=None): """Return the indices in the flat array corresponding to a set of coordinates Parameters ---------- lons : array-like 'Longitudes' (RA or GLON) lats : array-like 'Latitidues' (DEC or GLAT) ibin : int or array-like Extract data only for a given energy bin. None -> extract data for all bins Returns ---------- vals : numpy.ndarray((n)) Values of pixels in the flattened map, np.nan used to flag coords outside of map """ theta = np.pi / 2. - np.radians(lats) phi = np.radians(lons) pix = hp.ang2pix(self.hpx.nside, theta, phi, nest=self.hpx.nest) if == 2: return[:, pix] if ibin is None else[ibin, pix] else: return[pix]
[docs] def interpolate(self, lon, lat, egy=None): """Interpolate map values. """ if == 1: theta = np.pi / 2. - np.radians(lat) phi = np.radians(lon) return hp.pixelfunc.get_interp_val(self.counts, theta, phi, nest=self.hpx.nest) else: shape = np.broadcast(lon, lat, egy).shape lon *= np.ones(shape) lat *= np.ones(shape) egy *= np.ones(shape) theta = np.pi / 2. - np.radians(lat) phi = np.radians(lon) vals = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self.hpx.evals): v = hp.pixelfunc.get_interp_val(self.counts[i], theta, phi, nest=self.hpx.nest) vals += [np.expand_dims(np.array(v, ndmin=1), -1)] vals = np.concatenate(vals, axis=-1) xvals = utils.val_to_pix(np.log(self.hpx.evals), np.log(egy)) return map_coordinates(vals, [np.arange(shape[0]), xvals], order=1)