Source code for fermipy.residmap

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import copy
import os
import json
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import healpy as hp
from import fits
from gammapy.maps import WcsNDMap, HpxNDMap
import fermipy.utils as utils
import fermipy.wcs_utils as wcs_utils
import fermipy.fits_utils as fits_utils
import fermipy.plotting as plotting
from fermipy.config import ConfigSchema
from fermipy.timing import Timer

[docs]def poisson_lnl(nc, mu): nc = np.array(nc, ndmin=1) mu = np.array(mu, ndmin=1) shape = max(nc.shape, mu.shape) lnl = np.zeros(shape) mu = mu * np.ones(shape) nc = nc * np.ones(shape) msk = nc > 0 lnl[msk] = nc[msk] * np.log(mu[msk]) - mu[msk] lnl[~msk] = -mu[~msk] return lnl
[docs]def convolve_map(m, k, cpix, threshold=0.001, imin=0, imax=None, wmap=None): """ Perform an energy-dependent convolution on a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. Parameters ---------- m : `~numpy.ndarray` 3-D map containing a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. First dimension should be energy. k : `~numpy.ndarray` 3-D map containing a sequence of convolution kernels (PSF) for each slice in m. This map should have the same dimension as m. cpix : list Indices of kernel reference pixel in the two spatial dimensions. threshold : float Kernel amplitude imin : int Minimum index in energy dimension. imax : int Maximum index in energy dimension. wmap : `~numpy.ndarray` 3-D map containing a sequence of 2-D spatial maps of weights. First dimension should be energy. This map should have the same dimension as m. """ islice = slice(imin, imax) o = np.zeros(m[islice, ...].shape) ix = int(cpix[1]) iy = int(cpix[0]) # Loop over energy for i in range(m[islice, ...].shape[0]): ks = k[islice, ...][i, ...] ms = m[islice, ...][i, ...] mx = ks[ix, :] > ks[ix, iy] * threshold my = ks[:, iy] > ks[ix, iy] * threshold nx = int(max(3, np.round(np.sum(mx) / 2.))) ny = int(max(3, np.round(np.sum(my) / 2.))) # Ensure that there is an odd number of pixels in the kernel # array if ix + nx + 1 >= ms.shape[0] or ix - nx < 0: nx -= 1 if iy + ny + 1 >= ms.shape[0] or iy - ny < 0: ny -= 1 sx = slice(ix - nx, ix + nx + 1) sy = slice(iy - ny, iy + ny + 1) ks = ks[sx, sy] # origin = [0, 0] # if ks.shape[0] % 2 == 0: origin[0] += 1 # if ks.shape[1] % 2 == 0: origin[1] += 1 # o[i,...] = ndimage.convolve(ms, ks, mode='constant', # origin=origin, cval=0.0) o[i, ...] = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(ms, ks, mode='same') if wmap is not None: o[i, ...] *= wmap[islice, ...][i, ...] return o
[docs]def convolve_map_hpx(m, k, cpix, threshold=0.001, imin=0, imax=None, wmap=None): """ Perform an energy-dependent convolution on a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. Parameters ---------- m : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D map containing a sequence of 1-D HEALPix maps. First dimension should be energy. k : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D map containing a sequence of convolution kernels (PSF) for each slice in m. This map should have the same dimension as m. threshold : float Kernel amplitude imin : int Minimum index in energy dimension. imax : int Maximum index in energy dimension. wmap : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D map containing a sequence of 1-D HEALPix maps of weights. First dimension should be energy. This map should have the same dimension as m. """ raise NotImplementedError('convolve_map_hpx')
[docs]def convolve_map_hpx_gauss(m, sigmas, imin=0, imax=None, wmap=None): """ Perform an energy-dependent convolution on a sequence of 2-D spatial maps. Parameters ---------- m : `HpxMap` 2-D map containing a sequence of 1-D HEALPix maps. First dimension should be energy. sigmas : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D map containing a sequence gaussian widths for smoothing imin : int Minimum index in energy dimension. imax : int Maximum index in energy dimension. wmap : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D map containing a sequence of 1-D HEALPix maps of weights. First dimension should be energy. This map should have the same dimension as m. """ islice = slice(imin, imax) o = np.zeros( nside = m.geom.nside nest = m.geom.nest # Loop over energy for i, ms in enumerate([islice, ...]): sigma = sigmas[islice][i] # Need to be in RING scheme if nest: ms = hp.pixelfunc.reorder(ms, n2r=True) o[islice, ...][i] = hp.sphtfunc.smoothing(ms, sigma=sigma) if nest: o[islice, ...][i] = hp.pixelfunc.reorder( o[islice, ...][i], r2n=True) if wmap is not None: o[islice, ...][i] *=[islice, ...][i] return HpxNDMap(m.geom, o)
[docs]def get_source_kernel(gta, name, kernel=None): """Get the PDF for the given source.""" sm = [] zs = 0 for c in gta.components: z = c.model_counts_map(name).data.astype('float') if kernel is not None: shape = (z.shape[0],) + kernel.shape z = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, z, axes=[1, 2]) * np.ones( shape) * kernel[np.newaxis, :, :] zs += np.sum(z) else: zs += np.sum(z) sm.append(z) sm2 = 0 for i, m in enumerate(sm): sm[i] /= zs sm2 += np.sum(sm[i] ** 2) for i, m in enumerate(sm): sm[i] /= sm2 return sm
[docs]class ResidMapGenerator(object): """Mixin class for `~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis` that generates spatial residual maps from the difference of data and model maps smoothed with a user-defined spatial/spectral template. The map of residual significance can be interpreted in the same way as a TS map (the likelihood of a source at the given location)."""
[docs] def residmap(self, prefix='', **kwargs): """Generate 2-D spatial residual maps using the current ROI model and the convolution kernel defined with the `model` argument. Parameters ---------- prefix : str String that will be prefixed to the output residual map files. {options} Returns ------- maps : dict A dictionary containing the `~fermipy.utils.Map` objects for the residual significance and amplitude. """ timer = Timer.create(start=True)'Generating residual maps') schema = ConfigSchema(self.defaults['residmap']) config = schema.create_config(self.config['residmap'], **kwargs) # Defining default properties of test source model config['model'].setdefault('Index', 2.0) config['model'].setdefault('SpectrumType', 'PowerLaw') config['model'].setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') config['model'].setdefault('Prefactor', 1E-13) o = self._make_residual_map(prefix, **config) if config['make_plots']: plotter = plotting.AnalysisPlotter(self.config['plotting'], fileio=self.config['fileio'], logging=self.config['logging']) plotter.make_residmap_plots(o, self.roi)'Finished residual maps') outfile = utils.format_filename(self.workdir, 'residmap', prefix=[o['name']]) if config['write_fits']: o['file'] = os.path.basename(outfile) + '.fits' self._make_residmap_fits(o, outfile + '.fits') if config['write_npy']: + '.npy', o)'Execution time: %.2f s', timer.elapsed_time) return o
def _make_residmap_fits(self, data, filename, **kwargs): maps = {'DATA_MAP': data['data'], 'MODEL_MAP': data['model'], 'EXCESS_MAP': data['excess']} hdu_images = [] for k, v in sorted(maps.items()): if v is None: continue hdu_images += [v.make_hdu(k)] if data['projtype'] == 'WCS': hdus = [data['sigma'].make_hdu(hdu='PRIMARY')] + hdu_images hdus[0].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(data['config']) hdus[1].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(data['config']) elif data['projtype'] == 'HPX': hdus = [fits.PrimaryHDU(), data['sigma'].make_hdu(hdu="SIGMA")] + hdu_images hdus[1].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(data['config']) hdus[2].header['CONFIG'] = json.dumps(data['config']) fits_utils.write_hdus(hdus, filename) def _make_residual_map(self, prefix, **kwargs): if self.projtype == 'HPX': return self._make_residual_map_hpx(prefix, **kwargs) elif self.projtype == "WCS": return self._make_residual_map_wcs(prefix, **kwargs) else: raise Exception( "Did not recognize projection type %s", self.projtype) def _make_residual_map_wcs(self, prefix, **kwargs): src_dict = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.setdefault('model', {})) exclude = kwargs.setdefault('exclude', None) loge_bounds = kwargs.setdefault('loge_bounds', None) use_weights = kwargs.setdefault('use_weights', False) if loge_bounds: if len(loge_bounds) != 2: raise Exception('Wrong size of loge_bounds array.') loge_bounds[0] = (loge_bounds[0] if loge_bounds[0] is not None else self.log_energies[0]) loge_bounds[1] = (loge_bounds[1] if loge_bounds[1] is not None else self.log_energies[-1]) else: loge_bounds = [self.log_energies[0], self.log_energies[-1]] # Put the test source at the pixel closest to the ROI center xpix, ypix = (np.round((self.npix[0] - 1.0) / 2.), np.round((self.npix[1] - 1.0) / 2.)) cpix = np.array([xpix, ypix]) geom = self.geom.to_image() skywcs = self.geom.wcs skydir = wcs_utils.pix_to_skydir(cpix[0], cpix[1], skywcs) if src_dict is None: src_dict = {} src_dict['ra'] = skydir.ra.deg src_dict['dec'] = skydir.dec.deg src_dict.setdefault('SpatialModel', 'PointSource') src_dict.setdefault('SpatialWidth', 0.3) src_dict.setdefault('Index', 2.0) kernel = None if src_dict['SpatialModel'] == 'Gaussian': kernel = utils.make_gaussian_kernel(src_dict['SpatialWidth'], cdelt=self.binsz, npix=101) kernel /= np.sum(kernel) cpix = [50, 50] self.add_source('residmap_testsource', src_dict, free=True, init_source=False, save_source_maps=False) src = self.roi.get_source_by_name('residmap_testsource') modelname = utils.create_model_name(src) mmst = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) cmst = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) emst = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) sm = get_source_kernel(self, 'residmap_testsource', kernel) ts = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) sigma = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) excess = np.zeros(self.npix[::-1]) self.delete_source('residmap_testsource') for i, c in enumerate(self.components): imin = utils.val_to_edge(c.log_energies, loge_bounds[0])[0] imax = utils.val_to_edge(c.log_energies, loge_bounds[1])[0] mc = c.model_counts_map(exclude=exclude).data.astype('float') cc = c.counts_map().data.astype('float') ec = np.ones(mc.shape) if use_weights: wmap = c.weight_map().data mask = np.where(wmap > 0, 1., 0.) else: wmap = None mask = None ccs = convolve_map( cc, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) mcs = convolve_map( mc, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) ecs = convolve_map( ec, sm[i], cpix, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) cms = np.sum(ccs, axis=0) mms = np.sum(mcs, axis=0) ems = np.sum(ecs, axis=0) cmst += cms mmst += mms emst += ems # cts = 2.0 * (poisson_lnl(cms, cms) - poisson_lnl(cms, mms)) excess += cms - mms ts = 2.0 * (poisson_lnl(cmst, cmst) - poisson_lnl(cmst, mmst)) sigma = np.sqrt(ts) sigma[excess < 0] *= -1 emst /= np.max(emst) sigma_map = WcsNDMap(geom, sigma) model_map = WcsNDMap(geom, mmst / emst) data_map = WcsNDMap(geom, cmst / emst) excess_map = WcsNDMap(geom, excess / emst) o = {'name': utils.join_strings([prefix, modelname]), 'projtype': 'WCS', 'file': None, 'sigma': sigma_map, 'model': model_map, 'data': data_map, 'excess': excess_map, 'mask': mask, 'config': kwargs} return o def _make_residual_map_hpx(self, prefix, **kwargs): src_dict = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.setdefault('model', {})) exclude = kwargs.setdefault('exclude', None) loge_bounds = kwargs.setdefault('loge_bounds', None) use_weights = kwargs.setdefault('use_weights', False) if loge_bounds: if len(loge_bounds) != 2: raise Exception('Wrong size of loge_bounds array.') loge_bounds[0] = (loge_bounds[0] if loge_bounds[0] is not None else self.log_energies[0]) loge_bounds[1] = (loge_bounds[1] if loge_bounds[1] is not None else self.log_energies[-1]) else: loge_bounds = [self.log_energies[0], self.log_energies[-1]] kernel = None gauss_width = np.radians(0.3) hpxsky = self.counts_map().geom.to_image() mmst = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) cmst = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) emst = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) ts = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) sigma = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) excess = HpxNDMap.from_geom(hpxsky) for i, c in enumerate(self.components): imin = utils.val_to_edge(c.log_energies, loge_bounds[0])[0] imax = utils.val_to_edge(c.log_energies, loge_bounds[1])[0] cc = c.counts_map() mc = c.model_counts_map(exclude=exclude) ec = HpxNDMap(cc.geom, - if use_weights: wmap = c.weight_map() mask = wmap.sum_over_axes() = np.where( > 0., 1., 0.) else: wmap = None mask = None sigmas = gauss_width * np.ones([0]) ccs = convolve_map_hpx_gauss( cc, sigmas, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) mcs = convolve_map_hpx_gauss( mc, sigmas, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) ecs = convolve_map_hpx_gauss( ec, sigmas, imin=imin, imax=imax, wmap=wmap) cms = ccs.sum_over_axes() mms = mcs.sum_over_axes() ems = ecs.sum_over_axes() if cms.geom.order != hpxsky.order: cms = cms.to_ud_graded(hpxsky.nside, preserve_counts=True) mms = mms.to_ud_graded(hpxsky.nside, preserve_counts=True) ems = ems.to_ud_graded(hpxsky.nside, preserve_counts=True) += += += = 2.0 * (poisson_lnl(, - poisson_lnl(, = np.sqrt([ < 0] *= -1 modelname = 'gauss_0p3' o = {'name': utils.join_strings([prefix, modelname]), 'projtype': 'HPX', 'file': None, 'sigma': sigma, 'model': mmst, 'data': cmst, 'excess': emst, 'mask': mask, 'config': kwargs} return o