Curvature test
The curvature()
tests for spectral curvature (deviation from a power-law energy
spectrum) for a given source via likelihood ratio test.
The likelihood is maximized under three different spectral hypotheses for the source in question:
For the first two models, all parameters except for the pivot energy are fit.
For the power law with super-exponential cutoff, the parameter Index2
(also referred to as b
) is fixed to 0.6667 (the recommended value for pulsars
from 4FGL-DR3) by default.
The user may supply a different value of Index2
and/or allow its value to float during the likelihood fit. The latter is
only recommended for sources with high detection significance.
The likelihood ratios are calculated with the PowerLaw fit as the baseline,
e.g. \(TS_{LP} = -2 \left( \mathrm{ln}\left(L_{PL}\right) - \mathrm{ln}\left(L_{LP}\right) \right)\).
The LogParabola
and PLSuperExpCutoff4
model with fixed Index2
have three free parameters each compared to two for the baseline model,
and both models contain the baseline model as a special case.
In the absence of spectral curvature, the likelihood ratios defined as above
should thus follow a chi2 distribution with one degree of freedom.
The PLSuperExpCutoff4
model with free Index2
has four free parameters
and its associated likelihood ratio should thus follow a chi2 distribution
with two degrees of freedom in the absence of curvature.
Note that the PLSuperExpCutoff4
model with free Index2
contains both the LogParabola
and PLSuperExpCutoff4
model with
fixed Index2
as special cases. PLSuperExpCutoff4
with Index2=0
is equivalent to LogParabola
The likelihood fits within the curvature()
function sometimes fail to find the global minima. This can lead to an over- or under-estimate of the curvature TS. If in doubt, please perform dedicated fits with your own starting values and check fit quality.
The cuvature()
method is executed
by passing the name of a source in the ROI as a single argument.
Additional keyword arguments can also be provided to override the
default configuration of the method:
# Run curvature test with default settings
sed = gta.curvature('sourceA')
# Override the value for Index2 and free said parameter
sed = gta.sed('sourceA', Index2=0.2, free_Index2=True)
The return value of curvature()
is a
dictionary with the results of the analysis. The contents of the output dictionary
are documented in Curvature Dictionary.
Curvature Dictionary
The following table describes the contents of the
output dictionary:
Key, Type, Description |
Likelihood ratio for |
Likelihood ratio for |
Likelihood ratio for |
Likelihood ratio for |
Likelihood ratio for |
Likelihood value for |
Likelihood value for |
(starting) value of |
The default configuration of the method is controlled with the Curvature section of the configuration file. The default configuration can be overriden by passing the option as a kwargs argument to the method.
Option, Default, Description |
0.6667 |
Index2 parameter for PLSuperExpCutoff4 fit. |
False |
Whether or not to perform curvature test with PLSuperExpCutoff4 model with free Index2`` parameter |
- GTAnalysis.curvature(name, **kwargs)[source]
Test whether a source shows spectral curvature by comparing the likelihood ratio of PowerLaw and LogParabola spectral models.