Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Factory module to return the default interace to the batch farm
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# This sets the default job type.
# We are going to want a better way to control this down the road

[docs]def get_batch_job_args(job_time=1500): """ Get the correct set of batch jobs arguments. Parameters ---------- job_time : int Expected max length of the job, in seconds. This is used to select the batch queue and set the job_check_sleep parameter that sets how often we check for job completion. Returns ------- job_args : dict Dictionary of arguments used to submit a batch job """ if DEFAULT_JOB_TYPE == 'slac': from import get_slac_default_args return get_slac_default_args(job_time) elif DEFAULT_JOB_TYPE == 'native': from import get_native_default_args return get_native_default_args() return None
[docs]def get_batch_job_interface(job_time=1500): """ Create a batch job interface object. Parameters ---------- job_time : int Expected max length of the job, in seconds. This is used to select the batch queue and set the job_check_sleep parameter that sets how often we check for job completion. Returns ------- job_interfact : `SysInterface` Object that manages interactions with batch farm """ batch_job_args = get_batch_job_args(job_time) if DEFAULT_JOB_TYPE == 'slac': from import SlacInterface return SlacInterface(**batch_job_args) elif DEFAULT_JOB_TYPE == 'native': from import NativeInterface return NativeInterface(**batch_job_args) return None