Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Implementation of `ScatterGather` interface class for dealing with LSF batch jobs at SLAC
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import os
import time
import subprocess

from import JobStatus
from import clean_job, SysInterface

[docs]def make_nfs_path(path): """Make a nfs version of a file path. This just puts /nfs at the beginning instead of /gpfs""" if os.path.isabs(path): fullpath = path else: fullpath = os.path.abspath(path) if len(fullpath) < 6: return fullpath if fullpath[0:6] == '/gpfs/': fullpath = fullpath.replace('/gpfs/', '/nfs/') return fullpath
[docs]def make_gpfs_path(path): """Make a gpfs version of a file path. This just puts /gpfs at the beginning instead of /nfs""" if os.path.isabs(path): fullpath = os.path.abspath(path) else: fullpath = os.path.abspath(path) if len(fullpath) < 5: return fullpath if fullpath[0:5] == '/nfs/': fullpath = fullpath.replace('/nfs/', '/gpfs/') return fullpath
[docs]def get_lsf_status(): """Count and print the number of jobs in various LSF states """ status_count = {'RUN': 0, 'PEND': 0, 'SUSP': 0, 'USUSP': 0, 'NJOB': 0, 'UNKNWN': 0} try: subproc = subprocess.Popen(['bjobs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) subproc.stderr.close() output = subproc.stdout.readlines() except OSError: return status_count for line in output[1:]: line = line.strip().split() status_count['NJOB'] += 1 for k in status_count: if line[2] == k: status_count[k] += 1 return status_count
[docs]def build_bsub_command(command_template, lsf_args): """Build and return a lsf batch command template The structure will be 'bsub -s <key> <value> <command_template>' where <key> and <value> refer to items in lsf_args """ if command_template is None: return "" full_command = 'bsub -o {logfile}' for key, value in lsf_args.items(): full_command += ' -%s' % key if value is not None: full_command += ' %s' % value full_command += ' %s' % command_template return full_command
[docs]class SlacInterface(SysInterface): """Implmentation of ScatterGather that uses LSF""" string_exited = 'Exited with exit code' string_successful = 'Successfully completed' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """C'tor Keyword arguements ------------------ lsf_args : dict Dictionary of arguments passed to LSF max_jobs : int [500] Limit on the number of running or queued jobs jobs_per_cycle : int [20] Maximum number of jobs to submit in each cycle time_per_cycle : int [15] Time per submission cycle in seconds max_job_age : int [90] Max job age in minutes """ super(SlacInterface, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._lsf_args = kwargs.pop('lsf_args', {}) self._max_jobs = kwargs.pop('max_jobs', 500) self._time_per_cycle = kwargs.pop('time_per_cycle', 15) self._jobs_per_cycle = kwargs.pop('jobs_per_cycle', 20) self._max_job_age = kwargs.pop('max_job_age', 90) self._no_batch = kwargs.pop('no_batch', False)
[docs] def dispatch_job_hook(self, link, key, job_config, logfile, stream=sys.stdout): """Send a single job to the LSF batch Parameters ---------- link : `` The link used to invoke the command we are running key : str A string that identifies this particular instance of the job job_config : dict A dictionrary with the arguments for the job. Used with the self._command_template job template logfile : str The logfile for this job, may be used to check for success/ failure """ full_sub_dict = job_config.copy() if self._no_batch: full_command = "%s >& %s" % ( link.command_template().format(**full_sub_dict), logfile) else: full_sub_dict['logfile'] = logfile full_command_template = build_bsub_command( link.command_template(), self._lsf_args) full_command = full_command_template.format(**full_sub_dict) logdir = os.path.dirname(logfile) print_bsub = True if self._dry_run: if print_bsub: stream.write("%s\n" % full_command) return 0 try: os.makedirs(logdir) except OSError: pass proc = subprocess.Popen(full_command.split(), stderr=stream, stdout=stream) proc.communicate() return proc.returncode
[docs] def submit_jobs(self, link, job_dict=None, job_archive=None, stream=sys.stdout): """Submit all the jobs in job_dict """ if link is None: return JobStatus.no_job if job_dict is None: job_keys = else: job_keys = sorted(job_dict.keys()) # copy & reverse the keys b/c we will be popping item off the back of # the list unsubmitted_jobs = job_keys unsubmitted_jobs.reverse() failed = False if unsubmitted_jobs: if stream != sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write('Submitting jobs (%i): ' % len(unsubmitted_jobs)) sys.stdout.flush() while unsubmitted_jobs: status = get_lsf_status() njob_to_submit = min(self._max_jobs - status['NJOB'], self._jobs_per_cycle, len(unsubmitted_jobs)) if self._dry_run: njob_to_submit = len(unsubmitted_jobs) for i in range(njob_to_submit): job_key = unsubmitted_jobs.pop() # job_details = job_dict[job_key] job_details =[job_key] job_config = job_details.job_config if job_details.status == JobStatus.failed: clean_job(job_details.logfile, {}, self._dry_run) # clean_job(job_details.logfile, # job_details.outfiles, self.args['dry_run']) job_config['logfile'] = job_details.logfile new_job_details = self.dispatch_job( link, job_key, job_archive, stream) if new_job_details.status == JobStatus.failed: failed = True clean_job(new_job_details.logfile, new_job_details.outfiles, self._dry_run)[job_key] = new_job_details if unsubmitted_jobs: if stream != sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() stream.write('Sleeping %.0f seconds between submission cycles\n' % self._time_per_cycle) time.sleep(self._time_per_cycle) if failed: return JobStatus.failed if stream != sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write('!\n') return JobStatus.done
[docs]def get_slac_default_args(job_time=1500): """ Create a batch job interface object. Parameters ---------- job_time : int Expected max length of the job, in seconds. This is used to select the batch queue and set the job_check_sleep parameter that sets how often we check for job completion. """ slac_default_args = dict(lsf_args={'W': job_time, 'R': '\"select[rhel60&&!fell]\"'}, max_jobs=500, time_per_cycle=15, jobs_per_cycle=20, max_job_age=90, no_batch=False) return slac_default_args.copy()