Source code for fermipy.residmap

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import copy
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.wcs_utils as wcs_utils
import fermipy.fits_utils as fits_utils
import fermipy.plotting as plotting
from fermipy.skymap import Map
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema

[docs]def poisson_lnl(nc, mu): nc = np.array(nc, ndmin=1) mu = np.array(mu, ndmin=1) shape = max(nc.shape, mu.shape) lnl = np.zeros(shape) mu = mu * np.ones(shape) nc = nc * np.ones(shape) msk = nc > 0 lnl[msk] = nc[msk] * np.log(mu[msk]) - mu[msk] lnl[~msk] = -mu[~msk] return lnl
[docs]def convolve_map(m, k, cpix, threshold=0.001, imin=0, imax=None): """ Perform an energy-dependent convolution on a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. Parameters ---------- m : `~numpy.ndarray` 3-D map containing a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. First dimension should be energy. k : `~numpy.ndarray` 3-D map containing a sequence of convolution kernels (PSF) for each slice in m. This map should have the same dimension as m. cpix : list Indices of kernel reference pixel in the two spatial dimensions. threshold : float Kernel amplitude imin : int Minimum index in energy dimension. imax : int Maximum index in energy dimension. """ islice = slice(imin, imax) o = np.zeros(m[islice, ...].shape) ix = int(cpix[0]) iy = int(cpix[1]) # Loop over energy for i in range(m[islice, ...].shape[0]): ks = k[islice, ...][i, ...] ms = m[islice, ...][i, ...] mx = ks[ix, :] > ks[ix, iy] * threshold my = ks[:, iy] > ks[ix, iy] * threshold nx = int(max(3, np.round(np.sum(mx) / 2.))) ny = int(max(3, np.round(np.sum(my) / 2.))) # Ensure that there is an odd number of pixels in the kernel # array if ix + nx + 1 >= ms.shape[0] or ix - nx < 0: nx -= 1 ny -= 1 sx = slice(ix - nx, ix + nx + 1) sy = slice(iy - ny, iy + ny + 1) ks = ks[sx, sy] # origin = [0, 0] # if ks.shape[0] % 2 == 0: origin[0] += 1 # if ks.shape[1] % 2 == 0: origin[1] += 1 # o[i,...] = ndimage.convolve(ms, ks, mode='constant', # origin=origin, cval=0.0) o[i, ...] = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(ms, ks, mode='same') return o
[docs]def get_source_kernel(gta, name, kernel=None): """Get the PDF for the given source.""" sm = [] zs = 0 for c in gta.components: z = c.model_counts_map(name).counts.astype('float') if kernel is not None: shape = (z.shape[0],) + kernel.shape z = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, z, axes=[1, 2]) * np.ones( shape) * kernel[np.newaxis, :, :] zs += np.sum(z) else: zs += np.sum(z) sm.append(z) sm2 = 0 for i, m in enumerate(sm): sm[i] /= zs sm2 += np.sum(sm[i] ** 2) for i, m in enumerate(sm): sm[i] /= sm2 return sm
[docs]class ResidMapGenerator(object): """Mixin class for `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis` that generates spatial residual maps from the difference of data and model maps smoothed with a user-defined spatial/spectral template. The map of residual significance can be interpreted in the same way as a TS map (the likelihood of a source at the given location)."""
[docs] def residmap(self, prefix='', **kwargs): """Generate 2-D spatial residual maps using the current ROI model and the convolution kernel defined with the `model` argument. Parameters ---------- prefix : str String that will be prefixed to the output residual map files. {options} Returns ------- maps : dict A dictionary containing the `~fermipy.utils.Map` objects for the residual significance and amplitude. """'Generating residual maps') schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['residmap']) config = schema.create_config(self.config['residmap'], **kwargs) # Defining default properties of test source model config['model'].setdefault('Index', 2.0) config['model'].setdefault('SpectrumType', 'PowerLaw') config['model'].setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') config['model'].setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) maps = self._make_residual_map(prefix, **config) if config['make_plots']: plotter = plotting.AnalysisPlotter(self.config['plotting'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], logging=self.config['logging']) plotter.make_residmap_plots(maps, self.roi)'Finished residual maps') return maps
def _make_residual_map(self, prefix, **kwargs): write_fits = kwargs.get('write_fits', True) write_npy = kwargs.get('write_npy', True) src_dict = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.setdefault('model', {})) exclude = kwargs.setdefault('exclude', None) loge_bounds = kwargs.setdefault('loge_bounds', None) if loge_bounds is not None: if len(loge_bounds) == 0: loge_bounds = [None, None] elif len(loge_bounds) == 1: loge_bounds += [None] loge_bounds[0] = (loge_bounds[0] if loge_bounds[0] is not None else self.energies[0]) loge_bounds[1] = (loge_bounds[1] if loge_bounds[1] is not None else self.energies[-1]) else: loge_bounds = [self.energies[0], self.energies[-1]] # Put the test source at the pixel closest to the ROI center xpix, ypix = (np.round((self.npix - 1.0) / 2.), np.round((self.npix - 1.0) / 2.)) cpix = np.array([xpix, ypix]) skywcs = self._skywcs skydir = wcs_utils.pix_to_skydir(cpix[0], cpix[1], skywcs) if src_dict is None: src_dict = {} src_dict['ra'] = skydir.ra.deg src_dict['dec'] = skydir.dec.deg src_dict.setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') src_dict.setdefault('SpatialWidth', 0.3) src_dict.setdefault('Index', 2.0) kernel = None if src_dict['SpatialModel'] == 'Gaussian': kernel = utils.make_gaussian_kernel(src_dict['SpatialWidth'], cdelt=self.components[0].binsz, npix=101) kernel /= np.sum(kernel) cpix = [50, 50] self.add_source('residmap_testsource', src_dict, free=True, init_source=False, save_source_maps=False) src = self.roi.get_source_by_name('residmap_testsource') modelname = utils.create_model_name(src) npix = self.components[0].npix mmst = np.zeros((npix, npix)) cmst = np.zeros((npix, npix)) emst = np.zeros((npix, npix)) sm = get_source_kernel(self, 'residmap_testsource', kernel) ts = np.zeros((npix, npix)) sigma = np.zeros((npix, npix)) excess = np.zeros((npix, npix)) self.delete_source('residmap_testsource') for i, c in enumerate(self.components): imin = utils.val_to_edge(c.energies, loge_bounds[0])[0] imax = utils.val_to_edge(c.energies, loge_bounds[1])[0] mc = c.model_counts_map(exclude=exclude).counts.astype('float') cc = c.counts_map().counts.astype('float') ec = np.ones(mc.shape) ccs = convolve_map(cc, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax) mcs = convolve_map(mc, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax) ecs = convolve_map(ec, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax) cms = np.sum(ccs, axis=0) mms = np.sum(mcs, axis=0) ems = np.sum(ecs, axis=0) cmst += cms mmst += mms emst += ems # cts = 2.0 * (poisson_lnl(cms, cms) - poisson_lnl(cms, mms)) excess += cms - mms ts = 2.0 * (poisson_lnl(cmst, cmst) - poisson_lnl(cmst, mmst)) sigma = np.sqrt(ts) sigma[excess < 0] *= -1 emst /= np.max(emst) sigma_map = Map(sigma, skywcs) model_map = Map(mmst / emst, skywcs) data_map = Map(cmst / emst, skywcs) excess_map = Map(excess / emst, skywcs) o = {'name': utils.join_strings([prefix, modelname]), 'file': None, 'sigma': sigma_map, 'model': model_map, 'data': data_map, 'excess': excess_map, 'config': kwargs} fits_file = utils.format_filename(self.config['fileio']['workdir'], 'residmap.fits', prefix=[prefix, modelname]) if write_fits: fits_utils.write_maps(sigma_map, {'DATA_MAP': data_map, 'MODEL_MAP': model_map, 'EXCESS_MAP': excess_map}, fits_file) o['file'] = os.path.basename(fits_file) if write_npy:[0] + '.npy', o) return o