Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Classes and utilites to keep track of files associated to an analysis.

The main class is `FileArchive`, which keep track of all the files associated to an analysis.

The `FileHandle` helper class encapsulates information on a particular file.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import time
import tempfile
from shutil import copyfile

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
#from numpy.core import defchararray
from astropy.table import Table, Column

from fermipy.fits_utils import write_tables_to_fits

[docs]def get_timestamp(): """Get the current time as an integer""" return int(time.time())
[docs]def get_unique_match(table, colname, value): """Get the row matching value for a particular column. If exactly one row matchs, return index of that row, Otherwise raise KeyError. """ # FIXME, This is here for python 3.5, where astropy is now returning bytes # instead of str if table[colname].dtype.kind in ['S', 'U']: mask = table[colname].astype(str) == value else: mask = table[colname] == value if mask.sum() != 1: raise KeyError("%i rows in column %s match value %s" % (mask.sum(), colname, value)) return np.argmax(mask)
#@unique # class FileStatus(Enum):
[docs]class FileStatus(object): """Enumeration of file status types""" no_file = 0 # File is not in system expected = 1 # File will be created by a scheduled job exists = 2 # File exists missing = 3 # File should exist, but does not superseded = 4 # File exists, but has been superseded temp_removed = 5 # File was temporary and has been removed
# class FileFlags(Enum):
[docs]class FileFlags(object): """Bit masks to indicate file types""" no_flags = 0 # No flags are set for this file input_mask = 1 # File is input to job output_mask = 2 # File is output from job rm_mask = 4 # File is removed by job gz_mask = 8 # File is compressed by job internal_mask = 16 # File is internal to job stageable = 32 # File can be staged to / from scratch area in_ch_mask = input_mask | output_mask | rm_mask | internal_mask out_ch_mask = output_mask | rm_mask | internal_mask in_stage_mask = input_mask | stageable out_stage_mask = output_mask | stageable rmint_mask = rm_mask | internal_mask
[docs]class FileDict(object): """Small class to keep track of files used & createed by a link. Parameters ---------- file_args : dict Dictionary mapping argument [str] to `FileFlags` enum file_dict : dict Dictionary mapping file path [str] to `FileFlags` enum """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor""" self.file_args = kwargs.get('file_args', {}) self.file_dict = {}
[docs] def latch_file_info(self, args): """Extract the file paths from a set of arguments """ self.file_dict.clear() for key, val in self.file_args.items(): try: file_path = args[key] if file_path is None: continue # 'args' is special if key[0:4] == 'args': if isinstance(file_path, list): tokens = file_path elif isinstance(file_path, str): tokens = file_path.split() else: raise TypeError( "Args has type %s, expect list or str" % type(file_path)) for token in tokens: self.file_dict[token.replace('.gz', '')] = val else: self.file_dict[file_path.replace('.gz', '')] = val except KeyError: pass
[docs] def update(self, file_dict): """Update self with values from a dictionary mapping file path [str] to `FileFlags` enum """ for key, val in file_dict.items(): if self.file_dict.has_key(key): self.file_dict[key] |= val else: self.file_dict[key] = val
[docs] def items(self): """Return iterator over self.file_dict""" return self.file_dict.items()
@property def input_files(self): """Return a list of the input files needed by this link. For `Link` sub-classes this will return the union of all the input files of each internal `Link`. That is to say this will include files produced by one `Link` in a `Chain` and used as input to another `Link` in the `Chain` """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For input files we only want files that were marked as input if val & FileFlags.input_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def output_files(self): """Return a list of the output files produced by this link. For `Link` sub-classes this will return the union of all the output files of each internal `Link`. That is to say this will include files produced by one `Link` in a `Chain` and used as input to another `Link` in the `Chain` """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For output files we only want files that were marked as output if val & FileFlags.output_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def chain_input_files(self): """Return a list of the input files needed by this chain. For `Link` sub-classes this will return only those files that were not created by any internal `Link` """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For chain input files we only want files that were not marked as output # (I.e., not produced by some other step in the chain) if val & FileFlags.in_ch_mask == FileFlags.input_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def chain_output_files(self): """Return a list of the all the output files produced by this link. For `Link` sub-classes this will return only those files that were not marked as internal files or marked for removal. """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For pure input files we only want output files that were not # marked as internal or temp if val & FileFlags.out_ch_mask == FileFlags.output_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def input_files_to_stage(self): """Return a list of the input files needed by this link. For `Link` sub-classes this will return the union of all the input files of each internal `Link`. That is to say this will include files produced by one `Link` in a `Chain` and used as input to another `Link` in the `Chain` """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For input files we only want files that were marked as input if val & FileFlags.in_stage_mask == FileFlags.in_stage_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def output_files_to_stage(self): """Return a list of the input files needed by this link. For `Link` sub-classes this will return the union of all the input files of each internal `Link`. That is to say this will include files produced by one `Link` in a `Chain` and used as input to another `Link` in the `Chain` """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For input files we only want files that were marked as input if val & FileFlags.out_stage_mask == FileFlags.out_stage_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def internal_files(self): """Return a list of the intermediate files produced by this link. This returns all files that were explicitly marked as internal files. """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For internal files we only want files that were marked as # internal if val & FileFlags.internal_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def temp_files(self): """Return a list of the temporary files produced by this link. This returns all files that were explicitly marked for removal. """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For temp files we only want files that were marked for removal if val & FileFlags.rm_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list @property def gzip_files(self): """Return a list of the files compressed by this link. This returns all files that were explicitly marked for compression. """ ret_list = [] for key, val in self.file_dict.items(): # For temp files we only want files that were marked for removal if val & FileFlags.gz_mask: ret_list.append(key) return ret_list
[docs] def print_summary(self, stream=sys.stdout, indent=""): """Print a summary of the files in this file dict. This version explictly counts the union of all input and output files. """ stream.write("%sTotal files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.file_dict))) stream.write("%s Input files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.input_files))) stream.write("%s Output files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.output_files))) stream.write("%s Internal files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.internal_files))) stream.write("%s Temp files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.temp_files)))
[docs] def print_chain_summary(self, stream=sys.stdout, indent=""): """Print a summary of the files in this file dict. This version uses chain_input_files and chain_output_files to count the input and output files. """ stream.write("%sTotal files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.file_dict))) stream.write("%s Input files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.chain_input_files))) stream.write("%s Output files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.chain_output_files))) stream.write("%s Internal files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.internal_files))) stream.write("%s Temp files : %i\n" % (indent, len(self.temp_files)))
[docs]class FileStageManager(object): """Small class to deal with staging files to and from a scratch area """ def __init__(self, scratchdir, workdir): """C'tor """ try: self.scratchdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=os.environ['USER'] + '.', dir=scratchdir) except OSError: self.scratchdir = os.path.join( scratchdir, os.environ['USER'], 'dummy') self.workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir)
[docs] def split_local_path(self, local_file): """Split the local path into a directory name and a file name If local_file is in self.workdir or a subdirectory of it, the directory will consist of the relative path from workdir. If local_file is not in self.workdir, directory will be empty. Returns (dirname, basename) """ abspath = os.path.abspath(local_file) if abspath.find(self.workdir) >= 0: relpath = abspath.replace(self.workdir, '')[1:] basename = os.path.basename(relpath) dirname = os.path.dirname(relpath) else: basename = os.path.basename(local_file) dirname = '' return (dirname, basename)
[docs] def construct_scratch_path(self, dirname, basename): """Construct and return a path in the scratch area. This will be <self.scratchdir>/<dirname>/<basename> """ return os.path.join(self.scratchdir, dirname, basename)
[docs] def get_scratch_path(self, local_file): """Construct and return a path in the scratch area from a local file. """ (local_dirname, local_basename) = self.split_local_path(local_file) return self.construct_scratch_path(local_dirname, local_basename)
[docs] def map_files(self, local_files): """Build a dictionary mapping local paths to scratch paths. Parameters ---------- local_files : list List of filenames to be mapped to scratch area Returns dict Mapping local_file : fullpath of scratch file """ ret_dict = {} for local_file in local_files: ret_dict[local_file] = self.get_scratch_path(local_file) return ret_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def make_scratch_dirs(file_mapping, dry_run=True): """Make any directories need in the scratch area""" scratch_dirs = {} for value in file_mapping.values(): scratch_dirname = os.path.dirname(value) scratch_dirs[scratch_dirname] = True for scratch_dirname in scratch_dirs.keys(): if dry_run: print("mkdir -f %s" % (scratch_dirname)) else: try: os.makedirs(scratch_dirname) except OSError: pass
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_to_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run=True): """Copy input files to scratch area """ for key, value in file_mapping.items(): if not os.path.exists(key): continue if dry_run: print ("copy %s %s" % (key, value)) else: print ("copy %s %s" % (key, value)) copyfile(key, value) return file_mapping
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_from_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run=True): """Copy output files from scratch area """ for key, value in file_mapping.items(): if dry_run: print ("copy %s %s" % (value, key)) else: try: outdir = os.path.dirname(key) os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError: pass print ("copy %s %s" % (value, key)) copyfile(value, key) return file_mapping
[docs]class FileHandle(object): """Class to keep track of infomration about a file file. Parameters ---------- key : int Unique id for this particular file creator : int Unique id for the job that created this file timestamp : int File creation time cast as an int status : `FileStatus` Enum giving current status of file flags : `FileFlags` Mask giving flags set on this file path : str Path to file """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor Take values of class members from keyword arguments. """ self.key = kwargs.get('key', -1) self.creator = kwargs.get('creator', -1) self.timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', 0) self.status = kwargs.get('status', FileStatus.no_file) self.flags = kwargs.get('flags', FileFlags.no_flags) self.path = kwargs['path'] if self.path[0] == '@': print ('Removing @ from %s'%self.path) self.path = self.path[1:]
[docs] @staticmethod def make_table(file_dict): """Build and return an `astropy.table.Table` to store `FileHandle`""" col_key = Column(name='key', dtype=int) col_path = Column(name='path', dtype='S256') col_creator = Column(name='creator', dtype=int) col_timestamp = Column(name='timestamp', dtype=int) col_status = Column(name='status', dtype=int) col_flags = Column(name='flags', dtype=int) columns = [col_key, col_path, col_creator, col_timestamp, col_status, col_flags] table = Table(data=columns) for val in file_dict.values(): val.append_to_table(table) return table
[docs] @classmethod def make_dict(cls, table): """Build and return a dict of `FileHandle` from an `astropy.table.Table` The dictionary is keyed by FileHandle.key, which is a unique integer for each file """ ret_dict = {} for row in table: file_handle = cls.create_from_row(row) ret_dict[file_handle.key] = file_handle return ret_dict
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_row(cls, table_row): """Build and return a `FileHandle` from an `astropy.table.row.Row` """ kwargs = {} for key in table_row.colnames: kwargs[key] = table_row[key] try: return cls(**kwargs) except KeyError: print(kwargs)
[docs] def check_status(self, basepath=None): """Check on the status of this particular file""" if basepath is None: fullpath = self.path else: fullpath = os.path.join(basepath, self.path) exists = os.path.exists(fullpath) if not exists: if self.flags & FileFlags.gz_mask != 0: fullpath += '.gz' exists = os.path.exists(fullpath) if exists: if self.status == FileStatus.superseded: pass else: self.status = FileStatus.exists else: if self.status in [FileStatus.no_file, FileStatus.expected, FileStatus.missing, FileStatus.temp_removed]: if self.flags & FileFlags.rmint_mask != 0: self.status = FileStatus.temp_removed elif self.status == FileStatus.exists: self.status = FileStatus.missing elif self.status == FileStatus.exists: self.status = FileStatus.temp_removed return self.status
[docs] def append_to_table(self, table): """Add this instance as a row on a `astropy.table.Table` """ table.add_row(dict(path=self.path, key=self.key, creator=self.creator, timestamp=self.timestamp, status=self.status, flags=self.flags))
[docs] def update_table_row(self, table, row_idx): """Update the values in an `astropy.table.Table` for this instances""" table[row_idx]['path'] = self.path table[row_idx]['key'] = self.key table[row_idx]['creator'] = self.creator table[row_idx]['timestamp'] = self.timestamp table[row_idx]['status'] = self.status table[row_idx]['flags'] = self.flags
[docs]class FileArchive(object): """Class that keeps track of the status of files used in an analysis Parameters ---------- table_file : str Path to the file used to persist this `FileArchive` table : `astropy.table.Table` Persistent representation of this `FileArchive` cache : `OrderedDict` Transient representation of this `FileArchive` base_path : str Base file path for all files in this `FileArchive` """ # Singleton instance _archive = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor Takes self.base_path from kwargs['base_path'] Reads kwargs['file_archive_table'] """ self._table_file = None self._table = None self._cache = OrderedDict() self._base_path = kwargs['base_path'] self._read_table_file(kwargs['file_archive_table']) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return the `FileHandle` whose linkname is key""" return self._cache[key] @property def table_file(self): """Return the path to the file used to persist this `FileArchive` """ return self._table_file @property def table(self): """Return the persistent representation of this `FileArchive` """ return self._table @property def cache(self): """Return the transiet representation of this `FileArchive` """ return self._cache @property def base_path(self): """Return the base file path for all files in this `FileArchive` """ return self._base_path def _get_fullpath(self, filepath): """Return filepath with the base_path prefixed """ if filepath[0] == '/': return filepath else: return os.path.join(self._base_path, filepath) def _get_localpath(self, filepath): """Return the filepath with the base_path removed """ return filepath.replace(self._base_path, '') def _fill_cache(self): """Fill the cache from the `astropy.table.Table`""" for irow in range(len(self._table)): file_handle = self._make_file_handle(irow) self._cache[file_handle.path] = file_handle def _read_table_file(self, table_file): """Read an `astropy.table.Table` to set up the archive""" self._table_file = table_file if os.path.exists(self._table_file): self._table = else: self._table = FileHandle.make_table({}) self._fill_cache() def _make_file_handle(self, row_idx): """Build and return a `FileHandle` object from an `astropy.table.row.Row` """ row = self._table[row_idx] return FileHandle.create_from_row(row)
[docs] def get_handle(self, filepath): """Get the `FileHandle` object associated to a particular file """ localpath = self._get_localpath(filepath) return self._cache[localpath]
[docs] def register_file(self, filepath, creator, status=FileStatus.no_file, flags=FileFlags.no_flags): """Register a file in the archive. If the file already exists, this raises a `KeyError` Parameters ---------- filepath : str The path to the file creatror : int A unique key for the job that created this file status : `FileStatus` Enumeration giving current status of file flags : `FileFlags` Enumeration giving flags set on this file Returns `FileHandle` """ # check to see if the file already exists try: file_handle = self.get_handle(filepath) raise KeyError("File %s already exists in archive" % filepath) except KeyError: pass localpath = self._get_localpath(filepath) if status == FileStatus.exists: # Make sure the file really exists fullpath = self._get_fullpath(filepath) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): print("register_file called on called on mising file %s" % fullpath) status = FileStatus.missing timestamp = 0 else: timestamp = int(os.stat(fullpath).st_mtime) else: timestamp = 0 key = len(self._table) + 1 file_handle = FileHandle(path=localpath, key=key, creator=creator, timestamp=timestamp, status=status, flags=flags) file_handle.append_to_table(self._table) self._cache[localpath] = file_handle return file_handle
[docs] def update_file(self, filepath, creator, status): """Update a file in the archive If the file does not exists, this raises a `KeyError` Parameters ---------- filepath : str The path to the file creatror : int A unique key for the job that created this file status : `FileStatus` Enumeration giving current status of file Returns `FileHandle` """ file_handle = self.get_handle(filepath) if status in [FileStatus.exists, FileStatus.superseded]: # Make sure the file really exists fullpath = file_handle.fullpath if not os.path.exists(fullpath): raise ValueError("File %s does not exist" % fullpath) timestamp = int(os.stat(fullpath).st_mtime) else: timestamp = 0 file_handle.creator = creator file_handle.timestamp = timestamp file_handle.status = status file_handle.update_table_row(self._table, file_handle.key - 1) return file_handle
[docs] def get_file_ids(self, file_list, creator=None, status=FileStatus.no_file, file_dict=None): """Get or create a list of file ids based on file names Parameters ---------- file_list : list The paths to the file creatror : int A unique key for the job that created these files status : `FileStatus` Enumeration giving current status of files file_dict : `FileDict` Mask giving flags set on this file Returns list of integers """ ret_list = [] for fname in file_list: if file_dict is None: flags = FileFlags.no_flags else: flags = file_dict.file_dict[fname] try: fhandle = self.get_handle(fname) except KeyError: if creator is None: creator = -1 #raise KeyError("Can not register a file %s without a creator"%fname) fhandle = self.register_file(fname, creator, status, flags) ret_list.append(fhandle.key) return ret_list
[docs] def get_file_paths(self, id_list): """Get a list of file paths based of a set of ids Parameters ---------- id_list : list List of integer file keys Returns list of file paths """ if id_list is None: return [] try: path_array = self._table[id_list - 1]['path'] except IndexError: print("IndexError ", len(self._table), id_list) path_array = [] return [path for path in path_array]
[docs] def write_table_file(self, table_file=None): """Write the table to self._table_file""" if self._table is None: raise RuntimeError("No table to write") if table_file is not None: self._table_file = table_file if self._table_file is None: raise RuntimeError("No output file specified for table") write_tables_to_fits(self._table_file, [self._table], clobber=True, namelist=['FILE_ARCHIVE'])
[docs] def update_file_status(self): """Update the status of all the files in the archive""" nfiles = len(self.cache.keys()) status_vect = np.zeros((6), int) sys.stdout.write("Updating status of %i files: "%nfiles) sys.stdout.flush() for i, key in enumerate(self.cache.keys()): if i % 200 == 0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() fhandle = self.cache[key] fhandle.check_status(self._base_path) fhandle.update_table_row(self._table, fhandle.key - 1) status_vect[fhandle.status] += 1 sys.stdout.write("!\n") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("Summary:\n") sys.stdout.write(" no_file: %i\n"%status_vect[0]) sys.stdout.write(" expected: %i\n"%status_vect[1]) sys.stdout.write(" exists: %i\n"%status_vect[2]) sys.stdout.write(" missing: %i\n"%status_vect[3]) sys.stdout.write(" superseded: %i\n"%status_vect[4]) sys.stdout.write(" temp_removed: %i\n"%status_vect[5])
[docs] @classmethod def get_archive(cls): """Return the singleton `FileArchive` instance """ return cls._archive
[docs] @classmethod def build_archive(cls, **kwargs): """Return the singleton `FileArchive` instance, building it if needed""" if cls._archive is None: cls._archive = cls(**kwargs) return cls._archive
[docs]def main_browse(): """Entry point for command line use for browsing a FileArchive """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=" [options]", description="Browse a job archive") parser.add_argument('--files', action='store', dest='file_archive_table', type=str, default='file_archive_temp.fits', help="File archive file") parser.add_argument('--base', action='store', dest='base_path', type=str, default=os.path.abspath('.'), help="File archive base path") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) FileArchive.build_archive(**args.__dict__)
if __name__ == '__main__': main_browse()