Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

Module with classes for plotting and SED and to  
paralleize that analysis.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from os.path import splitext

from import fits

from fermipy.utils import init_matplotlib_backend, load_yaml

from import Link
from import ScatterGather
from import make_nfs_path

from fermipy.castro import CastroData
from fermipy.sed_plotting import plotCastro, plotBands,\
    plotSED_OnAxis, plotSED

from import NameFactory
from import defaults

NAME_FACTORY = NameFactory(basedir='.')

[docs]class PlotCastro(Link): """Small class to plot an SED as a 'Castro' plot. """ appname = 'fermipy-plot-castro' linkname_default = 'plot-castro' usage = '%s [options]' % (appname) description = "Plot likelihood v. flux normalization and energy" default_options = dict(infile=defaults.generic['infile'], outfile=defaults.generic['outfile']) __doc__ += Link.construct_docstring(default_options)
[docs] def run_analysis(self, argv): """Run this analysis""" args = self._parser.parse_args(argv) exttype = splitext(args.infile)[-1] if exttype in ['.fits', '.npy']: castro_data = CastroData.create_from_sedfile(args.infile) elif exttype in ['.yaml']: castro_data = CastroData.create_from_yamlfile(args.infile) else: raise ValueError("Can not read file type %s for SED" % extype) ylims = [1e-8, 1e-5] plot = plotCastro(castro_data, ylims, nstep=100) if args.outfile: plot[0].savefig(args.outfile)
[docs]class PlotCastro_SG(ScatterGather): """Small class to generate configurations for the `PlotCastro` class. This loops over all the targets defined in the target list. """ appname = 'fermipy-plot-castro-sg' usage = "%s [options]" % (appname) description = "Make castro plots for set of targets" clientclass = PlotCastro job_time = 60 default_options = dict(ttype=defaults.common['ttype'], targetlist=defaults.common['targetlist']) __doc__ += Link.construct_docstring(default_options)
[docs] def build_job_configs(self, args): """Hook to build job configurations """ job_configs = {} ttype = args['ttype'] (targets_yaml, sim) = NAME_FACTORY.resolve_targetfile(args) if targets_yaml is None: return job_configs targets = load_yaml(targets_yaml) for target_name, target_list in targets.items(): for targ_prof in target_list: name_keys = dict(target_type=ttype, target_name=target_name, profile=targ_prof, fullpath=True) targ_key = "%s_%s" % (target_name, targ_prof) input_path = NAME_FACTORY.sedfile(**name_keys) output_path = input_path.replace('.fits', '.png') logfile = make_nfs_path(input_path.replace('.fits', '.log')) job_config = dict(infile=input_path, outfile=output_path, logfile=logfile) job_configs[targ_key] = job_config return job_configs
class PlotSEDSummaryBands(Link): """Small class to plot an SED as a 'Castro' plot. """ appname = 'fermipy-plot-sed-summary-bands' linkname_default = 'plot-sed-summary-bands' usage = '%s [options]' % (appname) description = "Plot SED limits" default_options = dict(infile=defaults.generic['infile'], outfile=defaults.generic['outfile'], summaryfile=defaults.generic['summaryfile'], band_type=defaults.sims['band_type']) __doc__ += Link.construct_docstring(default_options) def run_analysis(self, argv): """Run this analysis""" args = self._parser.parse_args(argv) exttype = splitext(args.infile)[-1] if exttype in ['.fits', '.npy']: castro_data = CastroData.create_from_sedfile(args.infile) elif exttype in ['.yaml']: castro_data = CastroData.create_from_yamlfile(args.infile) else: raise ValueError("Can not read file type %s for SED" % extype) ylims = [1e-8, 1e-5] if args.summaryfile is not None: bands = fig, ax = plotBands(castro_data, ylims, bands[1], band_type=args.band_type) plotSED_OnAxis(ax, castro_data) else: fig, ax = plotSED_OnAxis(ax, ylims) if args.outfile: fig.savefig(args.outfile) class PlotSEDSummaryBands_SG(ScatterGather): """Small class to generate configurations for the `PlotSEDLimits` class. This loops over all the targets defined in the target list. """ appname = 'fermipy-plot-sed-summary-bands-sg' usage = "%s [options]" % (appname) description = "Make sed plots for set of targets" clientclass = PlotSEDSummaryBands job_time = 60 default_options = dict(ttype=defaults.common['ttype'], targetlist=defaults.common['targetlist'], nsims=defaults.sims['nsims'], seed=defaults.sims['seed'], band_sim=defaults.sims['band_sim'], band_type=defaults.sims['band_type']) __doc__ += Link.construct_docstring(default_options) def build_job_configs(self, args): """Hook to build job configurations """ job_configs = {} ttype = args['ttype'] (targets_yaml, sim) = NAME_FACTORY.resolve_targetfile(args) if targets_yaml is None: return job_configs targets = load_yaml(targets_yaml) first = args['seed'] last = first + args['nsims'] - 1 for target_name, target_list in targets.items(): for targ_prof in target_list: name_keys = dict(target_type=ttype, target_name=target_name, profile=targ_prof, fullpath=True) targ_key = "%s_%s" % (target_name, targ_prof) input_path = NAME_FACTORY.sedfile(**name_keys) output_path = input_path.replace('.fits', '.png') logfile = make_nfs_path(input_path.replace('.fits', '.log')) sed_file = NAME_FACTORY.sim_sedfile(sim_name=args['band_sim'], **name_keys) summaryfile = sed_file.replace('_SEED.fits', '_summary_%06i_%06i.fits' % (first, last)) job_config = dict(infile=input_path, outfile=output_path, summaryfile=summaryfile, band_sim=args['band_sim'], logfile=logfile) job_configs[targ_key] = job_config return job_configs def register_classes(): """Register these classes with the `LinkFactory` """ PlotCastro.register_class() PlotCastro_SG.register_class() PlotSEDSummaryBands.register_class() PlotSEDSummaryBands_SG.register_class()