
This page is a changelog for releases of Fermipy. You can also browse releases on Github.

0.15.0 (09/05/2017)

  • Bug fix related to restoring analysis state for phased analysis (scaled exposure).
  • Many improvements and feature additions to senstivity tools (see e.g. #148, #149, and #152).
  • Various updates to support DM pipeline package (#146).
  • Improve robustness of algorithms for extracting peak and uncertainty ellipse from 2D likelihood surface.
  • Added curvature method for testing a source for spectral curvature.
  • Added fix_shape option to extension and localize to fix spectral shape parameters. Spectral shape parameters of the source of interest are now free by default when localizing or fitting extension.

0.14.0 (03/28/2017)

  • Refactoring and improvements in localize and extension (see #124). Cleanup of columns in localize. Add new columns for 1-sigma errors projected in CEL and GAL coordinates as well as associated covariance and correlation matrices. Add positional errors when running extension with fit_position=True.
  • Add free_radius option to localize, extension, and sed. This can be used to free background sources within a certain distance of the analyzed source.
  • Relocalize point-source hypothesis when testing extension of extended sources.
  • Improve speed and accuracy of source map calculation (see #123). Exposures are now extracted directly from the exposure map.
  • Write analysis configuration to CONFIG header keyword of all FITS output files.
  • Add jobs and diffuse submodules (see #120 and #122). These contain functionality for peforming all-sky diffuse analysis and setting up automated analysis pipelines. More detailed documentation on these features to be provided in a future release.

0.13.0 (01/16/2017)

  • Rewrite LTCube class to add support for fast LT cube generation. The gtlike.use_local_ltcube option can be used to enable the python-based LT cube calculation in lieu of gtltcube.
  • Bug fixes and improvements to lightcurve method (see #102). Python-based LT cube generation is now enabled by default resulting in much faster execution time when generating light curves over long time spans.
  • Add fit_position option to extension that can be used to enable a joint fit of extension and position.
  • New scheme for auto-generating parameter docstrings.
  • Add new set_source_morphology method to update the spatial model of a source at runtime.
  • Major refactoring of extension and localize (see #106 and #110).
  • Pulled in many new modules and scripts for diffuse all-sky analysis (see #105).

0.12.0 (11/20/2016)

  • Add support for phased analysis (#87). gtlike.expscale and gtlike.src_expscale can be used to apply a constant exposure correction to a whole component or individual sources within a component. See Phased Analysis for examples.
  • Add script and tools for calculating flux sensitivity (#88 and #95). The fermipy-flux-sensitivity script evaluates both the differential and integral flux sensitivity for a given TS threshold and minimum number of detected counts. See Sensitivity Tools for examples.
  • Add fermipy-healview script for generating images of healpix maps and cubes.
  • Improvements to HPX-related classes and utilities.
  • Refactoring in irfs module to support development of new validation tools.
  • Improvements to configuration handling to allow parameter validation when updating configuration at runtime.
  • Add lightcurve method (#80). See Light Curves for documentation.
  • Change convention for flux arrays in source object. Values and uncertainties are now stored in separate arrays (e.g. flux and flux_err).
  • Add Docker-based installation instructions. This can be used to run the RHEL6 SLAC ST builds on any machine that supports Docker (e.g. OSX Yosemite or later).
  • Adopt changes to column name conventions in SED format. All column names are now lowercase.

0.11.0 (08/24/2016)

  • Add support for weighted likelihood fits (supported in ST 11-03-00 or later). Weights maps can be specified with the wmap parameter in gtlike.
  • Implemented performance improvements in tsmap including switching to newton’s method for step-size calculation and masking of empty pixels (see #79).
  • Ongoing development and refactoring of classes for dealing with CastroData (binned likelihood profiles).
  • Added reload_sources method for faster recomputation of source maps.
  • Fixed sign error in localization plotting method that gave wrong orientation for error ellipse..
  • Refactored classes in spectrum and simplified interface for doing spectral fits (see #69).
  • Added DMFitFunction spectral model class in spectrum (see #66). This uses the same lookup tables as the ST DMFitFunction class but provides a pure python implementation which can be used independently of the STs.

0.10.0 (07/03/2016)

  • Implement support for more spectral models (DMFitFunction, EblAtten, FileFunction, Gaussian).
  • New options (outdir_regex and workdir regex) for fine-grained control over input/output file staging.
  • Add offset_roi_edge to source dictionary. Defined as the distance from the source position to the edge of the ROI (< 0 = inside the ROI, > 0 = outside the ROI).
  • Add new variables in fit output (edm, fit_status).
  • Add new package scripts (fermipy-collect-sources, fermipy-cluster-sources).
  • Various refactoring and improvements in code for dealing with castro data.
  • Add MODEL_FLUX and PARAMS HDUs to SED FITS file. Many new elements added SED output dictionary.
  • Support NEWTON fitter with the same interface as MINUIT and NEWMINUIT. Running fit with optimizer = NEWTON will use the NEWTON fitter where applicable (only free norms) and MINUIT otherwise. The optimizer argument to sed, extension, and localize can be used to override the default optimizer at runtime. Note that the NEWTON fitter is only supported by ST releases after 11-01-01.

0.9.0 (05/25/2016)

  • Bug fixes and various refactoring in TSCube and CastroData. Classes for reading and manipulating bin-by-bin likelihoods are now moved to the castro module.
  • Rationalized naming conventions for energy-related variables. Properties and method arguments with units of the logarithm of the energy now consistently contain log in the name.
    • energies now returns bin energies in MeV (previously it returned logarithmic energies). log_energies can be used to access logarithmic bin energies.
    • Changed erange parameter to loge_bounds in the methods that accept an energy range.
    • Changed the units of emin, ectr, and emax in the sed output dictionary to MeV.
  • Add more columns to the FITS source catalog file generated by write_roi. All float and string values in the source dictionary are now automatically included in the FITS file. Parameter values, errors, and names are written to the param_values, param_errors, and param_names vector columns.
  • Add package script for dispatching batch jobs to LSF (fermipy-dispatch).
  • Fixed some bugs related to handling of unicode strings.

0.8.0 (05/18/2016)

  • Added new variables to source dictionary:
    • Likelihood scan of source normalization (dloglike_scan, eflux_scan, flux_scan).
    • Source localization errors (pos_sigma, pos_sigma_semimajor, pos_sigma_semiminor, pos_r68, pos_r95, pos_r99, pos_angle). These are automatically filled when running localize or find_sources.
  • Removed camel-case in some source variable names.
  • Add cacheft1 option to data disable caching FT1 files. Cacheing is still enabled by default.
  • Support FITS file format for preliminary releases of the 4FGL catalog.
  • Add __future__ statements throughout to ensure forward-compatibility with python3.
  • Reorganize utility modules including those for manipulation of WCS and healpix images.
  • Various improvements and refactoring in localize. This method now moved to the sourcefind module.
  • Add new global parameter llscan_pts in gtlike to define the number of likelihood evaluation points.
  • Write output of sed to a FITS file in the Likelihood SED format. More information about the Likelihood SED format is available on this page.
  • Write ROI model to a FITS file when calling write_roi. This file contains a BINTABLE with one row per source and uses the same column names as the 3FGL catalog file to describe spectral parameterizations. Note that this file currently only contains a subset of the information available in the numpy output file.
  • Reorganize classes and methods in sed for manipulating and fitting bin-by-bin likelihoods. Spectral functions moved to a dedicated spectrum module.
  • Write return dictionary to a numpy file in residmap and tsmap.