Source code for fermipy.diffuse.diffuse_src_manager

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Classes and utilities that manage the diffuse emission background models
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import yaml

from fermipy.diffuse.name_policy import NameFactory
from fermipy.diffuse.binning import Component
from fermipy.diffuse.model_component import GalpropMergedRingInfo,\
    IsoComponentInfo, MapCubeComponentInfo

[docs]class GalpropMapManager(object): """ Small helper class to keep track of Galprop gasmaps This keeps track of two types of dictionaries. Both are keyed by: key = {source_name}_{ring}_{galkey} Where: {source_name} is something like 'merged_C0' {ring} is the ring index {galkey} is a key specifying which version of galprop rings to use. The two dictionaries are: ring_dict[key] = `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo` diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] ] `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` The dictionaries are defined in files called. models/galprop_rings_{galkey}.yaml """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ C'tor Keyword arguments ----------------- projtype : str [healpix] Used to define path to gasmap files basedir : str Top level directory for finding files """ self.projtype = kwargs.get('projtype', 'healpix') self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir')) self._ring_dicts = {} self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts = {}
[docs] def read_galprop_rings_yaml(self, galkey): """ Read the yaml file for a partiuclar galprop key """ galprop_rings_yaml = self._name_factory.galprop_rings_yaml(galkey=galkey, fullpath=True) galprop_rings = yaml.safe_load(open(galprop_rings_yaml)) return galprop_rings
[docs] def galkeys(self): """ Return the list of galprop keys used """ return sorted(self._ring_dicts.keys())
[docs] def ring_dict(self, galkey): """ Return the ring dictionary for a particular galprop key """ return self._ring_dicts[galkey]
[docs] def diffuse_comp_info_dicts(self, galkey): """ Return the components info dictionary for a particular galprop key """ return self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey]
[docs] def merged_components(self, galkey): """ Return the set of merged components for a particular galprop key """ return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey].keys())
[docs] def make_ring_filename(self, source_name, ring, galprop_run): """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a single ring Parameters ---------- source_name : str The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files ring : int The ring index galprop_run : str String identifying the galprop parameters """ format_dict = self.__dict__.copy() format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_ringkey(source_name=source_name, ringkey="ring_%i" % ring) format_dict['galprop_run'] = galprop_run return self._name_factory.galprop_gasmap(**format_dict)
[docs] def make_merged_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath): """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a set of merged rings Parameters ---------- source_name : str The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files galkey : str A short key identifying the galprop parameters fullpath : bool Return the full path name """ format_dict = self.__dict__.copy() format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(source_name=source_name, galpropkey=galkey) format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath return self._name_factory.merged_gasmap(**format_dict)
[docs] def make_xml_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath): """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition for a set of merged rings Parameters ---------- source_name : str The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files galkey : str A short key identifying the galprop parameters fullpath : bool Return the full path name """ format_dict = self.__dict__.copy() format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(source_name=source_name, galpropkey=galkey) format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)
[docs] def make_ring_filelist(self, sourcekeys, rings, galprop_run): """ Make a list of all the template files for a merged component Parameters ---------- sourcekeys : list-like of str The names of the componenents to merge rings : list-like of int The indices of the rings to merge galprop_run : str String identifying the galprop parameters """ flist = [] for sourcekey in sourcekeys: for ring in rings: flist += [self.make_ring_filename(sourcekey, ring, galprop_run)] return flist
[docs] def make_ring_dict(self, galkey): """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files Parameters ---------- galkey : str Unique key for this ring dictionary Returns `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo` """ galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey) galprop_run = galprop_rings['galprop_run'] ring_limits = galprop_rings['ring_limits'] comp_dict = galprop_rings['diffuse_comp_dict'] remove_rings = galprop_rings.get('remove_rings', []) ring_dict = {} nring = len(ring_limits) - 1 for source_name, source_value in comp_dict.items(): base_dict = dict(source_name=source_name, galkey=galkey, galprop_run=galprop_run) for iring in range(nring): sourcekey = "%s_%i" % (source_name, iring) if sourcekey in remove_rings: continue full_key = "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, galkey) rings = range(ring_limits[iring], ring_limits[iring + 1]) base_dict.update(dict(ring=iring, sourcekey=sourcekey, files=self.make_ring_filelist(source_value, rings, galprop_run), merged_gasmap=self.make_merged_name(sourcekey, galkey, False))) ring_dict[full_key] = GalpropMergedRingInfo(**base_dict) self._ring_dicts[galkey] = ring_dict return ring_dict
[docs] def make_diffuse_comp_info(self, merged_name, galkey): """ Make the information about a single merged component Parameters ---------- merged_name : str The name of the merged component galkey : str A short key identifying the galprop parameters Returns `Model_component.ModelComponentInfo` """ kwargs = dict(source_name=merged_name, source_ver=galkey, model_type='MapCubeSource', Spatial_Filename=self.make_merged_name( merged_name, galkey, fullpath=True), srcmdl_name=self.make_xml_name(merged_name, galkey, fullpath=True)) return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, galkey): """ Make a dictionary maping from merged component to information about that component Parameters ---------- galkey : str A short key identifying the galprop parameters """ galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey) ring_limits = galprop_rings.get('ring_limits') comp_dict = galprop_rings.get('diffuse_comp_dict') remove_rings = galprop_rings.get('remove_rings', []) diffuse_comp_info_dict = {} nring = len(ring_limits) - 1 for source_key in sorted(comp_dict.keys()): for iring in range(nring): source_name = "%s_%i" % (source_key, iring) if source_name in remove_rings: continue full_key = "%s_%s" % (source_name, galkey) diffuse_comp_info_dict[full_key] =\ self.make_diffuse_comp_info(source_name, galkey) self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey] = diffuse_comp_info_dict return diffuse_comp_info_dict
[docs]class DiffuseModelManager(object): """ Small helper class to keep track of diffuse component templates This keeps track of the 'diffuse component infomation' dictionary This keyed by: key = {source_name}_{source_ver} Where: {source_name} is something like 'loopI' {source_ver} is somthinng like v00 The dictioary is diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] - > `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` Note that some components ( those that represent moving sources or are selection depedent ) will have a sub-dictionary of diffuse_comp_info_dict object for each sub-component The compoents are defined in a file called config/diffuse_components.yaml """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ C'tor Keyword arguments ----------------- name_policy : str Name of yaml file contain file naming policy definitions basedir : str Top level directory for finding files """ self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir')) self._diffuse_comp_info_dict = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def read_diffuse_component_yaml(yamlfile): """ Read the yaml file for the diffuse components """ diffuse_components = yaml.safe_load(open(yamlfile)) return diffuse_components
[docs] def sourcekeys(self): """Return the list of source keys""" return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dict.keys())
[docs] def diffuse_comp_info(self, sourcekey): """Return the Component info associated to a particular key """ return self._diffuse_comp_info_dict[sourcekey]
[docs] def make_template_name(self, model_type, sourcekey): """ Make the name of a template file for particular component Parameters ---------- model_type : str Type of model to use for this component sourcekey : str Key to identify this component Returns filename or None if component does not require a template file """ format_dict = self.__dict__.copy() format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey if model_type == 'IsoSource': return self._name_factory.spectral_template(**format_dict) elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource': return self._name_factory.diffuse_template(**format_dict) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected model_type %s" % model_type)
[docs] def make_xml_name(self, sourcekey): """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition of a single component Parameters ---------- sourcekey : str Key to identify this component """ format_dict = self.__dict__.copy() format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)
[docs] def make_diffuse_comp_info(self, source_name, source_ver, diffuse_dict, components=None, comp_key=None): """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files Parameters ---------- source_name : str Name of the source source_ver : str Key identifying the version of the source diffuse_dict : dict Information about this component comp_key : str Used when we need to keep track of sub-components, i.e., for moving and selection dependent sources. Returns `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` or `model_component.IsoComponentInfo` """ model_type = diffuse_dict['model_type'] sourcekey = '%s_%s' % (source_name, source_ver) if comp_key is None: template_name = self.make_template_name(model_type, sourcekey) srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name(sourcekey) else: template_name = self.make_template_name( model_type, "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key)) srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name("%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key)) template_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=template_name) srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=srcmdl_name) kwargs = dict(source_name=source_name, source_ver=source_ver, model_type=model_type, srcmdl_name=srcmdl_name, components=components, comp_key=comp_key) kwargs.update(diffuse_dict) if model_type == 'IsoSource': kwargs['Spectral_Filename'] = template_name return IsoComponentInfo(**kwargs) elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource': kwargs['Spatial_Filename'] = template_name return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected model type %s" % model_type)
[docs] def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, diffuse_sources, components): """ Make a dictionary maping from diffuse component to information about that component Parameters ---------- diffuse_sources : dict Dictionary with diffuse source defintions components : dict Dictionary with event selection defintions, needed for selection depenedent diffuse components Returns ------- ret_dict : dict Dictionary mapping sourcekey to `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` """ ret_dict = {} for key, value in diffuse_sources.items(): if value is None: continue model_type = value.get('model_type', 'MapCubeSource') if model_type in ['galprop_rings', 'catalog']: continue selection_dependent = value.get('selection_dependent', False) moving = value.get('moving', False) versions = value.get('versions', []) for version in versions: # sourcekey = self._name_factory.sourcekey(source_name=key, # source_ver=version) comp_dict = None if selection_dependent: # For selection dependent diffuse sources we need to split # by binning component comp_dict = {} for comp in components: comp_key = comp.make_key('{ebin_name}_{evtype_name}') comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info( key, version, value, None, comp_key) elif moving: # For moving diffuse sources we need to split by zmax cut comp_dict = {} zmax_dict = {} for comp in components: zmax_dict[int(comp.zmax)] = True zmax_list = sorted(zmax_dict.keys()) for zmax in zmax_list: comp_key = "zmax%i" % (zmax) comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info( key, version, value, None, comp_key) comp_info = self.make_diffuse_comp_info( key, version, value, comp_dict) ret_dict[comp_info.sourcekey] = comp_info self._diffuse_comp_info_dict.update(ret_dict) return ret_dict
[docs]def make_ring_dicts(**kwargs): """Build and return the information about the Galprop rings """ library_yamlfile = kwargs.get('library', 'models/library.yaml') gmm = kwargs.get('GalpropMapManager', GalpropMapManager(**kwargs)) if library_yamlfile is None or library_yamlfile == 'None': return gmm diffuse_comps = DiffuseModelManager.read_diffuse_component_yaml(library_yamlfile) for diffuse_value in diffuse_comps.values(): if diffuse_value is None: continue if diffuse_value['model_type'] != 'galprop_rings': continue versions = diffuse_value['versions'] for version in versions: gmm.make_ring_dict(version) return gmm
[docs]def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(**kwargs): """Build and return the information about the diffuse components """ library_yamlfile = kwargs.pop('library', 'models/library.yaml') components = kwargs.pop('components', None) if components is None: comp_yamlfile = kwargs.pop('comp', 'config/binning.yaml') components = Component.build_from_yamlfile(comp_yamlfile) gmm = kwargs.get('GalpropMapManager', GalpropMapManager(**kwargs)) dmm = kwargs.get('DiffuseModelManager', DiffuseModelManager(**kwargs)) if library_yamlfile is None or library_yamlfile == 'None': diffuse_comps = {} else: diffuse_comps = DiffuseModelManager.read_diffuse_component_yaml( library_yamlfile) diffuse_comp_info_dict = dmm.make_diffuse_comp_info_dict( diffuse_comps, components) for diffuse_value in diffuse_comps.values(): if diffuse_value is None: continue if diffuse_value['model_type'] != 'galprop_rings': continue versions = diffuse_value['versions'] for version in versions: galprop_dict = gmm.make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(version) diffuse_comp_info_dict.update(galprop_dict) return dict(comp_info_dict=diffuse_comp_info_dict, GalpropMapManager=gmm, DiffuseModelManager=dmm)